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Chapter 18~

I put my hand to my head and rubbed it in a circular motion, easing the pain. I feel a lot better in terms of after my anxiety attack but all that's happening with Jimin... it's just too much for my mind right now.

I sat up and hit my head against the headboard a couple of times. Minsang handed me a glass of water and I finished in three gulps. The migraine was getting worse by the second but overall I feel much, much better as supposed to before.

I've realised that all these drama and relationship problems is distracting me from my goal. And that is to make my mum proud by leading this company to success.

Yes I loved Taehyung. Yes I loved Jimin. But maybe I shouldn't think about them right now. I need to stay on this path and not lead astray by the virus called love.

I need to learn to not fall in love easily. I have a weak heart and a weak mind meaning I'm overly sensitive in a way. I get hurt incredibly easy and after this ordeal, I've realised my true worth.

"Are you okay?" Rosé asked as she rubbed my back.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm-" I couldn't hold it in. I tried to be strong, I tried to say I was okay but I'm not.

"I think it's come to the point where I'm almost forced to make a decision to who my heart belongs to. I mean I have, wait no, I had feelings for Jimin and if I'm like this after what happened it means he had an affect on me. However, Taehyung. Taehyung means an awful lot to me."

"After everything that has happened with both of them, I need to choose one of them. Then once I've made my mind I need to choose whether I should pursue my dreams of becoming a successful person or love." I said.

It's about time.

"Good luck darling." Minsang stroked my hair and Rosé held onto my hand tightly. I nodded but in my mind I was regretting ever having to choose.

"Please, don't skip your medications." Rosé told me. "It's dangerous, something bad could've happened if we weren't here."

Sometimes I wish I wasn't here.

"Yeah, of course. Now leave all of you!" I pushed them off my bed. "I need to get a good night sleep before work tomorrow." I showed them out of my room.

"At least rest for a day." Rosé advised, sticking her leg in the way just before I closed the door.

"Hmm... no. Bye kiddos." I waved at them then shut the door.

Once I was sure they left, I found myself in the bathroom again with the same blade in my hand. I'm continuously doubting myself and my true thoughts are hidden so deep within me, I don't know what to believe anymore.

Instead of spending sleepless nights thinking about my decisions, I should just focus on work. It's not worth it. Neither of them want me and I have no strength or energy to chase after them. Things happen for a reason so maybe this is to prepare me for something else.

I crawled onto my bed and covered myself fully with the duvet. It wasn't freezing but it wasn't entirely hot either.

Maybe I should just do something to get my mind off of things. Dancing? Cooking? Swimming? I fall asleep at the tiredness of having these thoughts.

The alarm clock rings on my bedside table and I threw it on the floor, demanding at least 5 more minutes.

I skip breakfast because I'm just not in the mood for a meal and head out straight to the office. I'm just going to bury myself in so much work because I think that's the only thing I can do right now.

Yasmin approaches me as I take a seat at my desk.

"Lisa, you have a visitor." She says. I roll my eyes and rake my hand through my hair.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know but they're really persistent." She said worriedly.

I sigh. "Bring them in."

I finish signing off a few files and leaned back in my seat. I took a sip of coffee but spat it right back out since it was cold.

I'm really not bothered to discuss anything with any business representatives so if it's them then I'll just politely tell them to leave.

"I see you really need ice cream right now." A deep voice spoke.

I tilt my head up and see just what I need standing right in front of me. I take it from him and demolish the whole thing but not before saying thanks. I may have lost my dignity but my manners are with me to the grave.

"Don't you have work?" I asked him.

"I saw the news and I thought you might need some comfort so I took a day off." He explained.

"Thanks a lot Namjoon."

"What's this?" He walks over to my glass cabinet and pulls out these sunglasses.

"Yah! Don't touch those, they're signed by Big Bang and is my most prized possession. Put. It. Down." I growl.

He chuckles and places it back but in 2 pieces. He looks at me with puppy eyes and I stare right through his soul.

I've had those sunglasses since I was a kid and to have it broken right in front of me. Oh Lord, I'm gonna kill him.

I smile. "Come here." I wave my fingers. He looks at me with terror wiped all over his face and moved over near my desk. He's directly opposite me now.

"I'm sorry, I really am." He pleads while clasping his hands together.

"Come here. I'm gonna kill you!" I chase after him around the room and given his tall figure he's actually really slow.

I mean he has long legs that are probably twice the size of mine yet he can't seem to stay a distance away from me.

I think, just think, that maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to live a new life.

I kept this chapter short because I have no excuses and I just wanted to update. I'm really sorry for not being active I'm just a lazy ass and plus all that happened with Jonghyun literally ate at my heart. Anyways, I'm back and I'll update as much as I can.

Vote and also comment what you want to happen in the near future with this story.

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