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Lisa woke up startled from the sudden breeze that flew in from the window. She covered herself in her blanket, bringing her feet up to her chest. A thought creeped into her mind and she sat up, blinking a few times.

"Unnie!" She called out, using her hand to block out the sunlight from the opened curtains.

"Yes, madam." She scurried in, facing the floor.

"Just call me Lisa. Anyways, how did I get here, last night?" She asked.

"A young man brought you here. Very handsome." The lady smiled. "He left a note." She opened the wardrobe and fished out a small pink envelope.

Curiosity filled Lisa and she snatched it out of her hand. "Sorry." She sheepishly smiled and opened the envelope carefully, trying not to rip the paper.

She smiled upon reading the words. 'Hey, sleepyhead. Hope you slept well, you seemed really into your dream last night. But you were pretty. Love Secret admirer.'

She couldn't help but blush at the word 'pretty'. So many people have commented on her appearance this week and being the humble person she is, she always denied. It was a bit saddening that she thought so low of herself.

"Do I have any plans today?" She asked the lady that stood before her.

"Yes, you have a date with Park Jimin. Your boyfriend." She smiled at the last bit, wriggling her eyebrows.

"Oh shoot! I totally forgot." She threw the blanket off her and jumped onto the shower. She woke up real late, it was now 12:30. She had about 1 hour and a half until the scheduled date. She was actually looking forward to the date. Rare. Really rare in fact.

After showering came the most important decision of the day. What to wear. She emptied out almost her entire closet, mixing and matching different clothes but at the end she settled with a blood red crop top with white shorts and converses.

This was her first date ever and even though it was only a 'fake' date, she took it as if it was real and put lots of thought and pride into looking good in front of Jimin. Though she only did so for her mother and Jimin's reputation. Gotta make it look real or the public won't buy it. She straightened her hair and let it sit on her shoulders.

Her favourite maid applied a little bit of makeup on her to add that little 'beauty' as her maid stated it. After eating food, she was ready to go. She grabbed her phone from her bedside table and began walking to Mama Genie's. It was quite a long walk but she liked watching things around her as she walked through them.

30 minutes and she was nearing the entrance to the café. The café was empty and through the windows she couldn't catch sight of Jimin.  

Not knowing his preferences she chose a seat near the window and ordered the same thing as her for him. Caramel and vanilla ice cream.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late." He rushed in, breathing heavily, panting.

"It's okay, catch your breath." She giggled and passed him a glass of water. He gladly accepted after muttering a thanks and gulped down on the water in less than 3 seconds.

"I'm guessing you're extremely thirsty." She couldn't help but laugh. She pushed some tissues his way and watched as he wiped his mouth.

"Hehe, sorry." He sheepishly smiled. "I got you something." He pulled out a bag from under the table and gave it to her.

Sudden blush crept onto her cheeks and she flushed red. Patting her cheeks lightly hoping to get rid of the warmth, she opened the bag revealing a small box.

"You didn't have to." She whispered to herself but Jimin heard and replied.

"Yeah, I wanted to." He flashed a surprise wink at Lisa, making her die a little inside. She opened the box and there was a bracelet with 3 charms. A set of mini books, a sun and a heart. "The books are to symbolise your knowledge and intelligence. I know it's our first meeting but I heard a lot about you from your mother and just people in general and your knowledge is something I want to learn from."

His explanation with such meaning really touched Lisa. She put her hand to her heart as he carried on speaking. "The sun is to represent that I'm ready to love you no mater what and that you're my light. My source of life and without you I simply can't live." He took the bracelet from her hands and wrapped it around her wrist, securing the lock.

"And the heart is to show mine and hopefully your's feelings. You're the centre of my heart and I promise to love you for as long as we may live." He planted a soft kiss on the back of her hand and Lisa melted. She absolutely adored his cuteness and such good use of words and it really made a small spark grow in the hope of there relationship.

"Thank you so much, love." He blushed at what she called him. "I promise to also love you and make all your wishes come true." She placed her hand on top of his which was an incredibly brave move. She didn't even know where that sudden burst of confidence came from but it left as fast it came.

She quickly put her hand down and set it on her lap. "With that being said." She fished out a similar box and gave it to him. "I also got you something."

Mama Genies's is actually only 10 minutes away from her house but she had to run to the store to get him something, which pretty much explained for the delay.

"You didn't have to." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, I wanted to." She smiled, mimicking the same answer he gave earlier.

"It's also a bracelet. I guess great minds do think alike." She giggled. "It's 3 different bands. I love simplicity, I feel like there's much more interesting things to be sought in simplicity than something extravagant." Jimin thought she looked absolutely beautiful when she spoke. The way the words flowed out of her mouth, really made his heart flutter.

"White, black and red." She pointed at each colour. "White is that we will cherish the good times we have together, appreciate them and forever keep them in our memories. Black is that we will overcome any darkness or bad experience together and always stick together no matter what. And red is that we will always love each other, I will always love you, and to symbolise our strong bond."

Her words tugged at his heart. His mind filled with thoughts revolving around Lisa and only Lisa. "It's beautiful." He said, playing with the bands.

"I hoped you liked it." She sighed in relief. "I'm glad you do."

They talked a little bit more, making each other laugh, their sounds echoing through the café.
About 2 hours have passed and it was time to go.

He leaned in for a kiss and she happily obliged, engaging in the kiss. He pulled her waist towards him reducing the distance between them. She deepened the kiss by placing her hands on his neck. He flinched at the action but soon melted into her touch.

"Need a ride home?" He asked.

"If you don't mind." She replied. They walked hand in hand to the car park.

Once the coast was clear, he turned to her. "Do you think they bought it?" He chuckled.

"You were so cheesy they were bound to believe it." She joined in the laugh and got in the car.

The sky turned an orange yellow, the beautiful sunset aesthetically pleasing to all eyes. He walked her to her door and gave her a small peck on the lips. Turning red, she quickly turned around and got in her house.

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I'll be sure to update more frequently. Vote and comment :)

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