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A/n hope you like it. Feedback is greatly appreciated ❤❤

I wake up with a throbbing headache looking at the celing knowing that this my room,not my ceiling fan, not even the right texture of the walls. I sit up at bit too quickly causing my head to throb and me whince out in pain. I place my palm on my forehead and close my eyes hoping to relieve some pain.
I look around frantically and see a body lazily sprawled out curls very prominent.
"Holy shit." I say in a whispered tone biting my nail and grasping my mother's necklace around my neck holding it tight.
I look down and a University of Toronto T-shirt covering my bare chest.
Did I have sex with Shawn last night? No I couldn't have. I barley know the guy, I mean if two people want it sure go right ahead but I at least like to know the guys favorite color before getting into his pants.
My hand naturally falls to my naked thigh and it finally all hits me like a freight train. I was placed in pleasure that I've never felt before.
I smile remembering exactly what happened and how I felt wishing I could feel that pleasure again.
I swing my bare legs over his platform and hear a groan come from him and I look behind me and let out a low chuckle.
My feet hit the cold hardwood floors and make me want to go in desperate search for socks.
I let out a sigh and walk straight to his opened bathroom.
I walk into the super modern bathroom, going to the bathroom and looking at myself in the big mirror making my eyes go wide.
"What. The. Fuck." I lean over the the counter and look at my skin closer. My mascara was smudged under my eyes making me look like a raccoon. I let out a chuckle putting my finger in my mouth collecting saliva and putting it under my eye wiping the smudged mascara.
I walk back to the bedroom lookig behind me grabbing the door and closing it slightly. I look back at the bed and slightly jump seeing Shawn perched up on his elbow watching me.
"Shit. You scared me." I say cluching my chest.
I watch him laugh and takes his free hand and extends his hand to me.
"Ya know, waking up alone kinda sucks." He says with a chuckle.
I bounce off the frame of the door and sit on his bed.
"Makes you sound like a fuck boy." I say somewhat annoyed as I wonder if he does this often with lots of other girls.
"Okay, let me rephrase-" He says grabbing my wrist making me turn my attention to him. "-I don't like waking up alone when it's you." I let out a shy smile and fall onto the pillow next to him.
"I had fun last night." Shawn says lowly into my ear making me smile without him seeing.
I slowly turn my head to him with my hair in my face and give him a shy smile.
His hand comes up to my face getting the hair out of my face tucking it behind my ear.
"Yeah me too." I say getting up from the bed and leaving the room quickly walking to the kitchen.
"Hey wait." I hear Shawn holler while I pick up my black jeans and turn my head seeing Shawn speed walk out of his room slipping on sweatpants.
"Where are you going?" He asks in a pant throwing his hands up.
"I need to go. We shouldn't have-" I say pulling my jeans on over my legs "-done this. I mean I barley know your favorite color." I say trying to put some sense into my head as well as his.
"So what are you saying? You didn't want that? Meghan all you had to say was no." He says with a desperate yet mad tone in his voice.
I pick up my bra and top off the floor and walk past him to finish getting ready.
"Of course I wanted it-" I turn around before walking the bathroom kissing his cheek.
"Last night was amazing. Trust me. Best I've ever felt-" I say while feeling Shawn's hand grab mine and squeezes it tightly "then why are you leaving in a hurry?" He asks desperately.
"I just need to go. Have to do some work." I say walking into the bathroom changing quickly, and walking back out with his shirt in my hand.
I walk to his door grabbing my purse and turning back going into kiss his cheek when he moves his face and I kiss his lips and I let out a chuckle.
"You did that on purpose." I say pointing at him with a glaring look.
He shrugs his shoulders and throws his hands up in the air and laughs "maybe so you won't leave? But I'm not exactly sure. Maybe it's cause your lips taste like candy." He says and I throw my head back and laugh.
"I'll call you." I say kissing his cheek and leaving.
Part of me wishes I wasn't leaving but the other part of me knows he's done this before many times and all the girls have stayed at his command like a dog being told to stay.
I'm not like other girls.
I walk to the elevator hearing a door being unlocked.
"BLUE!" I turn around quickly and see Shawn out of his apartment shirtless and no shoes on.
"What?" I ask confused waiting for the elevator to come.
"Blue. My favorite color. It's blue." He says walking over to me and kisses me passionately.
His hands holding onto my face gently and mine finding his forearms holding on gently.
"You're something else Meghan- I dont know your last name."
"It's Kroh." I say with a chuckle and watch him walk backwards as I hear the elevator coming to the floor opening up with someone in it looking very unpleasant.
"I'll be waiting by the phone Meghan Kroh!" He shouts for all his neighbors and the woman walking out of the elevator to hear and I let out a laugh. "Bye Shawn" I say in a teasing manner walking backwards into the elevator.
The door closes and my back is on one of the walls as I press the number 1 with a star next to it.
He made my heart race. Made it beat so fast NASA would be jealous.
Maybe he is different
I walk into my apartment throwing everything on the ground and let out a sigh at the emptiness of my apartment.
I walk over to my kitchen looking through the cupboards for anything good to eat and let out a sigh.
"Fuck. I forgot to go grocery shopping." I say closing the cupboard and walking to my room getting out of the work clothes and into more comfy clothes.
I enter the grocery store pushing the cart around hating that I'm here.
I go down the normal aisles getting my weekly necessities.
As I'm walking through the aisles I hear my phone ring and immediately pick it up seeing my Sabrina calling.
"Okay question. Are we having alcohol there? Cause like we need it." I in my tracks wondering why.
"What happened? You sound sad." I say with worry in my voice.
"I think Peter and I broke up. We fought and I just I need to not clear my mind." I nod my head hearing the information with shock.
"I'm so sorry. Well alcohol will be in my cart. Don't worry. We will talk about it." I say walking to the big bag of goldfish throwing it in my bag.
"Sabrina, sweets it will be okay. I promise, you have Sydney and I." I said with a small smile forming.
"Okay, I'll see you tonight." She says not wanting to hear my words.
We both hang up and I continue to walk the aisles adding alcohol to the mix.
I walk into my apartment setting all my bags down on the counter letting out a sigh.
"Hm. And I doubted myself of bringing this all up." I say proud of myself resting my hands on my hips.
After I finish putting everything away I plop down on my couch letting out a sigh and immediately hear the door knock.
"Got to be fucking kidding me." I say getting back up and walking to the door.
I open the door seeing Sabrina with all her stuff sniffling
"Well someone's early." I say with a chuckle.
----hope ya like it. Not sure how much I like the ending but eh oh well.

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