22| pt.2

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I could feel a headache coming on so I took paracetamol. I feel awkward now, I feel like I should apologise but then she did wrong, not me. I hate when I doubt myself like this, I stood up to the girls on behalf of Hoseok and Rosé so I didn't do anything wrong. Right?

I washed my hands repeatedly with cold water and grabbed a paper tissue to dry my hands.

"Breathe." I whispered to myself and nervously headed back out to the table.

I tightly tied my hair into a ponytail and without making any eye contact with any of them whatsoever, I took a seat. Moonhee and Jihyo were speaking to Namjoon and Jungkook whilst Rosé and Hoseok were completely awkward. Every time they looked at each other, they turned away almost immediately.

The bell chimed again indicating that another person has entered the café building. This second, I really wanted to leave and just go home but that would mean that Moonhee won. I don't know who she is but she is someone who I highly dislike.

I think my attire tells a lot about who I am. Because if I wear stylish and chic clothes 'apparently' that means your rich but if you were normal, casual, comfortable clothes that would scream out 'commoner'. The society standards and judgements of each other is really appalling and the amount of negative impact that it has on people, sensitive people, is just unthinkable.

A man wearing a black hoodie and a black cap lowered under his hoodie walks in. I refill my glass and just listen to what they're talking about. I try to forget about what happened earlier and just sit there quietly. I can't wait to get home.

"So, how's your new product going?" I ask Hoseok to try and diminish the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

"It's going really well. It'll be released this October." He replied, nodding as he did so.

"That's the same time as Rosé's new outfit." I said.

"Oh really?" He looks over to Rosé who's smiling like a fool.

"Yeah, it's a new collection." She explains. "It's themed........"

Yeah and that's the start of their conversation. I'm glad I got them started off otherwise they would be just sitting there staring at each other secretly the whole time. Namjoon got up and embraced that same guy in a hug. His face was still hidden and I don't think I knew him.

"Guys, this is my friend Taehyung." He introduces him and tugs the hood off his head. Taehyung takes off his cap and ruffles his hair exhaling deeply.

"I'm Kim Taehyung." He says and takes a seat opposite me. I look up just to answer these questions in my mind and with one glance they all disappeared. Taehyung.




He looks back at me with his blank expression and I quickly turn away, gulping down on water. This just got hotter.

"This is horrible. Almost an hour for all of you to get here." Namjoon sighed. "But now that we're all here, let's just have fun, okay?" He raised his glass in the air, eyeing each and every one of us. Though everyone pretty much had alcohol and I stuck to water I still raised my glass in the air and they all clinked together.

"Firstly let's formally introduce ourselves just for the sake of it." Namjoon continued. "I'm Kim Namjoon, Lisa's neighbour and best friend." I scoff at that statement. Best friend who? This guy is funny.

"It's not good to lie." I say.

"You should take that advice. You know I'm right." He wriggled his eyebrows and his lips formed a straight line as he stared at me. "Anyways, carrying on. I'm the upcoming CEO of Joon's Science Association. I have an IQ of 148 and I was ranked in the top 1% of the nation in high school. I'm good at English - self taught and I studied abroad in New Zealand." He nodded, patting his shoulder being the proud guy he is.

I gagged at the sight of Jihyo licking her lips and staring lusciously at Namjoon.

"I'm Jung Hoseok but you can call me J-Hope or Hobi. I'm the CEO's son of a technology software company. I'm due to take over soon. I'm a happy guy I guess and I'm looking after my niece Hayoung since her parents sadly passed away a few years ago. My last relationship was probably in high school I think. I've not really much thought about girls since Hayoung is my everything."

Moonhee made a quiet rude remark after Hoseok's introduction and you can see Hoseok's face sadden a little and he pursed his lips together, leaning back.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm not anyone special just the director of the board at Namjoon's company and also a model. He's kind of like an older brother to me. They all are." He pointed to the boys beside him. "I've known all of them pretty much all my life. My last relationship, I say, was two or three months ago." He squints his eyes and sort of looks to upper right corner to try and remember. "I remember her face but no so much her name. It was quite long ago."

He takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes a little. "I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm training to be a doctor though I do still work as a doctor, I got my degree and all. I'm not much of the talkative type, I'm a bit reserved."

He's changed a lot. He leaned more towards the out going and fun type. There was not one time his mouth was closed, he was forever talking and cracking jokes. He's wasn't reserved at all, he was very communicative and easy to approach, very open. He's changed a lot.

"I think you all know me, I'm Choi Moonhee, my father owns Seoul Hospital so I see Taehyung most of the time. I have a lot of friends and I also own an underground bar that's very popular." She swallows a large intake of beer and I'm 100% she won't make it through the day.

"I'm Son Jihyo, her best friend. Our dad's are best friends too. I went to Hongkik university and majored in oriental painting. I'm a professional silk artist."

After we all introduced ourselves, we were to move from the café to a restaurant where we'd go into much more detail about each other.

I'm so not ready.

I know her face but I don't know her name. Ahh Jungkook is cute.

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