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"Hyewoo?" "Hoshi?"

"What who?" Hyewoo look at the person who was taller than her so she had to step back and look at the face.

"Hyungwon and who? You know soonyoung?" Still confused with every part and going to the toilet was forgotten.

The tall guy look at the other guy who was still sitting there, observing him.

"Oh hi worae. It's been a while" he gave her his smile and stood up from his seat to pat her head.

Hyewoo looked at the both of them like 'are they that close' as she moved her gaze at hyungwon in front of her.

"Is that your girlfriend?"

"What a straightforward question. But no, she's my cousin and i like someone else"  he hold her closer to him as the girl push him away from her.

"You never tell me you like someone. Btw i'm Lee WoRae, nice to meet you"

"O-oh i'm Shin HyeWoo nice to meet you too" she shook her hands with the others as Hoshi just silently watch the both of them.

"Yah hosh, say something here" Worae headlock him, brushing his hair several times.

The boy chuckled at her behaviour. He told the confused Hyewoo that they were best friends since high school and now they finally met after a year.

Hyewoo look at them in awe on how close they were as she told him again that she need to go to the toilet.

After she done with the her business, she splashed herself with water from the tap and stared at the mirror of herself.

"They looks so close. W-wait. Did he planned all this and made us go to the amusement park just to meet her?! THAT SOONYOUNG I GET YOU NEXT TIME"

She slapped both of her cheeks lightly before going out from there. When she find a person blocking her ways.

"You escaped home i've heard"

"H-how do you even know that" she look at the person who was call Hyungwon. He's a bothersome, she could say.

"You wouldn't  wander around with your boyfriend if you were at home" He crossed his arms and went to the toilet, leaving her to sigh a bit.

She went back to the place where hoshi might be. She saw the both of them laughing together. Mostly, it's the reaction she never seen on him. 

She approached the both of them and told them that she was back. The both of them just glance at her before continuing their stories. She just sat there across hoshi, sipping down her drink.

Not long after that,  Hyungwon came from the toilet as he wipe off his hand to his shirt. He told Worae that it was time to go but Hoshi stopped both of them from going.

"Hey,  how about we all go together?" He suggested with that little smile coming from him.

Hyewoo felt disappointed with it since she thought that it will be just the two of them. She tried to deny it but unfortunately, she was too late. 

She walk beside Soonyoung,  glancing at him time to time.  He talks about a lot of things with Worae.  She tried to open up a topic but she had never been that good at talking so she gave up and just enjoy the breeze.

She slowed down her pace so that she can walked behind them and stared at their backs.  They look so good with each other...

Hyungwon notice the girl behind as he slower his pace and began to talk to her about school.

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