Twenty Seven

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A/n I know it's been a long time, and I'm sorry. I've been super busy with school and didn't think I wouldn't be posting chapters. I feel now that I am swamped with school I will post a chapter when I can, that could be once a week, or even three times a week it just depends on how busy I am. Hope you understand!!!!!

I sit on the couch enjoying the time I have off. Finally no work, the worry of making clients happy is not on my shoulders right now.
I hear my phone ring making me jump out of my day dream and see my mum calling me. I sometimes felt extremely home sick from my parents.
I grew up in British Columbia, loving growing up by the water. I felt at home being close to the water.

"Hi mum!" I say excited to finally talk to my mum.
"Sweetie! Ah my sweet Meghan how are you?" My mum asks just as happy as me.
I was definitely a mama's girl. She is my best friend. I tell her everything and anything.
"I'm good, missed you. I was thinking of visiting, since I know that the family reunion is coming up." I say remembering the family reunion that occurs every year.
Wasn't always the most fun, but when you step back and see all of your family in one room, it makes you extremely happy.
My mum is Hispanic, so our side is big and well loud some people hate it, no ALL people hate it,but not me. Maybe a little annoying, but hate? Definitely not.
My dad's side is also loud and big, definitely big. He's Italian.
If that's not mixed then what is?

I sit biting my lip out of habit wondering if I should ask my mum something. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe a family gathering isn't the best place for her to meet my boyfriend.
Maybe he wouldn't want to spend the weekend in British Columbia, especially if he doesn't know my family.
Fuck it.
I'm asking.
I let out a sigh and close my eyes. "Mum? Can I bring someone to the reunion?" I ask opening my eyes letting out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah! Of course! Maybe bring Shawn?" She asks and I can tell she raised her eyebrows making my blush. I remember telling my mum that I wasn't single anymore and all about him.
"That's the plan." I say smiling the fact that he will meet my family.
"Oh sweets that's great. Do you love him?" She asks taking me off guard.
"That's what I don't know. He makes me feel special, he makes me feel like the only girl in the world. He makes me laugh, and smile. I always crave his presence. He just makes me happy. Does that even make sense?" I ask feeling confused throwing my hands up in the air.
"I don't want to put things in your mouth or head, but that's how your dad makes me feel." She says making my eyes go wide.

Ever since I was little I always wanted to have a relationship like my mum and dad. Something that would last forever. Someone that would be with through even the toughest times. I want someone like that. No one truly wants something to end. Everyone wants someone forever.
Do I have someone like that?
"Hey! Maybe instead of Shawn meeting everyone including me and your dad at the reunion why don't you come here a couple of days earlier?" My mum says interrupting my thoughts, and I couldn't agree more. Meeting your partners parents is one thing,
But meeting the whole family is another.
"Yeah that sounds good. Alright mum I gotta go, I will talk to you soon." I say about to hang up but hear my mum shout.
"Tell me when your flight will land, Alex will pick you up." My eyes go wide.
"Wow he hasn't come home in like four years. Thought Canada was not good for him." Rolling my eyes remembering what my older brother said before moving to America because 'it's not fun here anymore.'
"Come on, Meghan he's finally coming. AND Jackson is very excited to see his big sister!" My mum says immediately making me smile.
Jackson is my younger brother, he's the baby of the clan, he's five.
My mum and dad hated having and 'empty nest' and adopted a little boy. He was a little baby when I first met him.
Me and him were what he called 'pals'. Now he's five and absolutely crazy. He is full of energy making me wish I had that much energy.
"Okay sweets, I'll talk to you later, and remember tell me your flight info!" She says making me laugh at her not finishing the word trying to sound 'hip'.
"Alright mum I won't forget. Love you a thousand red skittles." I say smiling
"And I love you a thousand red m&m's" she says making me smile even wider.
That was our thing. When I was little we always bickered who loved each other more and so to settle our 'argument' we picked the highest number I knew and our favorite candies.
It was our thing.
And only our thing.

I hang up the phone remembering what my mum said, thinking about how I want a relationship like my mum and dad.
Where your friends say 'they still together' or even just growing old with one person. One person that will always make you feel like the only one special to him.
I want that.
Maybe I already have that?
Maybe that person is Shawn.

