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I have started a new book and its better then this book because i am putting alot more though into it. Just give it a try its about Colby.

Here is the into of my new book called sensitive:

I live in LA but I was not born here. I also don't live with my bibliographically. When I was 12 years old my dad died at a accident at work and only 6 months later my mom died in a car crash. I got adopted only one week later and moved to LA.

Since I was born I was sensitive for touch. Only my mom and dad could hold me and I would not cry. Now I am 20 years old and I hate to hug someone or shake hands. I also never do that. I also don't like it if people come to close. I avoid any kind of human touch.

My friends understand me because I explained to them. They know that they don't need to come close to me or something like that.

At home I live with my adoptive parents and there son who is one year older then me. He feels like my own brother. I also see him as my real brother and I am pretty sure that he see me as his little sister.

My best friends are Colby Brock, Sam Golbach and Jake Webber and yes they used to be on vine and are not doing youtube. I hang out with them a lot.

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