Part 9

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"Brennen i need to go, Elton text me and i need to shoot a video with him and the boys" I told him and i looked at him. 

"Alright" Brennen said to me. I got up from the couch and Brennen did the same. I walked over to the frond door. I opend the door but Brennen slamed it shut. I trunt around and looked him in the eye. "please drive save" Brennen said to me and move a bit closer. His lips touched mine lips. I will never get tired of this feeling. We broke the kiss, I looked at him and i saw a smile on his face. I also smiled. "I love you" I told Brennen and he said it back to me. I opend the door and walked trough it. 

I walk over to my get and get in. I stared my car and drive away. 

I came home and parked my car. I get out of the car and walked towards the front door while i was walking i checked my phone and I send Brennen a message that I am Home. 

I walked trough the door with a smile on my face. I saw Elton and I stop smiling because I don't want Elton the know about my and Brennen. "hey come here where just about the film"Elton said to me. 

We filmed the video and it was fun to film with the guys. We all went to go back with the things we where doing before we where filming. 

I walked upstairs to my room and closed the door. I grab my laptop and went sitting down on  my bed. I looked up from the screen because i heard someone entering my room. I saw that its Colby. A smile came acros my face. Colby walkes over to me and sits next to me on the bed. "Tell me how was it with Brennen" Colby asked me looking at me with a grim on his face. "not much happend" I lied to Colby. "You know that i know what youre lying to me, and youre lying right now" Colby said to me looking at me. "Okay, Okay I and Brennen went shopping and we got some food after that we went to his house and we just some tv" I tell Colby. "Thats all not kissing or holding hands, you need to tell me more"Colby told me. "Okay you we did hold hands and we.. kissed before i left" I said it while my face was getting red. 

"Really!!!" He said way to hard. "Sst, yeah we did" I said. "I am happy for you" Colby said while i hugged me. 

POV Colby

Allisa is really happy about whats happening between her and Brennen. I did not here Brennen about it but I did saw him looking at her a couple times. And the other night Brennen had his arms around her. He maybe be in love with her. 

POV Allisa.

Colby decided to stay in my room and watch a serie. "I'm hungry" Colby told me. "Yeah i am also a bit hungry lets make some food" I said and we get up to walk down stairs. We started to make some food. After a while we and up making food for everybody in the house. 

After a while the food was really so i called everybody so they can get there food. We dont really have a big talbe eat so we eat on the coatch. "This is so good little sis" Elton said to me. "Yeah its really good" Colby said while he was stuffing his face full with pasta. Everybody likes it always. I made alot and it was al most all gone.

Everybody was done eating. I clean up the kitchen and Sam was helping me. Colby and Corey where playing games, Elton is in the garage and Aaron is yeah doing aaron things. Devyn is in her room. I deceded to look how devyn was doing. I walked up stairs and nocked in devyn her door. "Come in" She said. "Hi" I said while i walk in. "Hey allisa" she said but her voice sound a little broken. "Hey Devyn whats wrong" I said. "Nothing" She said but i know somethings wrong. So i just give her a tight hug and there came the tears. I stoped the hug and looked at her "you can tell me everything you know that right". "Yeah i know" She said. We sit down.

"Its about Corey"

"Okay tell me"

"I think i dont love Corey anymore" She said while she stared crying.

"What how" I said confused

She told me the whole story. "Devyn i think you just need to talk with Corey about this"

"No it will break him"

"I know but this makes you not happy" I said while even i have tears in my eyes. Corey become like a brother to me he means a lot to me. "Devyn dont walk to long with this you need to talk about him, maybe you dont have to break up with him but you need find the love again".

"Thank you so much Allisa" "No thanks" and i give her a huge. 

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