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The next day has come, the lights was shining brightly than the day before. Birds singing happily near the window, butterflies and bees flutters away to find their pollens and landed on the beautiful blooming flowers.

Hyewoo woke up feeling all refreshed than any other days. She finished off preparing herself up before the butler even nagged at her. Minhyuk came in her room, seeing her brightest smile as he fixed up her hair. The humming sound from her, made the butler noticed she was in a good mood.

The butler guided her towards the dining room but she stopped as soon as she saw someone on the living room. Her eyes widened a bit, immediately sprint towards the man who was standing near the tables.

"S-soonyoung what are you doing here"  she whisper quietly as she glance at her grandmother sitting on the couch, sipping down her morning hot tea.

"I've been kidnapped" he whispered back and she doesn't know if he was joking or being serious.  The both of them were told to sit down and they obediently did as told.

"So this is the guy that you met last night which he's the one who take care of you throughout the month and now is your first boyfriend" the older talk it right on point as the girl was surprised on how much she knew about them.

"Right" soonyoung agreed on her statement.

"The Chae's has called me, telling me your contract with their son has been cancelled. Is this the problems that had caused. Because you chose this guy?" She sigh and eyed on the girl for the answers.

"Maybe that was the problem. But hyungwon doesn't even told me one thing about going to cancel the contract. So i guess he's doing it for him and not me" she replied back after taking a deep breath.

"why's that?"

"He had someone he like" the girl confidently answered.

"And who might he like?" The questions continues.

"It's minhyuk!" She pointed to the butler who was sweating about the facts making hoshi and the grandmother looked at minhyuk in disbelief.

"That gentleman hyungwon like men? I don't believe you" the older commented.

"Minhyuk tell them, he confess to you that time" Hyewoo plead at her butler who tried to find the right word to say.


"It's the truth, i like him. So can i take him with me now" hyungwon appeared out of blue as he cling onto minhyuk's arm and he was in a blushing mess.

"What? No! He's my butler, you cannot take him away now" the girl yelled.

"He's my husband now" hyungwon poked out his tongue like a little kid.

"You aren't married yet!" Hyewoo argued and take minhyuk's other arm.

"I don't make up the rules" the tall guy fight back.

"Minhyuk choose between the two of us"

"Ehhhh?!!!" Minhyuk panic by their fight.

"As a butler or as a husband" the both of them look at minhyuk with puppy eyes, waiting for his answers which he doesn't even know what to response.

"Both of you sit down" yewo's grandmother called out which made both of them jumped a bit and politely sat down to the couch.


"So you rather cancelled the contract for him? Lee minhyuk?" She started.

"Yes. i want to make a contract on marrying him and then we can share the company" hyungwon answered with an evil smirk.

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