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A/n the picture above is Meghan and Sabrina, idk why but I'm feeling Sabrina is the blonde. But anyway enjoy ❤

I knock on Sabrina's apartment door hoping it's not too early in the morning for her.
Some people when someone knock on their door before nine am on a Saturday they most likely will hate you.
She opens the door quickly tooth brush in hand  rushing me inside.
"Oh thank god. I need to talk to you." I say rushing inside handing her a cup of coffee from our favorite coffee shop and sitting on the couch.
"Okay hold on. Lemme just finish brushing my teeth." She says looking completely shocked at my actions and jolts off to her bedroom.
I never do this, I never am the type of person to ask for help. Especially about men. I usually do that on my own. I'm usually the friend that wakes up at 8am to my door being knocked on.
The roles have switched now, and I don't like it.
"Okay, you have all my attention." Sabrina comes back sitting on the couch with her coffee in hand looking at me through her lashes.
"So Shawn and I are dating." I say sipping my coffee watching Sabrina's eyes leave their sockets.
"Say what? Oh my god! Meg that's amazing." I smile at her, then cringe at the nickname she said.
"Shit, sorry I know you hate when people say that. But seriously Meghan that's amazing!" She says happiness evident in her voice.
I smile nodding and immediately deflate remembering why I came. "How did you know Peter was the one? I mean how you knew you loved him?" I say trying to beat around the bush.
Sabrina nods her head realizing the reason for why I deflated, "Me and Peter have been together since out first year of university, it started as just a casual fuck, but then I soon realized that I couldn't go a day without asking how he was. I feel for him faster than someone jumping off a building." She says blushing at the fact of her long term boyfriend popped into her head.
"Yeah but, when did you know you LOVED him?" I ask becoming frustrated waiting for her response.
"I knew I loved and still love Peter when he looked at me straight in the eyes and told me to ace that chemistry final I had." She says nodding her head remembering like it was yesterday. "I mentioned to him once, briefly that I had my chemistry final, and he never forgot." She says smiling at me trying to find a reason for my coming. "Meghan come on, you can tell me anything we've been nest friends since fresh-"
"I'm falling for Shawn." I don't let her finish her sentence, the four words falling out of my mouth like rapid fire. I look at her shocked that I even said what I wanted to say.
"Meghan that's great. You haven't had feelings for someone since Zac." She says in shock making me nod my head in agreement. "Meghan-" She says scooting closer to me as we both sit knee to knee together. She grabs me hands and squeezes them. "Whatever you're doing for you to fall for him, keep doing it. I haven't seen you THIS happy in a long time. So have fun with him, whether that's having sex or having burgers. Whatever that makes you have more feelings for him. Do it." She says smiling at me making me crack and smile at her adding a laugh.
"I guess I'm just afraid?" I say not really knowing why in holding back from wanting to go further into the relationship.
"This is between me and you, but have you, ya know had sex with him?" She asks closing her eyes waiting for my response.
I'm usually not the type to talk about my sex life, especially with a current boyfriend. I just felt as if mine and my boyfriends space was being bombarded. I let out a sigh rubbing my hands through my hair. "Just you and me?" I ask making sure it's just between us.
"I sister swear Meghan." She says holding out her pinky and I grab it quickly and we kiss our thumbs, in promise to not tell anyone.
"Shawn went down on me." I say closing my eyes and opening then slowly watching Sabrina's mouth slowly fall open.
"No way! Was it before or after you two were a thing?" She asks in complete shock.
"Before." I say immediately, forming a smile on my face remembering the night vividly.
"Get it girl!" She says waving her hands in the air making me laugh. "So the question is, when will you two? Ya know fuck?" She asks laughing a bit making me blush instantly thinking of just how pleasured I was when he went down on me, making me wonder how pleasured I'd be if we had sex.
"I dunno?" I say shrugging my shoulders watching Sabrina give me a 'yeah right look'
"I think you both should just fuck. Have slow passionate sex at his house, and fall asleep in each other's arms naked." She says swooning at the idea of it making me laugh at her state of imagination.
"Wow Sabrina, you've thought about this for a while." I say with a laugh getting up throwing away my coffee cup.
"Oh don't judge me! A girl has her needs!" She says laughing meeting me in the kitchen.
"Okay enough about sex! Let's go out shopping." Sabrina says making me laugh.
"Right cause I look so good to go shopping." I say looking down at my sweats making Sabrina laugh and grabs my wrist and pulls me to her bedroom.
"That's what best friends are for." She says showing me her closet.

