Part 19

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Colby POV

Allisa her head is resting on my shoulder. I think she is asleep. Its been a long time ago since we just sit down and watch a serie. She has be busy with Brennen. Its still kinda weird that my bestfriend has a realtion ship with my other bestfriend. I dont wanna lose her to Brennen. I was scared fort hat these days. But now she is next to me and asleep. I got a tekst i look at my phone. Its from Brennen it says "bro wanna hang out?". "Bro I wish i could but Allisa is asleep with her head on my shoulder i am scared to move" I tekst back. "yeah but she is a deep sleeper so you can move, she would not wake up" Brennen tekst back. Why does he knows her this well they ar not dating that long, weird. "Oke bro i will try" I tekst back. I put my phone away and move. I move slowly so i dont wake her. I got away without waking her. I put the laptop away so she could sleep.

I get down stairs. Its around dinner time. I tekst Brennen "Should we go eat by tendergreens" And i get a tekst back "i was just going to ask you, i will see you there". I grab my car keys and walk out the frontdoor to my car.

Allisa POV

I wake up and my laptop is not next to me and so i Colby. I get up and i saw thats dark oudside.

I look at my phone and saw its 7pm. I walk out my room and go down the stairs. It was quite around here. Its never quite here. I saw a paper laying in the kitchen counter. I walke over there and look at it. It says "hi Allisa, Colby is at Brennen and i Corey, Elton are out for dinner and then making a video, I have know idea where Aaron is. I dident wanna wake you up so thats why i wrote this. SAM"

I put the paper back. I look around the kicthen for food. I made my self some food and eat it. After i eat is i decided to call Brennen. "Hi Baby"I hear Brennen say. "Hi i am alone in the house do you mind comming over with Colby" I said. "I dont know" Brennen said. "Okay weird but its okay" I said back. "But Colby is comming home i can tell you" Brennen said. Brennen sounds a little angry right now. "Babe is there something wrong?" "Yeah there is but Colby will tell you" He said and he hing up.

This is really weird.

Colby POV

FUCK fuck. Why did i told brennen this. I sit in my car. I should have never ever told Brennen that i like Allisa. How could i be this stupid. I start my car and drive home. I got home and parked my car. I get out my ca rand walk trough the frontdoor. "Colby" I hear Allis say. "Yes" I said and walked over to her. "I just called Brennen and there is something wrong but he dont wanna tell me what, he said you could tell me whats wrong" She said. No why i dont wanna tell her i am in love with her i twill ruin our friendship. "Its nothing" I said and walked up stairs.

Allisa POV

"Its nothing" Colby said and walked away. "No there is not nothing" I said and walked to him and grabbed his arm. "Allisa there is nothing okay" Colby said. "Colby i know you and now i know there is something wrong" I said. He turned around. "Just tell me, its okay to tell me" I said. Colby dident looked at me and said "I am kinda in love with you" Colby said. I dont know what to say. Colby walked away fast. I kinda wanna run after him. But i think its not smart. I need to clear my head. After i cleared my mind i walk up stairs to Colby his room. I walked in and he is laying on his bed. "Colby?" I siad. "Go away" I just. His face is in his pillow. I sit next to him on his bad and layed my hand on his back. He dident say anything and i dont know what to say. Its weird that my best friend is in love with me. But he was so happy for me that i was in a relationship with Brennen. He probebly lied about that.

"Colby?" I said again. But he dident respond to me. I went with my hand trough his hair. I finaly got Colby that far that his head layes on my legs. I was still going with my hand trough his hair. He still dident say anything. His hand moved to my hand and hold my hand. "Colby its okay i am okay wit hit but you need to know i love Brennen" I siad. "I know" He said short. I dont know why my there where tears froming in my eyes.

When i first meet Colby and stared to hang out with him i was in love with him. The love for him changed in friendship love. I though he would never ever fall in love with me. But he did i dont know when it happend but he did. If he said this to me a mont after we meet i would say i was in love with him. But i am with Brennen now his bestfriend. This must be fucked up for him.

There was a tear rolling from my eyes over my cheeck. Colby moved and sit up. He looked at me but i was looking down. He put his hand on my chin and moved my head up. I looked at him and his eyes are bloodshot. With his dumb he dryed my tears. I grabbed his hand so i could hol dit. Why am i so emotional. I waited so long for hi mto say it but now i am over it after 5 monthes he said it. While i am in a realtionship with his best friend. Am i still in love with Colby? Or not?

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