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[Meghan]I wake up slipping out of my warm bed seeing Shawn sprawled out next to me in his boxer briefs and his curls very prominent laying on the pillow.

His face was deep into the pillow hearing his breathing knowing he's past out.
I smile emerges from my face seeing the state he's in.
I wish I could lay with him all day. Or sit in my living room waiting for him to wake up, handing him a hot cup of coffee sitting doing nothing.
I shake my head taking the thought out of my head. Jeez Meghan you're probably not dating him, it's just a fling.
I get ready for the work day not wanting to get up, as staying in the warm bed with the man I'm not sure if he's my boyfriend or just a fling sounds super tempting.
I stand by the edge of my bed in my mismatched bra and underwear biting the tip of my finger wondering what would happen if I didn't go into work.
God no. You need to go to work.
I say placing my hands in front of me trying to focus on getting ready.
I turn on my heels walking back to the bathroom to forcefully getting ready.

He sleeps peacefully and I place a post it on my granite counter tops writing
'Stay as long as you'd like. Had a great time last night. Wish I could stay, but have to go to work. If you do leave the temporary security code for the door is 8979 xo Meg'
I smile leaving my apartment definitely not wanting to.
I hesitated as I walked to my car, maybe I shouldn't leave. Maybe I should stay home. As I walk closer to my car I stop in my tracks and my eyes go wide.
What if he looks through my drawers, or steals something.

I turn on my heels starting to walk back but shake my head and turn back to my car.
He wouldn't do that. God Meghan relax.
I let out a sigh and leave for work definitely wishing I was back in my warm bed that someone was keeping warm for me.
I walked into my office being greeted with hello's and good mornings from my co-workers.
I sit at my desk working on the biggest project of the year for our company.
I place my head on my desk letting out a groan and hear a knock at my door making me look up quickly.
"Hey, we're all meeting in the art department ready to go?" My good friend Marissa since I got this job says as she sits down on the chair I'm front of my desk.
"What is up with you? You seem down." She says as I hear her mouth being full, probably popped one of the mints I have on my desk in her mouth.
I look up with some of my hair in my face.
"Oh no I'm peachy. Ya know were the hardest working artist here and the head artist is on vacation. Yeah I'm fine." I say in my sarcastic and pissed off tone.
I get up from my chair taking off my jacket throwing it on the chair.
"I know she erks me. While we're working on the biggest project of the year working our asses off day and night, she's sitting on a sun chair in Mexico drinking a Margirita." Marissa says as we both leave my little whole in the wall office heading to the art department to finish the project that desperately needs help.
"I'm telling you, she needs to just leave. Retire, get fired, quit something!" Marissa waves her hands up in the air making me laugh.
"Well be waiting for a long time for her to retire, the woman is only 35." I say getting into the elevator pressing the 7th floor.
"Someone needs to replace her. So badly. Like YOU! God they need someone who loves coming here. You sometimes live here." She says as the doors open to the art department.
"Alright let's stop moping and complaining and let's get it done and over with and we can go home." I say letting out a sigh walking to the group of artist.
Hours go by with several cups of coffee not helping how tired I am. I run my hands through my unwashed hair groaning at the lack of progress we've had.
"Honey take a break. You have been working on this since seven thirty, honey take a break." One of my co-workers says patting my back hoping for me to relax.
"Okay everyone!" I hear a louf clap and my boss Jermery shouting to get everyone's attention. I remove my hands from my face causing me to look at him leaning on the table.
"Everyone go get lunch. Take a break. You all deserve it." He shouts causing everyone to disperse from the work table leaving there work. I turn on my heels trying to continue to work wanting to get as much work done as possible.
"EVEN YOU KROH! GO TO LUNCH!" I hear Jermery shouting from across the room. I let out a chuckle and turn around walking to the elevator, to walk back to my office to eat lunch alone and get right back to work.

As I pass everyone leaving in big groups to go to the break room to have lunch I walk to my desk.
Personally I love having company while eating, but not when I have a huge project due AND all they talk about is drama.
I love Marissa I really do, but sometimes she gossips about a lot of things.
I walk back to my little hole in the wall office and see someone sitting down in one of the chairs.
I enter my office letting out a sigh "can I help-" I can't finish my sentence seeing the person turn around being the person I want it to be.
He turns around with a big smile on his face coming over to me and kissing me quickly on my lips.
"What are you doing here?" I ask in a low excited voice.
"What? I can't visit my girlfriend at work?" He asks with a chuckle. My eyes go wide looking at Shawn in shock.
"Wait did you just use the word-" I pause thinking what he said again as Shawn holds my close to him waiting for me to finish. I swallow slowly and look up at him again "-girlfriend?" I say in a extremely low voice.
Shawn and I lock eyes, he smiles widely biting his lip "yeah I did. Are you okay with that?" Shawn asks with slight doubt in his voice looking around trying to avoid eye contact.
I grab his face in my small hands making him look at me.
"It's perfect, you're perfect. Boyfriend." I say with a big smile and watch his frown become a huge smile it looks like his cheeks hurt.
Our foreheads touch and he leans down and kisses me sweetly.
I pull from his embrace looking over at my desk  seeing a brown paper bag ontop of the desk.
"What's that?" I ask pointing at the brown bag and Shawn looks at the bag too.
"Oh that! I brought you lunch. I tried to call you to see if you wanted to go for lunch but some girl answered saying to come around 2, so here I am." He says with a smile on his face, making me leave his embrace to walk over to my desk.
"Come on boyfriend, have lunch with me." I said extending my arm for Shawn to take my hand.
He smiles adding a laugh walking to me as I take out the food.
"Chinese? My favorite." I say with a smile kissing him on his lips making him smile into out kiss.
"Thank you." I say whispering taking my attention back to the food.
And there I am sitting in my hole in the wall office eating Chinese food with my boyfriend.

----Hope you liked it, I'm actually proud of this chapter lol. I'm never proud of these, but I hope you liked it. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Also if you see italicized wording (this)  it means that the person is thinking in their head, if that makes sense. But as always hope you enjoyed <3

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