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I take Sabrina's hand and pull her into my apartment for a hug holding her tight.
"Tell me about it. Tell me what happened." I say rubbing circles up her back comforting her.
"Come on." I pull from our hug wiping a tear from her cheek and she walks past me for me to lock my door.
I turn on my heels keeping my hands behind my back and walk to the couch with Sabrina.
We sit on the couch my knees to my chest being all ears and have all my attention to her.
I've been told that I'm the best person to go to and vent, as I don't interrupt I listen and let them vent.
I mean when you want to vent you HATE when people interrupt you.
"Well, I've been super with work, I mean it's that time of year and, so Peter had a big work dinner and wanted me to go, I said I would go; but things came up and I forgot that I had parent teacher conference which ended at 7 and so did Peter's dinner start-" She pauses wiping her tears and taking my water from the coffee table drinking the whole thing.
"Continue, let me just get more drinks." I say getting up quickly running to the kitchen.
"So I told him I'd meet him at the restaurant as soon as I could." She says and I plop down handing her a bottle of water and nod my head for her to continue.
"And just like that, he flipped out. Pissed and saying and I quote 'god Sabrina this is more important than a parent teacher conference' and I just got so mad and- I don't know maybe I overreacted." She says throwing her hands up in defeat
I look at her confused and shake my head no.
"No, Sabrina don't you dare think his job is more important. Your job is important, and don't YOU dare let him think your job is not important." I say in a annoyed tone as she thinks that.
"See-" She points at me "-this is why you're my favorite." She say with a smile and I scrunch my face and blush.
"Okay enough about Peter being a fucking dick, how are you and that guy? What's his name again?" She asks excitedly.
I chuckle and remember leaving Shawn's condo wishing I didnt.
As I open my mouth to tell her Shawn's name I hear another knock at the door and we both look at each other with a funny look
"McKenzie" We both say with a sigh and laugh.
I get up jogging to the door quickly opening it seeing McKenzie at the door with holding a bag full if goodies.
"I had a gut feeling y'all were together, so gathered my shit and came over." She says shrugging holding up her bag taking out vodka and I let out a laugh.
"Well you're right come on. Gimme the vodka" I say taking the bag and walking to the kitchen placing everything in a place.
I look into the bag taking out the alcohol, chips and the slew of movies at the bottom making me chuckle.
"Hey! Meg, come on I wanna know about your man's too!" I hear McKenzie shout and I walk back to the couch.
"Okay, okay jeez I'm coming." I say with a chuckle and sitting down on the couch as McKenzie sits down on the chair by the TV.
"We need a name, and more about the dates." I see Sabrina lean to the edge of the couch looking at me with wide eyes and I laugh.
"Okay! I'll tell you." I say throwing my hands up "-his name is Shawn." I say and there eyes go wide.
"SHAWN!" I hear McKenzie say with a high pitched moanig voice.
I laugh and watch them react. "So spill on the dates." McKenzie says
"We always say at a restaurant for hours. Like I'm not kidding we could be done with dinner or lunch or something but we will stay there for like an additional hour or two." I say leaning back and watch there jaws fly open
"How is that possible?" Sabrina shouts and I shrug my shoulders
"I don't know. It's crazy he actually listens. Like seriously I could say the smallest thing and he's all ears. I don't know he's just different. He's also super nice. Like REALLY nice." I say with a smile on my face and see both McKenzie and Sabrina look at each other and smile at each other, and then slowly turn towards me.
"What?" I say with confusion in my tone.
"You had sex with him didn't you?" McKenzie says standing up pointing at me.
"What? No! You asked me about him!" I say very defensive.
"No, we asked how your dates were. But it's good to know he's nice. Lemme see a picture. No guy is nice and cute." Sabrina says shaking her head in disbelief.
"No, Sabrina he's so good looking trust me." I say grabbing my phone going to Instagram getting the most recent picture smiling and showing them.
There jaws fly open and McKenzie grabs my phone in total awe.
"BIIITCH! He isn't cute he's fucking hot." I laugh at her tone watching Sabrina's jaw still wide open.
Bitch was our word. Depending on the way we say it, it determines how we feel. It started in college and it's stuck ever since.
"I just can't believe he's friends with Max. I mean Max is cute and all, but the dude can be rude." McKenzie say making me realize that it's true.
"Holy shit. Meg! He's in the fucking army?" McKenzie says in shock standig up and I nod my head her showing me a picture of him and his sister, Aaliyah.
"Yeah. A medic." I say biting my bottom lip and see Sabrina's eyes knit together.
"Who's she?" Indicating to his sister.
"Chill out Sabrina. It's his sister." I say with a chuckle and her mouth goes into a 'o'
Hours go by and half the bottle of vodka is gone and movie after movie is being played.
We are all in our underwear with big college hockey shifts, mine being the Maple Leafs watching movies, anything from scary to funny.
We never just watched one type big genre as we would get bored very easily.
I text Shawn periodically as the girls insisted on watching a movie we've seen millions of times.
"Who are you texting?" I hear McKenzie ask as she peeks over my shoulder.
"Shawn." Her face goes excited and scoots closer to me.
"What about?" She asks not too loud as Sabrina looks interested in the movie.
"Just stuff. I guess." I shrug she takes her attention back to the movie.
To be honest I've been a bit nervous seeing Shawn face to face as I only remember him in between my thighs.
I guess you could say I'm nervous, well more or less shy.
I've never been that intimate with a guy this soon, and the thought just makes me wonder if maybe he isn't different.
Maybe he's just like the rest. Maybe all he wants his sex.
And on top of that, what if I get too close and he gets deployed and he has some girl throw herself on him.
I don't want to get hurt again.
I can't get hurt again. My heart wont be able to take what Zac did to me.
---feedback is greatly appreciated ☺

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