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A/n hope ya dig.... Also please read all the way to the bottom, as for it helps me when I should post.

I come home throwing my body on my bed and let out a sigh. I lay there in shock. First girl I met since well her.
I fish my phone out of my pocket and go to Instagram and search up her name; Meghan.
There were countless results. Just when you think there isn't more Meghan's in the world there is.
I throw my phone on the bed and head to fall asleep ready to forget what happened.
I wake up at 5am sharp. I sit up straight in my bed and look at the clock and realize where I am.
I'm home. I can sleep as long as I want.
I fall back asleep for only my body to wake me up naturally at 6am, as I'm used to waking up at the crack of dawn.
I wake up deciding since I have so much time on my hands I should go to a gym and keep in shape for when I get deployed again.
A little while later I'm home from the now gym I'm a member to, eating a sandwich when I get an incoming call from my friend Matt.
"Hey buddy! Sorry about last night. But how about a party tomorrow night?" I scratch my head debating if I should go.
"Yeah sure why not." I hear Matt and my other long time friend Ian chuckling with a few "fuck yeah"
"Just saying Michelle is going to be throwing girls your way" I hear Ian say into the phone.
I let out a chuckle and see Aaliyah enter the kitchen grabbing an apple.
"Alright guys I gotta go" I quickly hang up and look at Aaliyah with sad eyes.
"Listen I'm sorry I snapped at you" She shrugs her shoulders and bites into her apple.
"It's no big deal. I guess I'm just a big pain in your ass. I'm sorry" She slumps her shoulders and I walk over to her quickly and hug her
"Hey it's okay. You're my sister you have to be at least a little bit annoying. And besides you care about me" She looks up and pushes me a little.
"Yeah yeah. I just want you to be happy again" I nod my head and put my plate in the trash
"I will one day."
I stand in the kitchen sipping my drink ooccasionally. I was dragged out of my apartment and forced to stop working and "let loose" but I really just wanted to continue my work and watch Netflix. My best friends Sabrina, dancing with her boyfriend kissing him senseless and my other friend McKenzie dancing with some guy that I know she will hook up with.
I look down at my phone and see the time '1:30 am' and let out a sigh.
I decide to make another drink to pass the time when I get pushed, making me drop the bottle and glass slicing my hand open.
"What the fuck dude-"
He looks so innocent as he didn't mean to push me.
"Sorry, shit you're bleeding-" Shawn says but I brush past him and run to the bathroom.
All the bathrooms are being occupied except one; the master.
I quickly walk in and let out a sigh. I place my hand in warm water and feel a sting "holy Jesus God this hurts!" I wince and hear the door creek a little.
I looked at the door sharply and see Shawn again.
"God! Did you ever hear of privacy?" I try closing door but he places his foot stop it from closing.
He throws his hands up in defense
"I just wanted to see if you're okay. That's all." He pushes the door a little bit more but my free hand is putting pressure on the door.
"I can handle myself. I don't need help." I say with some much anger in my voice
"Please let me help. It looks bad. That's all I want to do is help." He gives me sad forgiving eyes and my pressure on the door loosens and he makes his way in. He steps in slowly and reaches for my hand.
"I won't hurt you. I swear." He says his eyes looking really green.
I place my hand on top of his and he looks at it gently trying not to make me wince.
"You have glass in your hand. Do you mind?" He brings his head down to be face to face with me.
"Okay just stay here." He says and disappears from the bathroom
He searches for something in the medicine cabinet and then leaves again.
He comes back with vodka in hand and a pair of tweezers in his other.
He pours the vodka over the tweezers and dries them with a towel. He takes a lighter from his pocket and goes over the tips with the fire and let's it cool so it's not too hot for my skin.
"Okay ready?" I nod my head and take my free hand and grab his bicep quickly and looks at my hand there and smiles looking back at me.
"Sorry" I say removing my hand and he shakes his head
"It's okay." He smiles and pours the vodka on my hand quickly and I wince and grab his bicep quickly and grip tightly.
"Sorry, sorry. We're almost done." He says as I continue to wince.
He takes the now cooled and sanitized tweezers and slowly takes the piece of glass out of my hand, gripping his bicep even tighter if thats even possible.
He quickly gets the gauze that he found and places it on the wound and starts to wrap it in a bandage that was accessible in the medicine cabinet.
"Okay all done." He says and takes my hand out of his.
My hand feels cold now, loss of contact. I feel sad a little. Our faces are close. His eyes are now not as green, more hazel than green. 
I brush past him in more of a teasing manner and walk down the stairs.
I glance around the room and look for Sabrina and McKenzie.
I found McKenzie still dancing and now kissing the guy but can't find Sabrina. She was our ride home.
"Fuck" I let out a sigh and walk outside and oder an Uber. I stand outside waiting for the Uber to come; he said it would take about 30 minutes. Standing in the cool breeze was better than inside with the smell of alcohol.
"WAIT!" I hear a male voice say from what seems like the house that was hosting the party.
I turn around and I see Shawn taking long strides to meet to me. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion as he walks closer to me.
"I'm Shawn, by the way" He says and pants. I scan his body up and down and let out a scuff.
"I'm sorry you probably don't remember me. I was the girl that you thought wanted to get in your pants." I spat at him and cross my arms.
"Okay listen I'm sorry. I get it. I was a jackass. But-" I don't even let him finish his sentence as I'm walking away but I feel a strong yet gentle hand grab my upper arm.
"-hey I'm sorry okay? I messed up. What can I do to make it up to you? Maybe we could go for pizza or something?"
I stand in front of him my arms still crossed and pop my hip out "what makes you think I wanna go somewhere with an asshole?" I walks around him trying to avoid him.
"give me a chance come on! Everyone deserves a second chance." I stop in my tracks and look back at him.
"Okay" I say with no emotion in my voice.
"What? Did you say-" He says confused
"Yes I said okay." I stand there waiting
"Okay come on." Waving his hand for me to come with him
"What?" I ask with confusion and add a chuckle
"I said pizza. Or do you not like pizza? Are you not much of an Italian food person?" I shake my head no and drop my crossed arms.
"No- no that's fine. But Shawn it's 3am" I say stating the obvious.
"Yeah I know. But there is this place in Toronto it's a 24 hour place. You could drive your car if you dont-"
I quickly follow where he pointed and turn back "I was about to called an Uber. My ride left while you were helping me." He nods his head and we walk to his car.
His car was high. It was a black Jeep. And when I say high I'm not kidding.
"Sorry you missed your ride. But I can drive you home. If you want of course" He says while opening the door for me. I smile widely and watch him go to his side of the car. As he opens the door I hear a faint
"don't fuck it up. Don't be a dick" I smile shyly and hope he doesn't fuck up.
---hope you liked it! Definitely enjoy writing longer chapters. Gives me a lot of room to expand for you guys. BUT what time would be best for me to post a chapter? Now granted I won't be posting everyday (I know tragic) but so you guys don't miss out on the chapter I want to know what time would be best. Keep in mind I live in America, and I live on the East Coast!
But anyway hope you enjoyed and feedback is greatly appreciated!

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