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A/n how you like the long chapters! I won't break writing the POV for every chapter unless it needs to be. ALSO the bolded texts are text messages between Shawn and Meghan; or in the future if they have nay type of text message conversation. The picture above is what Meghan wears on the date. Hope you like long chapters cause well its long....again. But anyway hope you like it ❤❤

I sit drinking my coffee at a local cafè with my best friends talking about the party. I look over to my left and see McKenzie having her 3rd cup of coffee and Sabrina drinking her tea.
"It was crazy. I mean we drank. Danced. Fucked. God it was amazing he's just so ugh" Mckenzie says making her hands turn into a fist in frustration.
I chuckle taking another sip of my coffee "so what's his name?" 
She looks confused and takes a sip of her coffee.
My eyes go wide waiting for her to continue
"Oh for fucks sakes the guy you fucked last night! What's his name?" Sabrina asked.
She always got straight to the point. If you really wanted an opinion on something she was your girl.
My eyes go wide at how loud she was. I look around and see people sitting at there table looking at us for the foul language.
I give the people sympathy looks and mouth "sorry" as I see one couple has a little girl.
"Don't be so loud. Jeez." I say as Sabrina shrugs her shoulders and we both bring our attention back to Mckenzie.
"Oh I don't know.-" She shrugs "-I think it was Chris. Speaking of the party where were you and Sabrina? You guys just left."
I stop taking a sip and turn my body to Sabrina
"Yeah for real. Where did you go? You said we would leave at 3." I say with a bit of annoyance and confusion in my voice.
"Sorry. I was uh- tired" She says scratching her neck.
McKenzie squints her eyes and let's out a huff.
"Biggest bowl of shit. We get it, Peter is needy. What guy isn't." I stop drinking again and all three of us laugh loudly probably interrupting the people around us again.

We sat at the table for another 2 hours just talking about random things when we decided to go to our normal spot.
I put a five dollar bill in the middle of the table and walk to our destination.
"Sweets, what happened to your hand?" Sabrina grabs my bandage covered hand and I wince from it still hurting.
"Someone knocked into me at the party and made me drop the bottle making it shatter. No big deal." I say as all three of us head to our boutique that we alway go to when we get coffee.
"By the way! Who were you with at the party? Peter saw you with a guy" Sabrina says and look sharply at her.
The party all three of us attended was a friend of Peters; Sabrina's boyfriends friends house party.
"Well yeah kinda. He helped me with my hand." I say with a shrug.
"AND!?" both of them say at once.
I let out a chuckle and put my hands in my hoodie. "AND we went for pizza." They both stop and stand in front of me.
"What?" I say with a chuckle
McKenzie laughs and throws her hands up "what's his name? How did you meet? Did he sweep you off your feet?" She asks with a British accent.
I shake my head and laugh
"No. We actually met before the party."
Sabrina's eyes go wide with confusion as we enter the boutique that we've known about since college.
"Okay so remember when we went to Hal's? Well some dude was hitting on me, and I saw this guy and pretended to be his girl-" I get interrupted with Sabrina gasping and I laugh while shaking my head.
"-anyway, ya know I introduced myself, thanked him and he gave me a dick move." McKenzie takes her attention off the jeans and gives me a pouted look
"Jeez and you went to pizza with him? God you're too nice" He says grabbing a pair of jeans off the wall.
"Well he helped me with my hand and then said he wanted to make it up, and asked for a second chance." I say and shrug as we walk to the dressing room.
"So do you like him?" Sabrina asks as she holds McKenzie purse.
I shrug my shoulders "I don't know! I just met the I mean, know that we talked and he wasn't a dick, he was decently nice. What would you do?"
"Just fuck him and then leave" McKenzie says as she opens the dressing room door and looks at herself in the mirror.
"Don't do that.-" Sabrina says holding my shoulder "- go out with him. I mean you haven't dated anyone since Max, which it's not bad that you haven't dated but ya know just see where it goes." She says and shrugs her shoulders as we watch McKenzie pay for her items.
"And this is why you're my favorite." I say and we both chuckle.
We both leave the boutique and I decided to text Shawn
Hey! It's Meghan. 
I press send and wonder if I did the right thing.
Hey! I was afraid you wouldn't talk to me. I frown instantly seeing his text and feel horrible.
Well we are talking now so are you afraid now? 
No. All my worries are gone. So I was thinking...
How good our pizza date was.
I thought you said that wasn't a date? I text with a chuckle remembering how he said it was his "do -over"  
Oh no it was a date. I just wanted an excuse to ask you out.
I smile at his text. Definitely not a dick anymore.
But, how about dinner? Tomorrow at 6 okay?
Perfect. I text back biting my bottom lip.
Gosh he already has that effect on me.
I walk into my apartment setting down my new cup of coffee and hear my phone go off, someone is calling me.

