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"I-i'm sorry i really am. I-i don't think I deserve y-you" hyunmi cried, tears flowing down on her cheeks as she tried her best not to show it.

"I-it's fine" woozi smile to show he wasn't sad but he really was. He was about to gave her a hug but she already ran away from there after apologising once again.

After that day Woozi confessed to Hyunmi, he hasn't been out from his bed not until he had to go to work and if he was really hungry. Everyone could see his eyes was all swollen and puffy for crying too much but he doesn't admit it.

"Well fuck love. I don't fucking need it till i die" he yelled to everyone, who told him to relax his mind and that he'll found someone else than her.

On the other hand, he would sneaked into Hyewoo's room when the other wasn't there. A problem occured when he failed going in secret since Wonwoo was there with Hyewoo.

"Wow you actually came to Yewo for something. I wanna hear it" he said in amazed as he lay down onto Hyewoo's bed.

Woozi looked at him and tried to walk out from there with regret plastered on his face. Wonwoo rushed over the door to cover it so that he wouldn't walk out from there.

Woozi sigh heavily, knowing that he was in the bad situation. He sat down on the edge of the bed with the other two waiting for him to say why he went there for.

"I-it's nothing serious! But it just that does Hyunmi hate me?" He mumbled the last part while hanging his head down with the his face all red of embarrassment. 

Hyewoo heard what he mumbling about and gave out a bit sigh of relief that he hasn't given up on her since she knew the truth. Wonwoo just sat on the floor, keeping his mouth shut to not let himself interfere their conversation.

"Actually, she likes you too Jihoon"

Wonwoo gasped so hard while eyeing Jihoon. Hyewoo knocked down his head, telling him to stop being an idiot.

"But i'm your idiot" he pouted at her cutely, making her to knock his head with more force. On the other hand, Woozi was also surprised by it but he tried not to react much.

"Jihoon is grinning" Wonwoo stated.

"I can see that" Hyewoo commented.

Woozi blushed as he didn't admit that he was too happy for that. Well he was more relieved by it so that he can calmed down his heart a bit, knowing that he still had chances coming.

"But why she rejected?" Wonwoo questioned her in full of curious along with the small boy.

"Two things. First she is not ready for a relationship since she never had one" She explained.

"So.. I'm gonna be the first?" Woozi asked slowly feeling happiness in him like he wanted to explode there right away.

"Maybe. So second she was afraid"

"Afraid of what?"

"Love, suffering and broken" She told him.

He went speechless about that since he wouldn't know if he would took great care of Hyunmi. He was so anxious about it and the burden rised up inside of him.

Wonwoo put his hand on woozi's shoulder with a little smile to encourage him that everyone will be there if he had problems. Woozi sigh in relief as he took out his phone.

"You gonna text her?" She noticed it and asked straight away.

"I'm gonna invited her on Soonyoung's birthday" he informed about it to the both of them as they looked at him, puzzled. "Then I confess again" he continues. 

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