Twenty One

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~Enjoy <33

I stand in the kitchen sipping my coffee occasionally, singing one of Carrie Underwood's songs. The memories of last night rush through my mind making me blush. I've only given my body to someone once before. I was in college, was in love, or so I thought. I never felt the way I felt last night before. That was a new emotion for me.  

I softly sing the song being played on my phone, trying not to sing too loud as the tall Canadian was still asleep, and not wanting to wake him. I was on my third cup of coffee feeling nerves I've never felt before. I suddenly felt nervous being in the same place as Shawn. Not a bad nervous but a good nervous, is there even a good nervous? All I know is that my cheeks feel like they are on fire whenever I see him, or talk to him, or even think about him. Is this what love felt like? Constantly feeling this wave of nervousness every time you think of that person? Or talk to them? I thought love was supposed to happen instantaneously, or is that only in the movies where two people lock eyes with each other and instantly click? I did NOT feel that with Shawn. Or did I? I mean I did try to talk to him but then he was a dick. But he's not anymore. 

I let out a sigh running my hands through my hair hearing the song change from on Carrie Underwood song to another. Meghan just relax, you overthink WAY too much. I let out a sigh listening to the beat of the song trying to remove the nervous thoughts 

'I dug my name into the side of pretty little souped-up-four-wheel drive.' I sing along thinking back to when I first listened to this song when I was in my childish years.

"Hey you." I hear a deep voice say from behind me making me jump immediately. I smile feeling my cheeks become red hot again. 

relax Meghan!

I feel his hands wrap around my waist pulling me close to his chest kissing the crook of my neck, then to my jaw, trailing all the way to my cheek and kissing the corner of my mouth. I place my hands on top of his feeling the warmth radiate off his body and squeezing his hands tight pulling them closer to my chest, wanting to feel as close as I can. 

"Good Morning." He says making me truly hear his deep morning voice making me blush again feeling my cheeks become even more hot. 

I try turning around feeling Shawn's chin on my shoulder keeping his hands wrapped around my waist making sure not to slip from his grip. I bring one of my hands to his hair and run my hand through his hair emitting a tired groan from him making me laugh. 

"You hungry?" I ask trying to look at him as best as I can. 

"Do you have coffee? I smell coffee." He asks his voice sounding muffled from his mouth pressed to my shoulder rubbing his face on my shoulder just like a cat does when you stop petting them.

"Yeah." I say reaching for a coffee cup above my head grabbing a cute coffee mug with the Disney character, Stitch on it making me remember the time I went to Disney with my mum and dad. I keep the mug in my hand tightly close to my chest not wanting to break it.

I turn around in his tight hold with his chin still on my shoulder. I grip the mug tightly in one hand while the other brings his head up being met with his tired brown eyes. I push the Stitch coffee mug to his chest giving him a smile kissing him on the cheek as I definitely still have morning breath.

I watch him place the mug down on the nearest counter top and grabs my face in his hands giving me a pouted look. "I want my good morning kiss." He says keeping his hold on my face.

I grab his face the same way he has mine and look at him with the same pouted look. "My breathe smells. Not trying to steer you away." I say with a chuckle watching him deflate a bit.

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