hey baby

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The next morning in school was okay I ate lunch with journey and we talked about everything other then the fact that I was counting the days to loose my virginity.

"So are we going to the mall tonight or what?" Journey said with wide eyes and her curls flowing in front of her.

"I guess" I said picking up a fry and shoving it in my mouth.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I mean I'll just be lonely probably die at the mall all by myself." She sighed being way too over dramatic for me.

"Shut up journey," I laughed slapping her. "I'll come" I smiled.

"Great," she smiled booming out her seat and came straight at me kissing my cheek. "I got to go the library see you after school, love you boo" she said running off leaving me by myself.

I ate more fries scrolling through my tumblr feed looking at some amazing DIYs until a cold breath hit my neck.

"Hey baby," it whispered kissing my cheek.

Ugh, hunter.

"What do you want?" I said wiping my cheek while he sat beside me smiling.

"I'm not allowed to say hi to my baby" he grinned taking some of my fries and shoving it into his mouth.

"Of course you are," I fake smiled watching his mouth go up in a smirk. "But I'm not 'your baby' so don't" I said watching his mood change rapidly.

"Sooo," He said playing with a piece of thread of his sweater.

"Spit it out hunter" I spat rolling my eyes trying to make him look me in the eyes.

"Okay jeez, what are you doing tonight?" He finally looked up at me his dark blue eyes beaming.

"Nothing with you" I said eating about to shove a fry into my mouth until he flicked it out my hand. "HEY" I screamed at him crossing my arms over my chest.

"Great I'll pick you up at 8" he smiled getting up from the table.

He left before I could speak, Ugh so aggravating.

"Ouuu Who was that?" Journey popped up right behind me making me jump.

"AHH, GOD JOURNEY!" I screamed.

"My bad boo, spill" she laughed while taking a seat beside me.

"Okay you know that guy I texted you about who tried to eat my neck," I said as she nodded making extreme eye contact with me and a huge smile on her face. "Ya Thats him he said he's picking me up later" I said eating some more fries shrugging.

"YES FINALLY I GET TO USE MY FASHION SKILLS FOR GOOD" journey said screaming and clapping.

"It's not exac.." I said brushing a piece of hair from in front of my face behind my ear before she interrupted me.

"Whatever, we have to make you look amazing, NOT THAT YOUR NOT STUNNING ALREADY .. I just MEAN do your eyebrows and some new jeans." She said quickly.

"Wait, what are you even doing back here?" I said at the bell rang, meaning lunch was over.

She grabbed a book off the table shaking it in her hand "this, See ya later have a good class" she said hugging me and running to Travis's side giving him a hug as they walked out the cafeteria.

I got up and went to my locker, when I looked up from my phone there he was hunter, can't he take a hint.

"What do you want now?" I said as he smiled seeing me come down the hallway while he had his back to the locker beside mine with a foot up.

"I want to walk my baby to class" he leaned in closer breathing on my neck sending spirals of goosebumps.

"That's nice" I said grabbing my book out my locker and placing it between his mouth and myself, then smiled closing my locker and walking off.

Two seconds later he had already jogged up to my speed.

"I thought you wanted me?" He said pouting sticking out his bottom lip.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"I changed my mind" I said. I didn't change my mind, but I didn't want him I wanted his friend.. like the friend attached to him.

Disgusting I know, anyways.

"Pft" he laughed and held the classroom door for me.

I went and sat down and so did hunter as he just stared at me.

"We are not doing this again!" I said loud enough for him to just hear.

"Doing what baby" he grinned laying back on his chair just watching me.

"Hey hunter!" An enthusiastic squeaky voice boomed through the class.

And there she was miss little 'talk to every and anything with a penis' Amber.

"Hey ambs" He said smiling at me and then at her, giving her all his attention.

At least he's done with me, thank god. I opened my books and went on my phone blocking out whatever conversation they were having.

"Don't you think lex?" Averted pitch voice said as she sat on hunters lap staring at me.

"What?" I said annoyed why on earth she was talking to me and why the hell was she sitting on his lap with her filthy hands touching his beautiful brown hair.

"I said isn't his hair just the sexiest?" She smiled back at him, carassing her hands through his hair.

"Oh ya, the sexiest" I repeated her words rolling my eyes, glaring at hunter and his somewhat amused smirk and going back to my phone.

"So anyways, hunter maybe you could come over tonight my parents aren't home?" She rolled her eyes at me and snapped her attention back to hunter.

She rubbed on his hair, and lightly and slowly guided her hands all the way down his face and chest almost to his treasures, I was not having it.

"Slut" I said pretending to cough then giving her a smile while hunter snickered.

"Hater" she spat back. "Anyways what do you say? Hmm" she started caressing his cheek and his chest moving lower on his stomach, again.

I couldn't take it any longer. I pushed her off of him, obviously not hard enough because she didn't fall and then roll into the hall and up stairs, then crash through the third floor window like I hoped, welp.

"Hey, What the fuck Alexis!" She screamed tripping over her feet as she steady herself again.

"You good?" Hunter said helping Amber up but I could tell he was holding in his laugh.

"He has plans, WITH ME" I crossed my arms giving her a death glare.

"Pft alexis please save you Sorry ass..." she got up coming closer to me but I held my ground.

"AMBER LANGUAGE, LADYS TAKE A SEAT" Mrs. said walking into the classroom while I sat down and hunter just stared at me grinning.

"What's so funny?" I asked looking straight forward, crossing my arms.

"You're cute when your mad maybe even jealous, lex" he whispered but I could hear him very well.

Stupid boys.

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