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A/n sorry for the mistakes 😭, but anyway enjoy. Hope you like it ❤❤

I walk into my condo setting my keys down scanning the place and let out a groan at how messy it is.
"How is it that I've been he for a week and it's already trashed" I ask myself going into the kitchen getting a big garbage bag and starting to throw away all the empty water bottles, food boxes and crumpled up paper.
I turn my Spotify on and jam out to the recently played playlist and try to make the cleaning process a little bit easier.
Starting a load of laundry and trying to work my vacuum I hear a knock at the door and jog towards the door to be greeted by my mum and sister.
"Hey mum, how are you?" I hug her tightly and bring her into my house and stretch to Aaliyah and hug her brining her into the house as well.
"Well we wanted to stop by." My mum says with a smile and sets her purse down on my kitchen island.
"Dude, your house is a fucking mess." Aaliyah says with a chuckle and nudges my shoulder.
"Language Aaliyah." My mum scowls at her and scans the room herself to see how messy it is.
"Seriously Shawn, why is it so messy? God men are useless!" She says and takes the garbage that was on the floor and grabs even more things and stuffs them into the bag.
"Wait stop!-" I reach out to her as she shoved something into the bag that I needed
"I need this." I say taking out the paper and placing it on the counter.
"Shawn, it's a damn ad for dogs. You don't even have a dog." Aaliyah says taking the paper and throwing it away.
My mum, and sister basically take over the cleaning process and super clean my house.
They fluffed my pillows, dusted my tables, and even started to steam my floors.
"Mum seriously I can do this. I just didn't know how." I say taking the steamer from her and taking it to the other side of my condo.
"Good. Then you won't need our help next time." She says patting my shoulder and sitting on the couch letting out an exhausted sigh.
After what feels like forever I'm able to put the steamer back in the closet and sit down and relax with my mum and sister.
I plop down on my freshly fluffed white.
I sit texting Meghan while watching the movie that I've lost total interest in.
I get up to get a glass of water and hear a loud ding from my phone notifying me that I got a text message.
As I walk back with my glass of water in hand I see Aaliyah grab my phone and her eyebrows I it together in confusion.
"Who's Meghan and why is she happy that the week is over?" She says loudly to where my mum looks over at me and my sister in confusion.
"What the hell are you two yelling at?" My mum asks clearly being woken from her nap.
"Sorry mum. Aaliyah just being annoying as always." I say grabbing my phone harshly from her hands and sit down looking at my phone discreetly.
"So...whos Meghan?" Aaliyah scoots next to asking in a whisper.
I let out a annoyed huff and place my phone fave down.
"A girl I'm seeing." I say in a whisper so we don't wake my mum up again.
"Seeing her as in, just fucking her, or like actually seeing her?" She asks looking at me with narrowed eyes.
"Actually seeing her." I say and her face softens and looks up straight.
"Wait seriously? Wow I'm shocked." She says I'm pure amusement.
"She must be special if you have her in your phone." She says while facing the television.
"We just started. We don't know what we are." I say trying to enlighten myself as to I do the want nor do I need to be wrapped into a relationship.
I don't need to be hurt.
Not again.
"She must be special. You don't keep girls numbers let alone names in your phone." She says looking over at me.
"Enough Aaliyah." I say not wanting to discuss other anymore.
"I'm just saying. She must be special; I hope we get to meet her one day." She says continuing to watch the movie.
I don't say anything I stay silent keeping Aaliyah's words I'm my head.
Maybe Megan is special.
She's different that's for sure.
A good different.
I walk through work so happy it's Friday, mainly for the weekend but now I have a movie date with Shawn.
I sit at my desk sorting through paper work when I get a two way call from Sabrina, and McKenzie.
"Hey! What's up?" I ask typing away on my computer.
"Okay so I want to know details about the date!" Sabrina says.
I let out a chuckle shaking my head.
"Technically dateSSSS" McKenzie says emphasizing the s.
Sabrina gasps and I look up rapidly.
"What?" I ask in panic
"You went on TWO dates???" She asks loudly.
I nod my head and let out a sigh. "Yes two." I say with a chuckle.
"Okay but like how was it? The dates I mean." Sabrina asks.
I lean back in my chair and take the phone with me while I lean back.
"Great. Actually. We went to an Italian restaurant. Which was fucking killer. The ravioli was so-" I say being interrupted
"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE FOOD I WANNA KNOW ABOUT THE DATE! JEEZ!" Sabrina says and I throw my head back and laugh again.
"Okay. Okay. Anyway. We talked, and talked and we kissed. And ugh yeah thats it." I say shrugging my shoulders.
"DID SHE SAY A KISS?" McKenzie says in disbelief.
I nod my head and both of there jaws fly open
I shrug my shoulders and chuckle "I felt good about him."
"Okay so what was the second date?" Sabrina asks taking a bite of her breakfast sandwich.
"He took me out to lunch." I say smiling remembering what happened before we went to lunch, in the car.
"Okay enough about him. For now. But can we do girls night on Sunday? I have to grade papers and need to do it." Sabrina asks
I nod my head "I don't see a problem."
"Yeah neither do I. I don't have work on Monday." McKenzie says happily as she loses her focus to her work.
"Okay so Sunday. Sounds good." I say about to hang up the phone and get to work.
"WAIT!" I hear Sabrina shout through the phone.
"What?" I ask with a chuckle
"What do we bring? The usual movies and snacks?" She asks and give her a confused look.
"We've been doing girls night for like five years. We never bring anything different of course the usual stuff!" I say in excitement.
"Yeah for real Sabrina who are you? Forgetting our traditions." McKenzie says shaking her head and we all laugh.
"Okay see you both Sunday!"
We all hang up and I get to work, very excited about tonight.
~feedback is greatly appreciated ❤ also try to imagine Meghan sitting at her desk (picture above) talking to her friends. Couldn't find one ANYWHERE!!!  But how you enjoyed ❤

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