Thirty Two

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A/n oh my look at who's back. Hopefully this is good. If not my apologies. Also excuse any type of mistakes. If there are any, I will try and remember to get it fixed. Enjoy.
We walk back into the house hand in hand hoping everyone has dispersed from what happened hours ago. I know Meghan, she's the type of person who will stand up for herself (which I love) and will possibly storm off, just so the situation doesn't become worse; but as soon as she comes back to the group she becomes extremely shy. So shy that she wonders if doing her previous actions was the best and smartest thing.

As I reach for the door knob with my free hand that isn't holding Meghan's hand I feel her stop. Immediately stopping my actions and look over my shoulder seeing her look very weary.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask cupping her small face into my hands and kissing the tip of my nose in a way to help her calm down.
"I j-just don't want to face any of them." She says wiping her eyes from any tears leaving her eyes.
I pull her into my chest, stroking the top of her head massaging her scalp, another way trying to calm her. I don't feel her arms around my waist, knowing that holding her doesn't help. I learned very quickly in our relationship that if she doesn't wrap her arms around me tightly, something is wrong. Whether she's mad or sad something is wrong.
So when I don't feel her arms even limply around my waist it makes me close my eyes tightly knowing that I'm not helping her at the moment.
It breaks my heart knowing that even holding her isn't making her feel better. I always feel so helpless when I can't help her. I feel it's my job help her, to protect her. So when this happens, and she doesn't even wrap her arms around my waist I feel as if I've failed. Failed as a boyfriend, failed as a lover.

I remove my arms from her hold, and immediately grabbing her limp arms, kissing her knuckles looking up at her, and wrap her arms around my waist.
I feel her hands interlock at the bottom of my back making a smile weakly. I kiss the top of her head as I always do and pull her from my chest.
"I love you. That's all that matters Meg. So what if they are still in there. You stood up for yourself. No one should ever feel weird for standing up for themselves." I says holding her face in my hands and kissing her sweetly. She looks up at me with her big green eyes and nods her head.
"Last time I stood up for myself, from my father was when I wanted to go to University away from home." She says looking at me then at the door, then back at me. "Guess I'm not used to standing up to my father. No one ever does." She says shrugging her shoulders.
"Then why did you do it now? What made you do it?" I ask with true confusion in my voice, maybe she finally snapped after her father always calling the shots.
"Because I love you." She says looking at me with her eyes no longer looking sad, but with happiness. "He can judge me all he wants, but you? No one gets to judge you." She says pouring her heart out.
What she said made feel the same. My friends can make fun of me all they want. Calling me whatever, but as soon as someone judges Meghan? I lose it.
Guess that's love.

We walk into the house seeing everyone sitting at the breakfast table. As soon as I entered the room, everything got extremely quite. Kinda like I'm high school when people are talking about you and you walk in the room. Everyone stops talking. I feel Meghan's arms grab ahold of my shirt from my back and pulling on it wanting to leave again.
"Ah, Meghan love come sit." Her father says waving his hand over to her. She doesn't move just stands right next to me not saying anything, just her grip getting tighter knowing she doesn't want to sit down.
"Uh, she's gonna go upstairs. Doesn't feel well." I say speaking for her and feeling her become less tense.
"Come on Meg. Let's catch up." I see her ex who I now loathe speak making my blood boil. Only I get to call her Meg. Why does he call her that? Doesn't he know she doesn't like to be called that.
"It's Meghan." She says beating me to it. She says walking in front of me "as Shawn said, I don't feel well. If I feel better later we will come back down for dinner." She says turning on her heels grabbing my wrist to and leaving the group of people with shocked looked plastered on their faces.

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