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The next few hours, the atmosphere was filled with hysteric laughter. All their secrets were told as they weren't in their correct state of mind. In a drunken state, beads of perspiration cascaded down their faces as if they've just run a mile. Their stale bodies so close together as they danced themselves into a frenzy of uncontrollable excitement.

They were stripped of any sanity they had left by the fifth drink, heavily attacked with a raging headache and a memory too painful to forget — not 100% sure that any of them would remember what is to happen. They were no longer in the coffee shop but rather at Namjoon's house, where they promised to let all loose and they did more than let loose.

They gathered around in the movie room and were sitting in a lopsided circle. Moonhee clinging to Namjoon as his voice slurred whenever he tried to speak and Rosé who lay on top of Hoseok with her arms wrapped around his torso. All in which happened as a result of losing control of their feelings and breaking out into what seemed to be wild behaviour.

Jungkook, unlike the innocent image he tried so hard to uphold, was crawling across the floor on all fours with Yoongi chasing closely behind him. As Yoongi caught him, he pounced onto his fragile body and kissed the living hell out of him. The rough makeout turned even more steamy when Jungkook flipped him over so they were in reverse positions.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was peacefully asleep despite the loud disturbance, and was gracefully resting on Lisa's lap. Unlike herself, Lisa had a little — a lot to drink. She drowned herself in alcohol and couldn't even open her mouth properly let alone walk straight. That terrifying moment earlier when she 'saw' Jimin, gave her the shivers and in order to erase that very moment from her memory, she drank more than she could take.

She would normally pass out after a glass or two since her alcohol intolerance is really low. But today she drank past her limit and consumed a heavy intake. She's really gonna feel that when she wakes up.

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