Part 5

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This part has been rewritten, the story is the same just written better.

It's been a view days, and I have not seen Brennen for days. That does not mean that I don't think about him. he is on my mind all the time. I really do think I am in love with him even tho I dont want to admit it its how it is. Eating has been a thing, I dont know what it is with falling in love but eating just is a hard thing to do when youre in love. It makes me sick, the feeling of falling in love but I aslo like it.

Colby walked into my room and said "Allisa, its not going so well with you, I cant see that, youre distand and youre not eating a whole lot". "Yeah whatever" I said. "is it because of youre feelings for Brennen?" he said quitely. I nodded a little, Colby pulled me into a hug. "Let's go down stairs to eat something" Colby said.

We went down stairs and Colby grabbed some food for both of us and i made a coffee for myself. "You know what!" Colby said with excitement "What?" I asked. "We are just going to hang out with Brennen! that way you can see him and he will see you and maybe you can get closer to him" Colby said looking at me to response. I looked at him as if he was a idiot "no Colby no please nooo" I said trying to change his mind but I dont think its gonna work. "No my idea is good so lets do it" Colby said.

Well no way out of this one. Its gonna be hanging out with Brennen, I already can feel my heart go faster. Just the thought of seeing him already makes my heart go fast, like calm down.

---------------That night---------------

Well its night time to go to Brennen's place. I put on my black skinny jeans from LEVI'S. With a shirt and a jeans jacked. I put on a little mascara thats it. I look at myself in the mirror and I get so nervous, like do it look good or just stupid. Or does he like more make up then what I just put on? Colby walked into my room and said "Stop looking at youre self you look good like always dont question youre self". "No but what if" I tried to said but Colby grabbed my hand and took my with him "you look good and thats it let's go" He said with a smile.

We walk down the stairs to the front door, I still think this is a stupid idea but what ever. We walk to my car and I get in. Colby got seated next to me. I drive off to Brennen's place.

I parked my car and my heart was racing. My hand where shaking. "Its gonna be fine, I am with you" Colby reasured me. We got out of the car and walked to the front door. We nocked on the door and Brennen opend the door. My eyes met his eyes, it felt like a spark that went through my body. I walk in and went to sit down at couch and Kobe came running to me. I started petting him.

Colby had asked Brennen to make a video and said I would came along to help if needed. So they where setting up while Kobe jumped in my lap. I sits down and let me pet him. this is a nice destraction of this stressful sitiuation. I looked at Brennen a view times but is it me or did he get even hotter then a view days ago.

I took care of the camera while day where filming.

After filming I sit down at the couch and Brennen and Colby get something to drink for us. Brennen sat down next to me. Thankfully Kobe jumped into my lap so I could be partly bussy with Kobe. Comming here was a good idea of Colby, shooting the video was alot of fun, I laughed so hard.

The boys decided to watch a movie, I was fine with it. I would just be busy with Brennen in my head and with petting Kobe.

After like a hour Brennen his arm was around me. I was freaking out for a bit but I also thought maybe he does this by more girls or something. But I do kinda like it tho. Kobe fell asleep on my lap, Brennen his arm is around me, how amazing is this.

The movie anded and it was late. I felt my self getting more and more tired. I cant wait to get back home and sleep. If I can sleep with all my thoughts about Brennen. Colby got up and Brennen pulled his arm back. Colby took out his hand and i Grabbed it, he pulled my up from the couch. "where going home, or els I think I need to carry Allisa home" Colby said to Brennen. We laughed about what Colby said and walked to the door.

We said goodbye to Brennen checked if we got all the camera gear and walked to the car. "Colby could you drive" I asked "Sure give me the keys" Colby said so i gave him the keys. We got in the car, "youre really tired I can tell" Colby said and I nodded and we drove off.

The only thing that was on my mind is the way Brennen looked at me when we said goodbye. That look made me melt.

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