Part 32

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When i got home i walked up stairs to my room and grabbe my laptop. I al ready got the pictures from Jake. I look trough them, he look a lot. They look really good. I dont know long i can keep this realtionship a secret. I decided to call Brennen. "Hi Bren Bren" I said. "Hi little one" Brennen said and that made me smile. "How long can we keep it a secret?" I asked Brennen "I dont know baby" Brennen said. "I have this feeling that i wanna post one of those pictures Jake took of us but i am scared how everybody is going to react" I said to Brennen. "I understand Babe i do to" "our fans is no problem they ship us, I saw some thing on twitter about us" I said. "Yeah i saw that to screen shots from my vlogs where we where together and stuff" Brennen said. "yeah true but how long are we going to keep it like this?" I said. "I thinks its smart to let it like this for 2 more weeks and then post a picture" Brennen said. "Thats so long but i am okay with it" I said back. "I love you" Brenne said "I love you to" I said quite. I hung up and walk over to my bed and sit down. I let my self fall in my bed. I could not think about anything els then Brennen. I can not wait to tell the fans then i and Brennen are dating. I am scared how Colby or Elton going to react to it.

I went on twitter and looked around and talk tos ome fans. "Brennen and Allisa would be perfect together" one of the fans tweeted that to me and Brennen. A lot more fans thought the same about it. They had even a ship name for me and Brennen. It makes me smile. I started to talk tos ome fans on DM.

Fan: Oh my god i love you so much!!!

Me: I love you to girl

Fan: Oh my god

Fan: I am freaking out!!!

Me: Dont freak out haha its just me

Fan: I know but i have ben waiting for this for so long

Fan : Are those things from you and Brennen true or something like that???

Me: I dont know girl

Fan: I think that you to are perfect togeter!!! You two should date!!!

Me: Hahaha really you think so

Fan: Yeah

I stopt talking to her and looked around at Instagram. There are also alot of people who ship me and Brennen. I liked a view photos and edits.

5 votes and i will post the next chapter

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