"Hey! So this has absolutely no relation to our date, but what's your favorite food?" 

"Definitely Italian." I say with a chuckle.

"Ill see you at 6 then." he says and we both hang up and I look into space , when my eyes wonder to my stove and my eyes go wide seeing the time on Stove saying '3:05'. Do I even have time to get fully ready? I don't even know where we are going. Is it casual? Fancy?"No Meghan 6 is fine! Nothing to worry about. No stress." I repeat to myself over and over again. And practically run to my bathroom and start to get ready.

I stand in my closet with the music blasting, and my long wet hair cascading down my back.
I bite the inside of my cheek and tap my chin wondering if I should go dressy or more casual.
"Ugh why is this so difficult!" I yell to the ceiling waving my hands in the air.
I take out my black jeans that I wear all the time and lay them out on the bed and continue to look for a shirt I get a call from Sabrina.
"Hey how is your wonderful Friday?" She asks happily on the phone. I groan and continue to look.
"Who spit in your cereal?" She asks with an annoyed tone.
"No one it's just I can't figure out what to wear." I say holding up a shirt looking at it, then putting it back.
"For what? You have plans on Friday? That's new." She says with a chuckle.
"Ha ha. Well if you wanna know I have a date."
I say forgetting about the clothes and starting on my makeup.
"FUCK YES GIRL! Ohh wear that seat black top I got you for your birthday!"(*pictuted above*) She says clearly excited.
I stop applying my primer and go to look at the top.
It's not bad. Not what I thought. But not bad. Maybe I'll put a jacket it on with it. I also grab my denim jacket and throw it on the bed for me to take when I leave.
"You're a genius!" I say loudly and go back to doing my makeup.
"Glad I could help. Hopefully he's not a dick. But good luck sweets!" She says and we hang up.
I finally finish my makeup. I went for the natural look. Simple face with mascara making my eyes look bigger than normal.
By the time I finished my makeup my hair was finally dry and straighten my hair like I always do. I was cursed with my mom's hair; I guess that's what happens when you're half Hispanic.
I finally get dressed deciding on black heeled booties and look at myself in the mirror and smile at myself.
"Not too shaby." I say taking a pic and sending it to Sabrina.
She instantly textes me back with "holy shit. That's my best friend 🔥🔥🔥"
I laugh at her text and hear the doorbell ring.
I smile and open the door being greeted by Shawn; he's sporting black jeans and a black with white poke dot button down.
"Wow." I hear him say and I look down shyly and tuck my hair behind my ear.
"You look-" He say with hesitation
-"what? Is this too much? Or too little?" I say looking down at my outfit.
His eyes go wide and shake his head no. "Oh god no! It's just you look beautiful. Your eyes. WOW!" His eyes go wide at the last part and you giggle a little.
"You don't look too bad yourself." You say and he smiles shyly as well and chuckles.
I grab my purse and walk with Shawn out the main lobby and to his car.
I get in his car as he politely opens the door for me and let out a shaky breath.
"Please go well." I say in my head.
Feedback is greatly appreciated ❤❤

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