Twenty Nine

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A/n hey!!!!!! Sorry for the lack of updates. Truly I wish university wasn't so tough but it is. I'm hoping I can update at least once a week. That's my plan, and hopefully it goes as plan.

I grab Shawn's hand squeezing it tightly and look at him, he immediately looks at me and weakly smiles.
"Don't let go, okay?" Shawn says squeezing my hand as we walk up the porch of my childhood home.
I smile at his nervous words and nod my head. "I promise, I won't let go." I say kissing his cheek hearing a loud gag coming from my brother taking the luggage out of the back placing them on the concrete.
I turn around flipping him off with the hand that was holding Shawn's hand. He immediately looked at me with sad eyes and I grabbed his hand again squeezing it again. "Sorry, sorry. You got me. I won't let go." I say looking at him and opening the door with my opposite hand  feeling the memories rush through my body immediately making me feel warm.

"Meghan is that you?!" I hear my mother scream from what sounds like the kitchen and hear fast tapping of the hardwood coming closer and closer to the main door.
"Si, mama!" I say kicking my shoes off, and looking up at Shawn and he does the same.
We walk hand in hand to the kitchen and see my mother in her natural habitat cooking.
"OH! MIJA!!!!" My mom shouts dropping everything and coming immediately to me with wide eyes looking at me and then Shawn, then me again.
I hug her tightly with one arm still squeezing her tightly. We pull apart and she steps back seeing both Shawn and I with a huge smile.
"Michael come down! Your daughter is here!" My mother shouts making me wince at the loud noise. As I un-crunch my nose i finally breathe in the sweet air, knowing exactly the smell.
"Are you making Flan?" I ask in a low deep voice eyeing her slowly and she nods her head.
"Si, si and your favorite dish Mija!" She says going over to the pot stirring the chicken making me jump up and down in excitement.
"Mama, this is Shawn." I say pulling him to my mother.
"Ah si! I'm Analys! (A/n Pronounced Ana-lease) And please, no ma'am or Mrs. Kroh. Makes me feel old." She says fanning herself with her hands and walking back to the stove to stir the food. Shawn and I let out a chuckle and we both sit at the table.
As I sit down I see Shawn's eye go wide making me turn around seeing my dad enter the room.
"Hey dad!" I say walking over to him with a smile and hug him quickly. "This is Shawn. My boyfriend." I say waiting for some type of reaction hoping it's not a bad one.
My dad stands there scanning Shawn. Keeping his lips curled into his teeth, furrowing his eyebrows together.
"Hello sir, I'm Shawn." Shawn breaks the ice extending his arm leaving my hand empty.
I look down seeing my hand empty making me feel sad, my hand feeling cold wanting it to feel warm again.

My dad looks at his hand and let's out a sigh; and gives Shawn a tight lip smile. "Mr. Kroh."  My dad says lowly nodding his head grabbing Shawn's hand and shaking it firmly. My shoulders slump knowing my dad really doesn't approve of Shawn. He doesn't trust him yet. Anyone my dad meets you have to earn his trust.
Even when he hires new people for business he gives his new employees zero percent of his trust, they earn all of his trust my working hard.
And that's what he's doing to Shawn. Making him earn his trust. Making him work for it.

"MEYGHANNNNNNNNNN." I see my little brother Jackson running from the stairs waddling his way to me, I bend down immediately with a huge smile plaster on my face.
"JACKS!!!!" I shout opening my arms and feeling his small body come to my large frame.
"Oh I've missed you." I say squeezing his little body and kissing the top of his head.
"Meghan. Twucks." He says handing me his monster truck making me chuckle.
"No Jackson, she's busy." My father says sternly looking down at the little boy begging for someone to play trucks with him.

My father was always the tough parent. He was always the one that asked ten million questions until he remotely thinks about it, and then usually he decides to say no.
Resulting my brother an I to sneak out to go to high school parties or even dates.
My mother on the other hand was well, what people called 'the cool mom' which she loved and still does.
She is one of those parents that may not have agreed with what you did but never judges. I remember my first high school party and had alcohol and she wasn't what you would call mad. Disappointed that I snuck out? Definitely.
Since both of my parents are from different countries and eras they were perfectly fine with drinking at a young age. As for they did it as a child as well.
Both parents have their flaws, but it makes them who they are.
Once you get passed the protective dad, he's the funniest and nicest dude ever. So yeah at first he's well, boring but once you get him drunk; which he won't gets drunk around people he trusts he's the funniest and happiest dude ever.
My mum? Well she's a bit easier to trust. She's just one of those people.

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