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I walk off the plane, feeling the cool Canadian breeze against my face. Finally being on my home soil. It felt good. I'm greeted by my parents and sister waiting for me with smiles spreading from ear to ear and a sign saying "Welcome Home, Shawn". It made me smile and walk closer to them.
I'm greeted by my mum first. Her warm embrace making me feel at home. The smell of her made me feel at peace. I feel her kiss my cheek and hear small cries as I hug her tighter.
I hug my dad with a tight squeeze and he takes my backpack from me. Aaliyah goes on her tipy toes and hugs me tightly. A hug that I've been longing for.
Once we disperse I see tears leaving my sisters  eyes and walk closer to her grabbing her face "I told you I'd come back in one piece" That was always the first thing I said when I saw her. And every time she would cry harder and hug me again. Today is no different.
"Come on. Some good roast is waiting for you at home" My mum says with a smile on her face and gesturing me to leave the airport
My eyes go wide and smile widely "fuck yes. I've actually waited for this for months" We all chuckle and head to the car.
Later that night after stuffing my face I'm finally settling back into my old room and hear a loud knock on my door and pull out a pocket knife and turn around quickly.
My face changes seeing it wasn't an enemy, it was my sister. I dropped the knife on the floor and hug her quickly.
"I'm sorry." She hugs me tighter and pulls from our hug "it's fine. I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I'm forgot." She says wiping her tears with her sleeve. She sits on the edge of my bed and fiddles with her fingers.
"So whatcha going to do?" I look back at her while I'm putting my now clean clothes back into my closet.
"Just going out. Ya know the usual" I say with a shrug.
"So who is the girl this time?" She says sitting on my bed looking up wondering if im going to snap.
"It's just a girl." I say placing my backpack in my closet.
"You say that about all the time. It's always some girl that you hook up with at a damn bar."  I look back at her and shake my head
"why does it matter what I do? I mean like you said it's just a hookup" She scoffs at me and stands up.
"God Shawn meet a girl and fall in love again. I miss someone making you laugh and being happy"
I turn around and give her a smug smile "mum and you make me laugh" She puts her hands on her hips and gives me a pissed off tone.
"Not what I meant Shawn. Meet someone."
With that she leaves the room with my confused.

With being home I got to see a lot of people. My mum made sure whenever I'm home to have either a later holiday or early holiday depending on when I'm home. We once had Christmas in June. Pretty funny not going to lie.
I see all of my family making up for lost time, as for the fear of me one day not coming home lingers them.
Not only seeing my family but seeing my friends is a must. I'm home for eight months before I have to be deployed again.
My friend Matt wanted to meet just him and I; no else to just have dinner at Hal's it was strange at first as for we always hung out with the other guys but I except.
I sit in Hal's on one of the tall bar stools.
I sit there waiting for Matt when I see a text pop up
"Hey man sorry for the short notice. Something came up. Hope you don't mind" I let out a sigh and tap my fingers on the wood counter and lift my finger up to the bartender "just water please" He nods and hands me a glass of water and I gulp it down.
I sit there trying to pass time when I get tired of sitting and stand up leaving a five dollar tip and ready to walk out seeing a woman walk up to me. "Babe there you are!" Her eyes go wide and mouths "help" to me. She grabs my bicep in a fashion of fear.
I see a guy walk behind her and her eyes look like complete and utter help.
I grab her waist gently and smile at the guy as he stand there in confusion. "Ready to go baby?" I say with love in my voice.
Her face becomes less tense as does her grip and I see the guy back off and we both leave the bar.

We walk out of the bar together and she disperses from me.
" Thank you. Oh god he was a creeper." I look totally confused and nod my head.
"Y-yeah it's okay." I say with a smile. She smiles back and places her hands in her black leather jacket.
"I'm Megan by the way" I smile with a grin and start to walk back to my car "ya know normal people would have introduced themselves back" I look back at her and let out a scuff.
"I'm not interested" I say about to open my car door.
"Wow okay. You're one of them. The cocky assholes that thinks any girl is into them, you think all girls want to get into your pants. Well get your head out of your ass." She spits back and walks away shaking her head walking to a parking garage.
I let out a sigh and run to her. "Shawn" She looks back with total disgust.
"That's my name. I'm Shawn." She let's out a clearly very annoyed huff and continues to walk.
"Why are you following me?" She turns around and I step back and hold my hands up in a defensive manner. "Well you're walking into a parking garage. At 2am. Alone."
"Oh so you have a new found niceness for me? Well that's great. I don't need help. I can handle myself."
She walks away quickly and I throw my hands up in defeat letting them slap my thighs "listen I'm sorry okay!" I shout and she looks back at me.
"How can I make it up to you? A drink? Dinner?"
She finally looks back at me and throws her hands up in the air and continues to walk away to the dark parking garage.
I guess you could say I fucked up.

----hope you liked it!!!!!  My first chapter that is like REALLY long. Let me know how you feel about the length. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Definitely boosts my confidence in writing this. Anyway hopw you like it. ❤❤

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