That person is Shawn.

"Holy shit." I let out a sigh

"I love Shawn."


I sit on the white comfy couch cuddled up to Shawn feeling at home in his arms. My cheek rested on his chest hearing his heart beat, and feeling his stomach rise.
We've been laying in each other's arms for hours; watching movie after movie.

We didn't feel the need to always go out somewhere, as long as we were together it didn't matter.
Cheesy I know, but it's true. When you even like someone you love being around that person. You never have to spend money just as long as you're with that one person.
"What movie do you wanna watch next?" Shawn asks making me open my eyes looking up at him and shrugging.
His eyes go wide giving me a funny face, immediately making me laugh. His attention goes back to the tv flicking through all the movies that Netflix has to offer.
You think you've seen all the movies Netflix has, but did you really? Probably not.
"How about that one." I say looking at the movie poster looking the most interesting.
Shawn raises his brows looking at me making sure he has the right movie.
I nod my head and feel a kiss on the top of my head, making me want to sink into his hold even more, but don't.

I climb on top of Shawn's lap straddling him locking my arms around his neck making his hands lay on the top of my bum.
"How would you feel going to BC?" I ask biting my bottom lip making him look shocked.
"If it's with you? Yeah I wanna go." Shawn says making his grip go to my waist as I lean back making sure I don't fall.
"Welllllll" I say extending the 'L' bringing my head closer. "My family is having a family reunion at my childhood home." I say becoming extremely shy.
His eyes go wide in shock. But it doesn't look like a good shock. It looks like the 'I'm terrified shock, 'how do I say no?' shocked look.
"You don't have to. I just-" I say swinging one leg off his leg about to get off but I'm stopped by Shawn's hand wrapping around my upper arm.
"I want to go. I want to go with you." Shawn says brining his forehead down to mine looking at me through his lashes. "I want to go. I'm sorry, I was just shocked. It just makes us more serious." Shawn says kissing my lips, but I don't kiss back.
"I want us to be serious. I want that Meghan." Shawn says kissing the top of my head.
A smile spreads across my lips making me fall into Shawn's arms again.
I wrap my arms around his waist letting out a sigh "I love you." My eyes widen knowing what I just said hoping and praying Shawn heard.
"What?" I hear utter disbelief in his voice making me shut my eyes tightly not responding too scared to hear rejection.
I feel my head being lifted, being supported by Shawn's hands on either side of my head.
"Open you eyes baby. Please?" I could hear his voice sound hurt.
I slowly open my eyes being met with Shawn looking down at me waiting for me to open my eyes fully.
"I love you, Meghan ." Shawn says in a whisper having our foreheads touching. My head jolts him in disbelief.
"You love me?" I ask looking at Shawn bite his bottom lip and nod.
"more than anything." He says in another whisper.
"I love you." I say louder not afraid to say those words anymore. It falls out of my mouth watching Shawn's eyes dilate and smiling at me grabbing my waist and squeezing it gently.
"That was the first time we said 'I love you'." I say in shock leaning back in Shawn's hold feeling utterly happy, as if nothing can stop me. Which makes Shawn laugh looking utterly happy as well.
"Well for me yeah, but not for you." He says holding my waist to make sure I don't fall.
I look at him completely confused waiting for a response. "Last time you stayed the night. Before you went to completely passed out, you said you loved me." Shawn says making me blush.
"Well I meant it." I say kissing him and snuggling into his chest.
"I know you did baby, I know." He says rubbing my back.

And it was true, I meant it when I was half passed out and had no clue what I was saying, and I meant it just now.

I love Shawn.

And I mean it.

-------- hope you like it. Not exactly how I wanted them to say I love you BUT I felt like it was cute. ALSO if you have any type of requests or ideas for future chapters let me know in the comments!!!!! I will put your ideas in the chapter!!!!!! If you don't feel comfortable giving ideas as you feel they are "stupid" then you can always message me on here or if you know my Instagram just dm me!!!!! But please know that no idea is stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feedback is appreciated!!!

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