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I walk up to my childhood home walking in smelling some type of candle burning and my mums cooking.
Every Saturday I go over to my parents house to have family dinner. Ever since I've been home my mum has been super on me about spending more time with them and not skipping on family dinner.
I walk into the kitchen grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl taking a big bite.
"Hey mum" I say with a mouth full of apple.
She turns around while continuing to stir whatever is in the pot.
"Smells good." I say pointing to the pot with my apple. My mum laughs abandoning the wooden spoon and coming to hug me.
"Glad you're here. I've missed you." She wraps her arms around me tightly giving me a kiss on my cheek.
"Where's Aaliyah?" I ask leaning on the kitchen counter.
"Up in her room I think. Why?" She asks turning her attention back to the food.
"Nothin' just wanna talk to her about somethin'." I say biting into my apple.
"I swear you two are two peas in a pod. Who would know you're five years younger?" She asks getting milk out of the refrigerator.
"Oh, everyone knows. Mum it's so obvious. She still looks like a baby." I say with a chuckle finishing my apple throwing it in the garbage can.
"Don't be a smart ass." She says pointing at me with a cucumber.
I laugh and put my hands up in surrender and let out a chuckle.
"Alright, alright you're right. I'm gonna go upstairs. Love you mum." I say shouting from the steps.
I walk into my sisters room with her headphones in her ears sprawled out on her bed.
"Long time no see weirdo" She says jumping off her bed hugging me tightly.
"Yeah same to you." I say with a chuckle hugging her tighter.
"What's up with you? You seem happier? Glowier?" She says in confusion making me laugh
"I'm not pregnant Aaliyah." I say commenting about being 'glowier'
She pushes my shoulder laughing "not what I meant. You just look different." She says shrugging walking back to her bed putting her headphones back in.
I smile at her weakly walking around her room looking at the pictures hanging on her wall.
"Well you're not wrong." I say looking back at her with her eyes going wide.
"What? About what?" She says taking her headphones out of her ears.
I turn around placing my hands in pockets shrugging. "Yeah, I uh-" I say scratching the back of my head nervously. "-met someone." I say looking up at her with a huge smile on her face.
"No fucking way! That's great Shawn! Wait is it that girl you were talking to when mum and I were over?" She asks and I nod my head moving to the foot of her bed sitting across from her.
"Her name is Meghan." I say with a smile and a chuckle as her name rolls off my tongue.
"Awe I got my happy, giddy brother back." She says pushing my shoulder again. "I hope I can meet her one day." She says biting the bottom of her lip.
"I hope so too. You'd like her. I hope." I say and immediately she shoots her head up with a cheerful smile.  "just don't tell mum or dad, kinda just want it to be me and her ya know?" 

"my lips are sealed." She says moving her fingers from one side of her lips to the other, signaling that she won't say anything. I nod my head with a sigh of relief. "So how's school?" I ask as we abandon her room walking down stairs to where my parents are sitting watching something horrible on TV. "Boring. Stressful. Annoying." She says trotting down the steps behind me.

"Oh good. You're both down. Dinner is ready." My mum says turning around from her comfortable spot on the couch and scooting to the edge of the couch. "Come on. I'm starving." My mum says after getting up from the couch walking to the table. "Hey dad." I say jogging down the rest of the steps to meet his embrace.

"God, it's good to see you." My dad says patting my back and squeezing me tight.

