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"Alright class, have fun on your holiday for now. We'll see each other for next two month" the teacher announced to the students. 

A girl named Shin Hyewoo  packed her thing to get ready for home. She walked through the hallways as she noticed a lot of  peoples were murmuring about her.

"She felt so proud that her parents is rich"
"I heard her grade is the highest and many people said her parents paid the teacher for that"
"She's just showing off"
"She's beautiful but nah i'll just use her to get money" 

The girl clenched her fish tightly wanting to beat all those bastard who was saying false thing about her and just toying her. Many of the people here are just seeing her as a bankers, asking her to buy this and that.

Such fake friends...

"Fuck yourself if you're going to say bad things here!" A familiar girl's voice has yelled to all those people as she put her hand on Hyewoo's shoulder.

"Yumi-ah you don't have to be like that" she scolded her with a little pout. "But thanks. I'm kinda annoyed too"

"Don't take it to your heart about what they said okay? They're just having rubbish mind" hyunmi, her best friend patted her head lightly and dragged her out from the school buildings.

They both giggled to themselves as hyunmi waved at her saying goodbye and hyewoo replied it back at her. Hyunmi goes hang out with bith of their other best friends. Hyewoo on the other hand, she couldn't hang out even if she plead her parents one thousand times.

She stood at the gate waiting for her ride to come. Just then she could felt someone who was tall standing right next to her.

"I always see you stand here alone. With that cute face, i just don't understand why didn't you have many friends?" A tall boy said while leaning close to her. She felt pissed when someone tries to hit on her and their love were just garbage.

"Didn't you heard of the name 'rumors' around here?" She rolled her eyes then look at his face. He was quite handsome but no thank you since there must be something that he need from her by doing this

"You mean the lame rich girl. Yeah, i've heard of that" he laughed but stop when he saw her face darken.

"Sorry for laughing but i think you're nice since i always saw you helping others" he said what he thought as he put his hand around her shoulder.

"Get your hands off me please"

"I'm hyungwon btw and still single" he ignored what she said and smile widely.

"Ouh okay" she look at him in disbelief. "Look i gotta go now" she brush his hand off from her and rushed to the car with the butler smirking evilly at her.

"Who's that? Your boyfriend?" He asked, still smirking mischievously.

"Nope but he's still single if you wanted him" she teased him while giving him a smirked back.

"No! Stop saying i'm gay, i'm straight y'know" he denied it quickly with his face all red.

She laughed at his cute behaviour. They both are so closed with each other even though he's a butler who needs to respect to their master, mister, madam, ma'am or whatever they call. But she like to make him as a friends since he was always by her side.

"So are you planning something for this holiday?" He suddenly asked the question.

"Yeahhhh...... Kinda"

"Mind to tell me?"

"I'm going to escape from the house" she said it without worries of telling him.

She heard him sigh heavily but still loyal to help her get out from there tommorow early in the morning .

"Thanks hyukie" she pinched his cheek as he blushed, scolding her for not calling him that.


The next day at 5 am. Hyewoo packed her clothes a little bit since she can asked her butler, minhyuk to send him more or she could just bought a new one. She peaked out from her room and saw no one as she close the door with minhyuk looking at her all worried.

"Run fast okay? And don't trust strangers. Call me at midnight when you need something or i'm the one who's going to call you" he advised her and brushed her bed hair then tied it into a bun.

"You sounds like a worried boyfriend. And please you don't have to tie my hair" she pouted, trying to untied it but he slap her hand away from there.

"I just don't want to get fired or my mom would be disappointed" he sighed and opened the window before looking left then right. He put down the rope and tie it on something heavy and strong.

"Be careful and good luck. I'm going back to my room now" he patted her head as she hugged him for a while then says goodbye before she move down with those rope.

She wore her cap and hurriedly hide on the wall when she heard someone was chatting there. She then heard some of the glass or vase crashed as all the body guard went in the building so she used the chance to run away to the gate and away from that place but someone had found her running away which made her ran quickly.

"Catch her!!"

"Oh shitt" she cursed under her breath. After a while, she didn't heard footsteps behind her so she hid somewhere for safety a bit. She breath heavily with sweat all over her body as she sat, leaning on the wall in some black alley plus it's a dead end. So if one of the bodyguards went there, she'll be dead.

Just then she heard footstep coming as that person shadow hovered her, stopping at front. She was so ready to defend herself and knew where she should hit if this person if they're going to do something.

"You seems lost little girl. Want me to take you around?" The man said to the girl who was looking at him in disbelief.

"Who are you calling little girl?! I'm 17 already!" She yelled at the guy, looking at him all furious.

"And just who the hell are you?!!" She yelled then noticed that the guy was so handsome and gorgeous with his eyes like telling the clock 10:10.

"I saw you ran away from your house so i followed you cuz you may be lost and yeah you seems like it" he explain while crouching down to have the same level as her.

'What is he, a stalker?! A CRAZY STALKER?! nono  A HANDSOME PERVERT STALKER?!" she eyed him trying to look for the answer. He looked at her in confused and terrified cuz she may do something crazy to him. (Felt like hamster fighting with cat lol ゜▽゜; )

He suddenly stood up again but now leaning his hand down to her with his face telling her that she should trusted him and he's not a bad guy.

"I know that you didn't want to go home so maybe you can come to mine" he smile sweetly and in her view, there were petals falling all around him with him as a prince trying to save her.

'Just don't take her hand yewo. What if he was a rapist and on his house, hah no way. That hands is dirty and have a lot of germs so stop trying to take his--' she thought about it but her hand felt like it move by it's own to take his.

'Fuck yourself yewo for taking his beautiful warm hand' she cried in her thought of feeling regret for accepting a stranger's hand.

He then pull her to stood up in front of him as he kissed her back hand before saying, "you shouldn't trust strangers so well".

"I don't trust you yet" she push him off and look at him in annoyed with her face goes red.

"I'm kwon soonyoung btw, you?"

"Shin Hyewoo"

And that's when i thought that maybe he was the prince to my story.


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