Thirty Five

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A/n oh my!!!! Look who's back???? Hopefully I'm more consistent. Also to understand why I haven't posted on here in about a month or so, just read the bottom section and everything will be explained. As always, enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated!!!!! 

[Shawn POV]

I feel awkward around her dads of the family. Her mothers side is very accepting and happy; as for her fathers side they all have this look, look of anger. Giving me the side eye, then looking at Zac with loving eyes. 

Am I that much of an eye sore?

I stand awkwardly holding a drink, looking over at Meghan, looking bored as can be. Not the type of bored where she hates where she is, she just looks bored with the conversation going on.
Her hair cascading down her back, her hip popped out leaning on it for support and looking at me occasionally. I bite my bottom lip sipping my drink, continuing to 'talk' with some of the members on her dads side.
"But Smith you can't move over the accounts, it would effect the charts." One of the men said, making me mentally want to punch myself in the face.
"Well why don't you just transfer the account to the sister company, let them handle it." Her father says as everyone nods not looking like they are all on the same page, leaving them all holding their drinks in their ten thousand dollars suits with undecided looks of defeat, leaving me the odd ball out. Again
"So Shawn, what do you think should happen?" One of the men ask making me jump out of my train of thought. I scratch the back of my head trying to think of an answer, and sound as educated as I can in front of the people I'm front of me.
"Uh, may-" I start to say as I hear a scoff from her father making me immediately stop.
"He wouldn't know, he's only an army medic. Only has a high school diploma, if even that." He says making me feel as if I was just slapped in the face. "If you want to know what to do ask Zac, best damn partner I've had in a while." He says looking for Zac through the crowd. He clearly must have found him as I see his hand wave, for someone to come over.

My skin crawls just knowing who Zac is, and what he did. What pisses me off even more is that her father has no clue. I just want to scream in her fathers face what really happened. As I see the guy I loathe come into the small group of people, I let out a scoff and shake my head.
"I'm going to get some air." I say walking past the group, with no one caring enough to stop me.

I lean my elbows on the porch, looking out to the ginormous backyard, seeing the sun peak through the trees.
"Just give the fuck up, man." I hear Zac say placing his alcoholic drink on the table.
"Excuse me?" I say turning around waiting for an answer.
"You heard me, give up. Meghan won't know the difference, And her father sure as fuck won't care." He says looking over his shoulder seeing Meghan in the kitchen with her mother. "Aren't you being deployed soon? How does he know? If you actually love her you'll save her the damn heartbreak." 

His words made my blood boil. It takes all of me not to punch him, my hand forms a fist squeezing tight. "I mean she's moving back here anyways. Maybe you should save yourself from the heartbreak." He says shrugging his shoulders.
My brows furrow together, confused is an understatement.
"Oh you didn't hear? She got an amazing job offer here, she's gonna take it. Wow, she didn't tell you she was leaving Toronto in two months? That's a shocker." He says sounding surprised. I become so livid I can't even explain it.

Zac simply leaves pretending not to have even had our conversation. The glass in my hand has a tight grip on it, wanting to break it but contain myself knowing this isn't the place for it.

I look behind me seeing Meghan through the window looking extremely bored. Her eyes lock mine and give me are assuring smile. I don't give her a smile back, I just remember that she lied to me about moving back here. I turn back around looking at the view feeling completely livid.
"Hey stranger." She says opening the patio door, and quickly closing it not wanting to let the dog outside. I look behind my shoulder again, and let out a puff of air, and walking off of her patio down the steps onto the grass. "You okay?" She asks hot on my toes waiting for a response. But she doesn't get one. I'm hoping me not responding gives her the hint to leave me alone. But she doesn't, Meghan is the type to ask you until you tell her what's wrong. "Sha-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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