We sit down at the table eating the food my mum prepared.
"God this is good." I say shoveling more onto my plate making my mum laugh at my state of hunger.
"Well then maybe you shouldn't have moved all the way to downtown Toronto." She says continuing to eat her food, which is her first helping.
"Karen. You will forever hate that he moved out won't you?" My dad asks with a chuckle and watch my mum nod her head rapidly.
"He's my son. What am I supposed to do?" She asks shrugging and I just shake my head and laugh.
"Oh Aaliyah-" My mum says pointing to my sister with her fork. "-your hockey game is postponed to this week. Which you-" My mum says moving her fork to me making me look up "-are coming correct?" My mum asks making me laugh and I look at Aaliyah with desperate eyes.
"I mean yeah I have no where else to be." I say shrugging continuing to eat.
"What day?" She asks confused setting her fork down making it clink with the plate and forcing herself forward.
"Saturday. Why?" She asks continuing to eat her food.
"MUM! That's the day of my date!" She says in a fit of hysteria and I drop my fork too making it clink loudly as well.
"Date?" I ask in confusion looking at her.
"Yeah. I'm not the only one with someone special." She says in an annoyed tone making me throw my hands up I'm defense.
"Well too bad Aaliyah, you made a commitment in joining the team." My mum says with an annoyed tone at Aaliyah.
"Shawn?" I hear my dad ask in confusion making me turn my attention to my dad
"Yeah? What's up?" I ask taking a sip of my water hoping my parents didn't catch on Aaliyah spilling the beans.
"You're seeing someone?" My dad asks taking a drink of his beer waiting for my response.
I let out a sigh at the secret being told.
It's not that I didn't want to tell my parents that I was dating, but wanted to wait a while.
"Yeah." I say letting out an annoyed sigh giving Aaliyah a glare.
"Sorry." She mouths shrugging her shoulders.
"Oh honey that's great! What her name!" My mum chimes in asking extremely excited dropping her fork and having all her attention onto me.
"Meghan." I say in complete annoyance giving Aaliyah the same glare yet again.
"Bring her to the hockey game!" My mum says with excitement evident in her voice.
I smile weakly scratching the back of my head not wanting to disappoint her.
"Karen. Maybe she's busy?" My dad chimes in making me let out a sigh if relief.
"Well, if she can come maybe bring her along." My mum says taking her plate and bringing it to the sink.
I let out a sigh leaning my cheek on my closed fist.
"I think you should bring her." I hear my sister whispering to me as I glare back at her.
"Thanks to you, my secret is out." I say letting out a sigh.
Now you've done it Shawn.
What if she doesn't want to meet my family yet. What if it's too soon. What if my mum doesn't like her, or worse Aaliyah? It pains me that it's a possibility they may not like her.
"Hello? Shawn?" I feel Meghan shoving my side getting my attention, making me pull from my thoughts.
"What? Hm Sorry babe." I say shaking my head looking down at her with a smile.
"Babe?" She says with confusion knitting her eyebrows together.
"What? You don't like babe?" I ask with concern in my voice.
A smile creeps across her face leaning up to me kissing my lips passionately. She pulls away smiling at me and pecking my lips again. "I like babe, babe." She simply says making me smile at her calling me babe as well.
I lean down kissing her again making me instantly blush as her lips touch mine. Whenever we kiss it feels like electricity is rushing through my body.
It's as if she's my weakness, she's my kryptonite.
The thoughts of bringing her to Aaliyah's hockey game scares me. Not only that I'm afraid my parents or Aaliyah won't like her, it's also that what if Meghan doesn't want to meet them yet. What if she wants to take if slow. What if she just doesn't want to go in general. What if she hates hockey, then Aaliyah really won't like her.
I let out a sigh shifting my position making Meghan look up at me.
"Hey pillow! Stop moving." She says with a laugh looking up.
"I'm your pillow?" I ask her with a chuckle.
She nods her head and sits up more laying more comfy on my chest.
"Hey, what are you doing this Friday?" The words rolling off my tongue before I can even think.
She looks up at me and shrugs her shoulders. "Not sure. Probably nothing." She says grabbing my free hand that isn't stroking her back. She grabs my hand interlocking our fingers squeezing my hand tight.
"Wanna go to my sisters hockey game?" I ask keeping my eyes shut afraid of her answer.
"Hey, look at me." I hear her say with her finger under my chin.
I pry my eyes open seeing her straddling me holding my face in her hands. "I would love to go." She says the words coming out of her mouth making me sigh in relief.
"Really?" I ask in doubt and she nods her head biting her lip kissing me sweetly.
"What makes you think I wouldn't?" She asks pulling away from our kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck interlocking her fingers.
"I don't know, I just thought maybe you wanted to take it slow, or something." I say trying not to look at her, but fail.
"I want to go. I want to know everything about you that you don't tell me. I will go if you want me to go." She says making my heart melt.
"Of course I want you to go. I just thought you wouldn't want to go." I say looking deep into her blue green.
"I want to go." She says pecking my lips and falling back into her spot snuggling next to me.
I smile widely like a mad man pulling my phone out texting my sister,
"Hey! See you Friday!!" I type not wanting to give away the 'surprise'
"IS SHE COMING??" my sister instantly replies making me chuckle.
"Gotta wait til Friday." I type with a smug smile on my face.
I look down at Meghan cuddled up to me watching the movie intently and smile, this woman laying on me is different, someone I've never been with, not like the others.
Hopefully my family likes different.
--feedback is greatly appreciated. Hope you liked it. ❤❤

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