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We walk into the area feeling the cold breeze immediately hit my nose, making me fall into Shawn's chest.
"Want a burger or something?" He looks down at me wrapping his arm around my shoulder up and down kissing the top of my head.
I look up and nod my head and point to the hotdog stand. He watches my finger follow the stand and smiles adding a chuckle.
"Sounds good." He says as we walk to the stand, hand in hand removing myself from his chest.
PDA was never really my thing. I would always watch couples kiss or even cuddle it made me cringe. I mean who are they trying to show that both people love each other.
I always grew up knowing that my mum and dad didn't have to prove to anyone that they loved each other. They kissed and fooled around in the privacy in there own home making me and my older brother laugh, but when they were outside in public they held hands maybe, and very rarely kissed each other in public. It just shows that they didn't have to prove that two people loved each other.

We stand in the line waiting for someone to ask what we want. Our hands are interlocked swinging them and squeezing them ever so often making my heart flutter.
"Dude, Shawn? Hey! It's Dylan what's up? Oh damn your girl is hot. Better cover her up more or people will snag her."
I look back disgustedly at the guy talking to Shawn making my skin crawl. Shawn could sense my uneasiness, he tigtened his grip around me and rolled his eyes at the guy whispering to me "just ignore him, okay?" He says looking down at me. I nod my head and we ignore the guy behind us.
"I mean what is she? A 34 C? The tits on her." I could just tell by the way Shawn's grip had gotten he was pissed.
"Hey, hey just ignore him. Okay?" I say holding onto his face as he has his fists clenched.
I grab his fist and hold it in my hand and kiss it gently.
"Please? Not here." I say pleading for him to loosen up. I give him a sad look making his eyes become soft again and his fist relaxing.
"Thank you." I say grabbing his hand and kissing it sweetly and interlocking our fingers.
I discreetly look behind me and don't see the guy behind us anymore. I let out a relieved sigh and take my attention back to Shawn.
"Wanna tell me who Dylan is?" I say looking up, Shawn looks behind him to make sure he's not there and let's out a sigh.
"Knew him in high school. He was a fuckig dick." He says shaking his head in disbelief of just seeing and hearing what his high school classmate said.
"Hey, stop doing that 'something bad just happened so I'm going to blame it on her' look. I don't like that." I say and Shawn immediately loosens his face and smiles.
"I'm sorry it's just no one says that to you. You're mine, no one else's." He says kissing the top of my head making me blush and lean my head on his shoulder for support as we wait in line.
"What do you want on your hotdog?" He asks leaning down and whispering so I can hear him.
"Ketchup." I say simply and watch Shawn's face become stunned. "What?" I ask with a laugh.
He shakes his head laughing squeezing my hand again.
Hotdogs in his hands amd I see one with mustard as I hold the cold drink.
"So mustard?" I say with a stank face making him throw his head back laughing.
"Yeah mustard. But you like ketchup." He says in defense.

