Twenty Five

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A/n enjoy as always, please read the authors note at the bottom ❤❤

Sitting at my desk going through files. Just as I finish going through one huge stack of files, there is another huve stack slapped on my desk, waiting for them to be analysed, reviewed and doing any calls needing to be done with pesky clients not knowing what they really want.

I face plant my forehead to my hand rubbing my temples feeling my tension headache turn into a migraine coming on, making me groan knowing that I won't be going home any time soon.
Most people take their files home, and do them at home; but once I step out of my hole in the wall office I'm done with work. I don't want to go home and do more work.
Taking files home doesn't make the job easier, no to me it actually makes it harder for me as there are so many distractions around me; the neighbors, the TV just mocking me to turn it on, my phone dinging every half a second.
All those distractions just mocking me wanting me to give in leaving the files abandoned for the next day, and watching TV or stay on my phone for hours.

I'm not a person to 'take breaks' breaks to me makes me relax, which when you are given so many files and want it done; you definitely don't want to take a break.
I drink cup of coffee, after cup of coffee. No tea as it makes me sleepy, no sweets as it makes me distracted.

I take the bottle of pain killers out of my desk drawer taking two pills popping them into my mouth chugging all the water in my water bottle, feeling the cool water hit my throat.
I let out a sigh and wincing hearing my phone ringing at full blast.
To take away the loud sound of my phone I answer my phone putting it on speaker distancing myself from my phone.
"Hey? Are you home?" I hear the sweet but loud voice of Shawn.
"No. Not yet." I say rubbing my temples hoping to alleviate some of the pressure.
"Oh okay, did you eat?" Just his voice makes it sound like he's screaming. I know he's not screaming but the slightest bit of change in voice tempo kills the pressure in my head. Makes it tbrob evenore.
I wince hearing that loud noise again.
"Not so loud Shawn. God." I say finally snapping at him.
"I was loud?" I hear his voice sounds extremely low, and just overall sad.
"Yes!" I say looking up at the phone laying on my desk.
"Oh okay, alright call me later. Bye." He ends the call before I can even say goodbye.

I rub my temples even harder knowing I shouldn't have snapped at him, with him not even knowing what's going on. I let out a sigh shaking my head.
"Shit." I say grabbing my phone again calling him immediately.
I barley even hear him pick up the phone, but I know he answered, I hear his breathing and the TV in the background.
"I'm sorry. I'm tired, I'm hungry and I have a migraine and I just want to go home." I whine taking my guard down spilling my emotions out to Shawn that I've been holding in all day.
"Baby I'm sorry. I didn't know." I hear Shawn's voice crack hearing me cry and complain. My heart breaks just hearing him making me feel even worse that I snapped at him.
"I'm sorry for being a cranky bitch." I say finally finishing the last stack of files for the night.
"Don't be sorry. But how about you come here since I'm closer to your job, I'll make you something to eat and you can relax." The idea was so tempting that I didn't care if I wore the same jeans and T-shirt to work tomorrow. I wanted to get home as soon as I could.
"Okay. I'll be there within a half an hour." I say closing my eyes feeling a smile form on my face.
"Okay baby. I'll see you soon." Shawn says clearly in a much better mood after I explained what happened.

I get to Shawn's condo pressing the gate code in, that he gave me and park next to Shawn's Jeep.
I get up to his condo knocking on the door lightly feeling completely drained.
He opens the door pulling my into my chest immediately making me feel at home.
"How did you know it was me?" I ask into his chest feeling his warmth come off of him, and to me.
"You know my knock, I know yours." He says kissing the top of my head immediately making me blush into his chest.
"I missed you. I'm tired-" I stop leaning my chin on his chest. He looks down at me grabbing my face in his smiling down.
"And hungry." I pout my bottom lip looking towards the kitchen to see if I can smell something.
"Ah, ah. Not before I get my hello kiss." He says bringing my face back close to his.
"Then kiss me." I say biting my bottom lips and watch him shake his head leaning down kissing me picking me up off the floor slightly making me squeal into the kiss.

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