Part 8

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I wake up the next day. I am still confused about yesterday. I still think ist weird what happend. I look at my phone its already 12:30am. I get out of bed and put on grey joggins pants and a sen dit hoodie. I walked down stairs tot he garage. I am going to talk to Eton about last night. "Hey elty" I said while i walked in the garage.

"Hey little sis whats up"

" i wanna talke about last night" I said and i told Elton but not the kiss.

"Oh holy shit" Elton said.

"I am not going to let you those kind of things without me"

"Really Elton i had Brennen and Colby with me"

"yeah I know but still I do not like it when you go to those places, lets make deal you tell me when you go explore with the boys and if its really scary and at night i go with you guys if i think thats okay I just stay home" Elton said to me.

"yeah alright i can deal with that" I said to Elton. I give him a fast hug and walked to the kitchen. I decided to get out and grab some coffee at starbucks.

I walked down stairs, "Corey i am out to get starbucks" I yelled. "Oke have fun" He said. I walked tot he front door. I get in my car and i drive my car to the starbucks. I get there i parked my ca rand walked the starbucks in. I orders my coffe and something toe at by it. I waited for my drink and walked to my car. I sit down and looked at my phone. I got a tekst from Brennen. I heart started to beat faster. I looked at it it said "He can you get over to my place?". "On my way" i send back. I started my cant and went to brennne his place. I got there in a little 10 mintutes. I dident finished my coffe so i took it with me. I walked in "He little one" Brennen said. He always calles me little one i think its cute. I walked up to me and gives me a hug. I its my first time being here with out Colby. "he really you got starbacks" he said. "Yeah basic with bitch i know but i love it to much" i said while i sit down on the coatch. "So why did you want me here" i asked. "Well i wanted to ask you of you will help me shop" He said. I get exided i love shopping and now i can help Brennen. "Yes of couse i help you" i said and he smiled at me. I was playing with Kobe while Brennen was looking at his phone.

Brennen POV

Yes i asked her to come her and she did. I am so happy i am in love with her fort he past 6 weeks. Yesterday i finaly kissed her. It was the best feeling ever. I have never felt this for a person. Now we are going to shop. Now she is playing with Kobe this is the cutest thing i have ever seen.

Allisa POV

I finished my starbucks. "Well lets go" I said to Brennen. We walked out the door to Brennen his car. I sit down in the passenger seat. Wo drove to the mall. Brennen parked the car and we get in to a shop.

( Skip the shopping)

"let eat somthing" Brennen said. "I am fine with that" i dident really eat something so i am kinda hungry. I walked in a restaurant and sit down. We ordered some food. I looked at me phone. I had a tekst from colby. "Where are you Corey said that you went out for starbucks like 3 hours ago i am kinda worried where you are". I smile its cute when Colby is worried, we are really good friends so thats why he is worries. I tekst back "Its okay i am with Brennen he needed some help with shopping and now we are eating somehing" is send the text . I put my phone away and looked at Brennen. He smiled at me and i smiled back.

I got a tekst back from Colby "thank gad youre okay and oooh youre with Brennen". "We are just doing this as friends" I tekst back. But i am not sure if thats right because of the kiss from last night.

We got our food and we start eating. After we finished we get back to the car. Brennen bought some good clothes with my help. We drove back to his place. "Thanks for helping me" He said while we where driving. "No thanks but thank you for the food" i said and i smiled at him.

Brennen POV

We just eat and now where in my car driving back home. "Thanks for helping me" I said to her. "No thanks but thank you fort he food"she said to me and then smiled to me. Her smile is the prettys ever. My heart melts when i see her smile. We got to my place and i parked the ca rand got out the car. Allisa did the same and we walked to my apartment. I placet he bags of clothing in my bedroom while Allisa playes with Kobe.

POV Allisa

We just got to Brennen his place and i start playing with Kobe when i walk in. Kobe is so cute.

Brennen went to his room when he got back he asked "Do you wanna drink somehing". "Yes uhm do you have coke" i asked. "Yeah of course" He said. I went sitting on the couth. Brennen came walking to me with 2 glasses of coke. He gives me a glas and went sitting down next to me. He placed his hand on my leg. I layed my hand on top of his hand. "Wanna watch some tv?" he aked. "Yeah sure" i said and he started up the tv. He still has his hand on my leg and my hand on top of his hand.

POV Brennen

I am sitting with allisa on the coutch and watching tv while my hand is on her leg and she has her hand on my hand. I cant get more happy then this.

POV Allisa

I just got a tekst from Elton "i am going to shoot a video and i need you here". Shit what do i need to do now. I wanna stay here with Brennen but i like shooting a video with Elton and the boys. 

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