Thirty Three

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A/n have to get back into the swing of things again. Also excuse any mistakes......

I sit on the couch with my forearms leaning on my knees waiting for Meghan to come back from the talk with her father. I glance down at my phone trying to pass the time, checking up on my mum's multiple messages.
How is it there??
Fine. Besides the fact that her father absolutely hates me.
What for?
Dunno. Hasn't liked me since I walked through the damn door.
I type fast and pressing send , quickly looking up making sure. Meghan didn't leave her dad's office.
Well he sounds like an ass. Don't let that bother you, nor let it effect you and Meghan's relationship. It's you and her, not you her and both sides of the family.
And somehow I feel as if everyone has now become in her and I relationship. It feels as if everyone knows about us. Which I was always told by mum as a young child; that actually knew what a relationship was that the relationship should be about the two people in love.
I know, but it's kinda hard for it to be me and her to be alone when her family is kinda all up in our business.
Well get alone time with her, take her away. Don't care what any of her family thinks about you.
It's all about you and her, if she still loves you then her family will get over it and accept the fact that she's in love.
So far it's just her dad. Her mum seems nice, but her dad is the problem.
Don't let it bother you. Please Shawn, don't let that bother you.
I'll try not to. Thanks for the advice.
As I press send to the final text from my mum I see a small little kid at the corner of my eye running towards the kitchen. I look behind me seeing Meghan's little brother Jackson running to the kitchen looking for his mum while holding a toy.
"Mumma?" I see him ask frantically holding his action figure tightly.
"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I ask standing up from the couch, immediately going to the boy with tears falling from his cheeks.
"M-my m-man's arm." He says showing me the action figures arm not attached to the body anymore. I immediately crouch down to his level so that he's eye level with me.
"Awe buddy, I'm sorry. Want me to try and fix it?" I ask knowing exactly how to fix the "broken" arm.
"How? D-daddy says if broken, you throw away." He say adding s sniffle and wiping his nose itch the back of his hand and let's out a big sigh. "B-but h-he my f-favourite." I watch him struggle to talk knowing the tears are falling down his face.
"Do you want me to try and fix it?" I ask in a low whisper not wanting to scare him away.
I see his sad eyes looking kinda weary, looking for some type of approval from someone. But there is t anyone around besides me and him.
He gives me a slow nod still looking weary.

He slowly hands me the broken toy and I see the arm has broken off. When I was a little boy, action figures arms and legs would always break or snap off, making me cry just like little Jackson.
"We have to throw away?" He asks looking at me and then his mum who is still behind me.
"No, no. It's an easy fix. I promise." I say placing the toy and loose arm on the counter top. I stand ready to do exactly what my father used to do when I was a kid.
Jackson comes up to my legs standing on his toes trying to look at what's going on. I chuckle slightly and quickly grab him and place him on top of the counter.
His eyes go wide and gives me a little nod ready for me to start what I need to do. I grab a rubber band that I keep on my wrist as just a force of habit. Essentially helps me when my mind averts to memories of being in the army.
"Okay I'm gonna take the rubber band." I say taking the rubber band off my wrist and take the detached arm and place it where it's supposed to be and wrapping the rubber band between the arm and the body of the action figure.

As I'm done I hand the action figure back to Jackson and see his eyes are no longer filled with tears. "All fixed." I say with a warming smile. Jackson takes his now fixed toy and starts to move the arm, testing to make sure it's actually fixed. His eyes look at me and his lips form a smile.
"What's going on here?" I hear a woman asking as she enters the kitchen, which is his mum back from where ever she was.
"Mumma!" He says sliding to the edge of the counter making my eyes go wide grabbing him and placing him back on the ground. "Look! He fixed my man!" He says trying to shove his toy in his mums face, but only gets passed her hips.
"Wow bubba! What do you say to Shawn?" She asks with a shocked look on her face.
Jackson turns around running back over to me hugging my legs making me look completely shocked. "Thank you Shawn." He says I'm the sweetest voice making my hand go to his back and stroke it up and down.
"You're welcome buddy." I say leaning down to his level again and feel his little arms go around my neck and hugging me again.
His little body runs away getting his now unbroken toy from his mum. "Pway mummy?" He asks wanting for someone to play with him. Maybe his mum will.
"Sorry bubby, gotta get the house ready for tomorrow." She says playing with his straight brown hair. I watch his shoulders slump a bit as start to walk to his play room, but immediately turns on his heels and looking extremely hesitant.
"Shawn?" I hear his little voice say my name making me set my glass of water down looking at him with wide eyes. "Wanna pway?" He asks probably ready to hear another no.

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