We walk down the streets of Toronto feeling the breeze hit out faces wishing we wore something more warm and cozy.
"So answer me this-" Sabrina says looking at me as we enter our favorite coffee shop having even more coffee.
"-do you want a relationship with him? Or do you think it's a fling?" She asks looking at me as stand in line waiting to order our coffee.
"I don't want a fling." I say shrugging keeping my hands in my pockets.
"I don't want you to have a fling either." She says leaning next to me whispering. "But what will happen when he gets deployed again? Will you wait for him?" She asks.
The hurt. That never really crossed my mind. I mean I knew he would be leaving to go back somewhere, but I never thought about it.
"Well he doesn't get deployed for another ten months." I say as we grab our coffee's and leave the café walking around the the streets of Toronto.
"You don't know much about being deployed so you Meghan?" Sabrina says stopping in front of me.
I shake my head no and take a sip of my hot coffee.
"Yeah, they are scheduled to be deployed but that doesn't mean they can't be called to be deployed early." She says making my eyes go wide.
The idea of Shawn leaving slowly killed me, but the idea of him being deployed even earlier stabbed me in the stomach twisting it slowly.
It made me want to crawl up in a ball and never unravel.
"I remember my dad was deployed early one year. Just about killed my mum." Sabrina says as we walk into a vintage jewelry store just down the block from the coffee shop.
What if Shawn is deployed early?
What if he forgets me when he leaves?
What if I love him, but he doesn't love me back?
What is he thinks this is a fling? 
What if he never returns.
I step out of my shower instantly feeling refreshed from the previous thougts that entered my mind before.
I dropped Sabrina back off at her place still feeling uneasy and what we talked about.
I quickly grab comfy panties; as for no one needs to wear a thong in the middle of the night.
As I slide them over my shaven legs and peel the towel off my body rummaging through my drawer for a pajama top when I hear the knock of my door.
"Jesus Christ, no one ever knocks on my damn door and today they decide to do it." I let out a huff grabbing the first thing I see throwing it on while I walk to the door.
I look through the peep hole seeing no other than Shawn himself.
I open the door stopping it by my hip looking up at him. There he stands in sweatpants with a olive green CrossFit hoodie and his curls extremely messy.
"How did you get in?" I ask with a chuckle watching him walk in kissing me quickly but sweetly.
"Someone walked out and I just walked in." He says shrugging his shoulders and kissing me again but more passionatly and not rushed.
"You snuck in?" I say letting out silent chuckle with shock in my voice my jaw falling open.
"And you?-" He says grabbing my hips making my sleep shirt ride up a little bit "-are wearing my shirt." He says grabbing the hem of the shirt pulling it a bit bringing me even closer to him.
I look down seeing his Eddy Vedder music shirt. I blush instantly looking up at him placing my hand on his chest breathing in his musky scent. "Are you okay with that?" I ask looking up at him locking eyes with him.
His arms wrap around my waist squeezing me gently and kissing the tip of my nose.
"I'm absolutely complete okay with that. Wear my clothes more often. It looks good on you." He says smiling widely making me instantly blush.
I turn around on my heels walking to my couch feeling Shawn slap my bum making me jump and emitting a yelp.
"Definitely wear my clothes more often. Your bum looks killer." He says walking ahead of my beating me to the couch with open arms turning on the TV.
"Come on slow poke." He says with a chuckle making me smile walking into his open arms.

Hours go by watching millions of cooking shows watching chefs mess up.
"I missed being with you." Shawn says breaking the comfortable silence squeezing my shoulders. I look up at him from me laying on his chest for hours.
"We saw each other the other day?" I say with a chuckle
"What? I can't miss you?" He says looking down at me stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"No you can. You definitely can." I say snuggling into his chest more. "Do you wanna stay over?" I say looking up at him watching him run his free hand through his hair stressfully.
"Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow night. I have an important phone call tomorrow." Shawn says looking instantly sad.
"Hey-" I say reaching up grabbing his jaw but he immediately pulls away making me get up from my spot climbing on top of him straddling him grabbing his face.
"Don't you dare shut me out." I say looking at him sternly.
"I just don't want to lose you because of what I do." Shawn says immediately letting lose, letting me in.
I stroke his face taking in all his features.
"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I mean I am in my house." I say stating the obvious making Shawn let out a chuckle.
His hand goes to my now damp curly hair running his fingers through it.
"I like your hair like this." He says continuing to massage my hair.
"Really? It's my natural." I say with a laugh making Shawn's eyes go wide.
"I like it. Suits you. Keep it more often." Shawn says leaning up kissing me sweetly.
"For you, I'll do it." I say kissing him.

-hope you liked it. Feedback is greatly appreciated ❤

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