Part 4

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this part is rewritten, not different just better writing!

We finally got to the car. It was getting colder and colder so I was very cold. I sit down in the front seat next to Colby who is driving. We put on the heater and did the outro. Brennen is sitting behind Colby so now Brennen can loop perfectly at me. I did feel his eyes on me i thought, but maybe thats what I want and thats why I feel it. 

We walked while driving home about the the place. "Lets check the video fotage once we have the time, I wonder if we caught something on camera" Colby said. "sounds good" Sam said. We decided to stop for some coffee because we where all so cold. 

We got home and we orderd some food, Brennen stayed to eat. We got Pizza and started watching a movie. I was sitting at the corner of the couch and Colby was next to me. Brennen was at the other corner. 

After dinner I want upstairs to get sometime alone after this day, sure it was fun but it also took alot of my energie. 

After a hours or so Colby walked into my room, Brennen must have left i geuss. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop in my lap watching a serie. Colby came sitting next to me and watched with the serie with me. He just does this sometimes. "Allisa, can I ask you something?" Colby asked. "Of course" I said back. "I am just going to be straight for ward, are you in love?" he said. "what makes you think I am in love?", "Well these past view days you seem a bit off, like youre not there 100% like youre thinking about something or someone" Colby said. I tried to look away so he could not see me getting red, could people see it that well of notice me going less present. "You can tell me you know, where best friends, i wont be weirded out or anything" Colby said. I turned my face back to him and said "well yes I am in love". "please tell me who!" Colby said excited. "No No i cant" I said wanting to just leave the room. "why cant you tell me?" Colby asked, "well because i am scared that youre gonna get mad at me". "allisa why would I get mad at you for falling for someone?" Colby said while looking at me, it almost looked like he had a questionmark on his forehead. "well because its Brennen" I said being scared for how Colby's gonna reacted. "okay, Brennen, why would you think I get mad about that?" Colby asked. "well because you twoo are friend and we are friend, then i maybe take him away from you and there for we also hang out less?" I said with a red face. "no no its fine with me, trust me, I will make sure we will stay friend, if I am not seeing you for a while i just find you and take you" He said with a smile and I cant help myself but to laugh.  "but next time just come to me about this, even if i am friend with that person" And Colby gave me a hug. 

"hey colby could you please dont tell Brennen about this nor go fishing by him if he likes me" I asked. "well i am not sure" Colby said with a smirk, i punched him softly. "okay okay I wont, I promis" 

The rest of the night Colby stayed to wath the serie with me. I feels a bit lighter now that Colby knows but still its on my mind alot. 

After a while i fell asleep.

- The next morning - 

I woke up, I moved from my side to my back. I look next to me and Colby is there sleeping in the same clothes at last night. Thats the same for me I slept in the clothes from last night. because i fell asleep while watching a serie with Colby. I has happend once or twice, that once of us just falls asleep and I think that Colby was just to tired to get up. 

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and checked my social media. After a little while Colby woke up, "goodmorning sunshine" I said jokingly. "Goodmorning to you to" He said back. "To tired to get up and walk to youre own bed?" I asked and Colby nodded "sorry", "no need to be sorry, its fine" I said back. 

After a while of being on my phone sit up straight and at that moment my door swings open. Sam came running in my room. "NO NEED TO KNOCK SAM WHAT IF I WAS CHANGING" I said a bit to hard, but come on. "OH Shit sorry sorry but you need to see this and Colby to but he was not in his room, why even are you here?" Sam said "I was to tired to walk back last night" colby anwserd. "but show me what you found" I said. 

Sam showed us the fotage of yesterday on his laptop. "damn that place is haunted for sure!" I said. "holy shit, see you should not have  gone away alone" Colby said while looking at me. "yeah okay youre right". "Let's edit the video and let the fan watch it maybe they even find more" Sam said and Colby agreed. 

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