Part 17

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I get into my car to drive to Brennen. When i arrive i get out and lock the door of my car. What is the reason that he want to be with me, is there something or does he just wants to hang out with me. Well its not like we havent seen each other for a while I did see him today. 

I walk in to his house and walk to the livingroom. Brennen got up from the couch and walked to me. He pulled me in a hug and i had a smile on my face. I smell his sent and there is nother better. He pulled away and look into my eyes. He moved closer to my face and kissed me. I dont know how long we where standing there making out. I pull back and look into his eyes. I love him so much i can't discripe the feeling. I place my head against his chest and wrap my arms around his waist. Brennen put his arms around my shoulders. 

We let go of each other and went sitting on the couch. I lean against him and on of his arms where around me. I places a kiss on top of my head and that made me smile. 

"I told Corey and Aaron about us" I said to Brennen. I want to be honest to him. "How did they found out?" Brennen asked me and looked at me. I told him about the moment he called me and that I told them that we have a thing going on. "Its fine, they where going to found out one day" Brennen said to me. 

"What do you wanna watch?" Brennen asked me putting the tv on. "I dont care as long I am with you" I said and look at him. He put his nother arm around me and pulled me into a tigh hug. "I love you" Brennen said. "I love you to" I said to Brennen. 

We watched some tv until I fell asleep. I never fell asleep so this is weird for me. I wake up a hour later in Brennen his arms. He is sound asleep and I did not feel like going home. I wanna stay here with Brennen. I grab my phone and text Corey that I am staying at Brennen his place. 

I snuggel up into his chest and fall asleep. 

A little while later

"Allisa wake up, dont you need to go home" Brennen said waking me up. "No I text Corey that I am staying here" I said closing my eyes again. "well of youre staying here we better not sleep on the couch" Brennen said. He got up making me get up to. He stands up and gives me a hand. We walk to his room. He trows one of his shirts to me "wear this" He said. I walk to the bathroom to change into his shirt. 

I walk out of the bathroom back to his room. I walk in and see Brennen laying in his bed doing something on his phone. I walk over to the bed and get in. I check my phone and put it away. Brennen did the same. "goodnight" Brennen said to me. I said it back and turn my back to him. I felt a arm warp around me and I fell asleep. 

I wake up again. I look around the room and its still dark. I look at my phone for the time and I see its 3 am. I decid to get up to get some water. I get out of bed and walk to the kichten. I hear little paw on the floor walking to me. "Hey Kobe" I said while sitting on the ground. I pet Kobe a view times before getting up from the ground. I grab a glass of water and drink it. I walk back to Brennen his room. I was looking down at my feet so I did not see Brennen standing in the room. "Allisa" He said with a sleepy voice. he scared me a bit because I did not suspect him to be standing there. "Did I wake you up?" I asked while I walked towards him. I wrapp my arms around him. "no I had a bad dream" He said putting his arms around me hugging me tighty. "About what?" I ask. I sighed "I had a dream about you breaking up with me, because I cheated on you" He said. "But I will never cheat on you I promis" He said fast. "I know Brennen I know and I am not breaking up with you" I said. "But when I opend my eyes you where not next to me so I got a bit scared" He said pulling away from the hug to look me in my eyes. "I am here, I just wanted to get a glass of water" I said hugging him again. "Lets get back to sleep" I said and we walked back to bed. I lay down and soon i felt his arms wrap around me. 

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