We sit on the cold bleachers ready to watch the hockey game with hotdog in hand and drink in between us.
"When was the last time you went to a hockey game?" Shawn asks biting into his hotdog.
"Probably a year ago." I say shrugging taking a bite into my hotdog.
"Babe? A year? That's insane." He says with his mouth full of hotdog and mustard on the corner of his mouth.
I let out a laugh and blush at the name and shrug my shoulders. "I guess I have no time."
"We are going one day." He says pointing to me making me smile.
"You have-" I say pointing to my lip trying to tell him he has mustard on his lip but he just looks even more confused. "-here." I say grabbing his face gently and kissing the part of his lip with mustard on it. "Better." I say with a laugh watching him smile widely.
I blush instantly realizing there are more people here than I thought.
"Woah." Shawn says letting out a loud breathe.
When you grow up with parents not really showing affection in public, I guess you didn't either with Shawn. It's not that you planned it, it just happened. When we were out in public we were usually eating and talking not really focused on being all cuddly and affectionate.
"What?" I asked with a chuckle. Usually I would be embarrassed kissing someone in public, but not Shawn. He made me do things that I wasn't used to doing.
"Nothing, I know how you feel about PDA, and we just kissed. On the lips. In public." He says lowly with a smile.
I smile back at him leaning forward hovering over his lips. "I guess you make me do crazy things." I say lowly making his eyes become darker.
I chuckle at his face and kiss it quickly hoping no one saw and his face immediately went soft.
We sit waiting for the game to start, watching the ice being smoothed out and Shawn occasionally looking at his phone.
I started to shake my leg the closer it got to the game starting.
What if they don't like me? What if I'm not pretty enough? What if.
Shawn must have noticed something was up and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, his nose in my hair kissing me quickly
"You nervous?" He asks muffled into my hair.
I shake my head no and take my attention back to the rink.
I feel Shawn pull my chin and look at himd, he looks at me intently looking for something to tell him I'm nervous; but nothing.
"Please tell me." He says with soft expressions in his face making me deflate my shoulders and letting out a sigh.
"Yeah I'm nervous okay?" I say wishing the words didn't come out of my mouth.
"Hey, hey nothing to be nervous about okay? I'm crazy about you. That's what they see and care about." He says looking deep into my eyes trying to convince me. "They will love you, because you're you. That's it." He says making me smile a bit and him pecking my lips quickly.
"And you missy-" He says with a smile brining his hand to my still shaking leg "-need to stop that." He says squeezing my thigh making me stop shaking but let out squeal.
"Okay, okay I'll stop." I say laughing. The nervousness was still evident but not as bad as it was.
We abandon our seats as for his parents and sister are waiting for him my the girls locker room. He holds my hand tight squeezing it and looking over at me and kissing me sweetly whispering against my lips "don't be nervous." I nod my head and we walk to the girls locker room.
We get close to the locker room and I see a young girl in a jersey running up to Shawn, with Shawn meeting her half way and hugging her tightly.
I smile watching what's happening making me feel warm on the inside.
I slightly hear the girl say
"is that her?" Making me snap out of my day dream I see Shawn nod and her face go immediately happy. A smile spreads on my face and see her immediately abandon her brother walking over to me.
"Hi, I'm Aaliyah I'm his nicer, better looking Mendes." She says hugging me tightly.
I let out a chuckle and hug her quickly seeing Shawn smiling watching us.
"I'm Meghan. I'm the girlfriend." I say with a chuckle watching Shawn walk over to his parents looking relatively happy.
"Come on, my mum and dad want to meet you." She says pulling my arm making me let out a yelp and a chuckle.
I stand in front of his parents with a huge smile on their face.
"Gosh, Aaliyah break her arm why don't you." A woman says in a British accent.
"Hi, I'm Karen. You must be the girlfriend we can't stop hearing about?" She asks making Shawn's eyes go wide and hearing a groan emit from his throat.
"That I am, I'm Meghan." I say extending my hand out but she laughs pulling me into a hug. I chuckle a little and return the favor.
"Hi, I'm Manny. God, he said you were beautiful; but by god you're stunning." He says making my heart able to beat easily again and blush instantly.
I glance over at Shawn giving his parents an evil glare making me let out a chuckle.
"Okay well, I have to finish getting ready, but I'll see ya out there!" Aaliyah says happily running off to the locker room.
We sit on the bleachers hand in hand, cuddled up next to each other wih some space in between us as they lowered the air to compensate for the ice.
"You cold?" I hear Shawn ask making me nod my head rapidly
"I feel like my hands are frozen." I say making him laugh a bit too loud causing his parents to look our way.
"You okay?" I hear his mum ask making me look that way and nod my head.
"Yeah sorry, told him a joke." I say smiling.
"Oh." Shawn says squeezing my shoulder to get my attention off the ice and on him.
"They love you." He says into my ear while pulling me closer to his warm body making me sigh in content.
I blush realizing that meeting his parents weren't as bad as you would think.
We watch the hockey game in awe watching his sister skate smoothly across the ice back and forth scoring a goal and blocking tons.
"Damn she's good." I say looking up at Shawn, and making the attention of his parents on us.
"I taught her, sorta." Shawn says with a laugh
"Who's the better Mendes?" I ask looking up at Shawn again and his face goes confused and let's out a huff.
"Me duh. Got the hottest girl in the arena cuddled up next to. I think I won." Shawn says kissing my temple making me blush super hard my cheeks hurt.
My eyes look at his parents, watching them look at their daughter playing but looking at his son cuddle up to his girlfriend.
"I agree." I finally say resting my head on his chest and his arm wrap even tighter around my shoulders.
"About what?" Shawn asks with a chuckle taking his eyes off the game and looking at me.
"That shes better Mendes. But I have to say, I have the hottest guy in the arena." I say low enough for him to hear but no one else. I look up at him and watch his cheek become more red and his eyes becoming more hazel than brown.
"I am SO the better Mendes, without a doubt." He says with a laugh squeezing my waist making me squirm and let out a laugh.
He stop making me look into his eyes with awe, since I've met him I've seen his eyes change different colors of brown and green. It makes me smile; when we first met his eyes were brown, then when he helped me with my hand they were green, when he went down on me they were dark brown, and now? They are golden brown. Definitely my favorite.
"What?" Shawn asks moving a piece of hair away from my hair and playing with it.
"Nothing your eyes are just. Beautiful." I say with a loving sigh continuing to look at him.
I watch his cheeks become more rosy and be gives me a smile.
"No beautiful, that's your eyes." He says looking into my eyes making me blush at the word beautiful.
"Your eyes are mesmerizing. Once you look at them, like truly look at them you're trapped in your spell. Your eyes draw people in." He say our face even with each other. I'm looking into his eyes, he's looking into mine.
"Yeah well your eyes change color." I say looking at his hazel eyes making me melt.
"So do yours." He says stroking my hair.
We hear a roar from the crowd making us jump and look at the rink seeing if anyone scored; but they didn't they blocked a goal from happening.
"They are sometimes blue, like crystal blue. And sometimes they are green, like the trees on a summer day." He says stroking my cheek.
I bit my bottom lip looking at Shawn, just wanting to kiss him so hard, but can't.
"So don't you dare fight saying you eyes aren't  beautiful. Everything about you Meghan Kroh is beautiful." He says making me blush and putting our focus back on the game, when it hits me.
I might be falling for him.

----made this a bit longer, which I'm proud of. Hope you like them longer as well. ❤❤

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