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"WAKE UP CHICKEN SHITS YOU'RE WASTING DAY LIGHT!" I wake up hearing my drill Sargent Bill doing his first of many screaming matches of the day.
I groan hating that it's 4 in the morning but get up quickly and race to the foot of my bed and stand in an upright position making sure not to slouch.
"Good morning beauties how did you all sleep" Sargent Bill asks in his normal sarcastic and hateful tone.
"GOOD SIR!" We all shout in unison.

Being in the army was hard. It changes you for sure. It taught you lots of things. Taught you that some people stay in your life and some people don't.
I've been in the army for about three years. I've spent Christmas' in different countries and even celebrated my twenty second birthday in a total different country.
I missed home. I got homesick a lot. My friends Matt, and Ian we're both living life in university getting loads of girls and my friend Brian and I were in the army.
It was good to have someone from home. I remember the day i enrolled. Brian was a year older than me, he was already in the army when I was. He was in the army for 8 months before me.
Before I left my little sister Aaliyah made me make a promise to come back. I also made a promise to my mum, she made me promise to not have a military police come to her house to tell her I have died. That was her worst fear.
Not only did I keep promises from other people; but I also made promises to people.
Told Aaliyah to not take my room, for mum to not make my favorite dish if I'm not home. For my dad to not travel without me. For my girlfriend to be by my side.
Everyone kept there promise.
 I finally received mail after weeks of none. I got one from my mum, dad, and Aaliyah as usual; I always got a letter from them without a doubt, this time was no different
"Hey Shawn,
We miss you as always! Can't wait until you come home!! Just remember keep your head up high and don't forget to keep your promise. Much love
Mum, dad, Aaliyah xx" I smile widely and look down at my wrist at the bracelet that both my sister and I have. I hold my bracelet covered wrist to my chest and kiss my bracelet.

I open the last letter that I was given and see my girlfriends name; Jenna plastered on the envelope. I open it quickly with happiness racing through my body, until I start to read what was written. 
"Dear Shawn,
I'm sorry. I cant do it anymore. I'm tired of not waking up next to you. Find a girl who won't care. Sorry, Jenna"
It stung like crazy. I was heartbroken before; I was in High School when it happened. It didn't hurt as much as for both of us fell out of love. We both knew we were breaking up with each other. But this, this was different. It hurt so bad. It was like being shot with a sniper 20 times. It was so unexpected. I didn't understand. What did I do wrong? I run my hands through my hair that is now becoming long. I put my head in between my legs and let out a shaky breathe trying not to let tears fall from my eyes. We dated for 2 years and she left just like that. Within thin air. How was I going to go home in 6 months having to face her?
I look up from my head in between my legs and see Brian coming in with his pile of letters
"What the fuck you look sad for?" He says with a chuckle and sits on his bed and starts to open up his letters.
I saw nothing. The letter that Jenna, my now ex-girlfriend wrote to to me is still in my hands. I don't even say anything I just hand him the letter keeping my head down.
I hear Brian stop opening letters and takes the letter from my hand. I get up quickly and go to my trunk at the foot of my bed and dig for something.
"Holy shit man, I'm sorry." I nod my head and continue to look for what I need, a small tin box that had all of her letters. I bring it with me as I sit back on my bed. He hands me back my letter and I place it in the box and close it tightly.
"See this is why I don't want to settle down. Ya know being here has its down side. But like you fuck a girl at some bar and you'll never see her again cause you leave before you get close"
I look up from my focus on the box and let out a huff
"That's fucked up Brian" He shrugs and eats a cookie his mum gave him
"Prevents me from getting hurt like you." He says as he hands me a small circle tin with cookies in them.
I grab a cookie and bite into it.
"Hell we are off base for 3 days. Find a girl and just get you know who out of your head."
Maybe Brian was right. Just having hookups would prevent me from getting hurt. I don't like heartbreak. It hurts way more than what theovies say it is.
--hope ya like it. It's shorter than what I wanted but hopefully I'll get better at making them longer. There won't be updates everyday but I already have a couple of chapters lined up already so yeah. Really glad a lot of you guys like the plot idea. Hopefully it goes over well. Lots of love ❤ feedback is appreciated...

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