good looking people

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Chapter two

Like I said about hating attention I seem to be getting a lot of it this week.

Mrs. Pearson tried to snap me back to reality once again by frantically yelling and snapping.

"Oh, my bad" I said with a smile gaining a scuff from amber, glares from fellow class mates, and a grin from the surprisingly very attractive stranger at the front of the room.

"He can sit with me since Alexis is obviously not understanding the question" I hear amber blurt our her perfectly plumped pink lips, their faker than her apparent "Gucci purse."

"That's very kind of you amber" traitor mrs. Pearson retorts.

Always on the little blonde twerps side.. okay I know I'm blonde too but her blonde is more of a died out off white colour it's all kinds of bleached and dry.

"I'm sure she won't mind me sitting next to her" the mystery boy says aloud pointing to me or the desk either way my hearts beating and I don't know why. "Right? Alexis, is it"

Maybe it's because I've never seen a more attractive human being in person before.

I gulp so hard.

"Okay you and Alexis can share notes so that you understand what we're doing" mrs.Pearson says to him.

He nods and walks toward me, I look around the room to see every single girl drooling over him, and giving me death glares as if I told him to come over here.

More attention wow, I'm on a role go Alexis. at this rate they'll probably put me in a zoo, so that I'll have more unwanted attention.

"Hey," his voice is deep but raspy. He didn't have a hint of nervousness in his tone it was just a simple 'hey'.

If it was so simple so why was I just staring at him with my mouth open, drool pouring down the side of my mouth with my stomach flipping all sorts of upside down.

"Uh.. you okay?" He plopped down in the seat beside me, with this sexy concerned look, scrunching his dark eyebrows in and piercing his dark blue eyes right into mine.

I realized I was staring at him and Instantly snapped back into reality.

"Hey, yeah I'm fine" I said staring down at my books taking a piece of hair  from in front of my face and pushing it behind my ear.

If I looked any longer at him I probably would've started drooling and bulldozing my lips right to his but that would be inappropriate, right?

"Hunter" I could feel his eyes burning holes through my cheeks.

"Uh, Alexis" I said actually looking at him, giving a little smile.

"I know" He said with a small smirk opening up his book and listening to the lesson.

Cute, what does he mean. Maybe he thinks the names kid-ish or ugly so he's probably being sarcastic. Wow I feel so dumb. Why do I even care? I'm at school to learn not jump some guys bones.

But that does sound kinda nice right now.. jumping his bones.

The lesson gos on for a good 20 minutes and than we have time for seat work. Which isn't all that bad, pretty simple actually.

Answer the questions and your done no homework.

15 minutes go by before I realize hunter is just staring at me, literally hand on face, elbow on desk, head facing fully on me, and smiling.

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