23| pt.3

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I think Wattpad hates me. It kept deleting my drafts over and over again and I honestly felt like dashing my phone. I'm so sorry for the late update, I would sue Wattpad but I'm too hooked on fan fictions.

The sun was slowly disappearing and so was their sanity I suppose. It was mid evening and I've never seen anyone drink so much. Hoseok was currently on the dance floor acting like a squid with a bottle in his hand. Namjoon was sleeping on Jihyo's lap, don't ask me how that happened. Jungkook didn't want to drink so he was just talking with me in the corner and Moonhee was trying to flirt with Taehyung.

Looking at the sight of them close together didn't make me feel jealous but it did make me a little sad that I didn't treat him as well as I should've. Just a guilty conscience I guess.

I stuck to a fruit cocktail and so did Jungkook since we do have work tomorrow and we wouldn't want to ruin our reputation by walking in drunk.

"Who do you keep staring at?" Jungkook asked as he whipped his head around, searching for any possibilities.

"Uhh.. no one. Just the crowd."

"Oh, okay." He nodded, taking the last sip of his drink. "I need a refill. You too?" He stood up and I handed him my glass and watched him walk over to the bar.

I don't think this is a blind date, this is some messed up gathering. I'm so stupid, I didn't realise where Rosé was. I got up from my seat and looked around for her, she wasn't anywhere to be seen though.

Jungkook approached me after he left the drinks on the table. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Rosé?" I asked, tears threatening to fall. I looked left and right but there's just too many people.

"Haha, relax. Isn't that her over there?" He pointed to a girl who was currently crawling under Hoseok's legs.

I almost dropped to the floor as I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know what I would've done if I lost her. I sat back down at the table but not before thanking Jungkook.

"I wanna go home." I chuckled and Jungkook agreed. I just leaned back and watched as the crowd of sweaty bodies danced incredibly close to each other, all with bottles in their hands or a hand snaked up a girl's shirt.

I was feeling a little nauseous so I excused myself to the bathroom. Public toilets are absolutely filthy, I mean all you have to do is your business then wash your hands: why is it so dirty from that? Sometimes I think people do more than just that.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. How have I changed so much? It's like I've become a different person but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. The doors swung open and there stood Moonhee. I don't know what her problem is. This is the first time I've met her but she seems to hate me.

Shaking my head, I did a U turn out of the bathroom before she held me back by yanking at my hair.

"What the hell!" I reached my hands out for the wall before I stumbled onto the floor. After regaining my balance, I straightened my posture and stared at her dead in the eye. I released a great sigh and rubbed my temples.

"You don't know when to stop do you?" She scoffed.

"What are you talking about?"

"If you weren't with Jimin then he'd be mine. But it had to be you. Always you! Now Taehyung?! What, are you gonna take him away too?!" She snapped.

My jaw dropped open and I fluttered my eyes before accepting the reality of what just happened.

"You're- bed... Jimin-" I stuttered as I took a few steps back. "You're the bitch that slept with Jimin." I gasped.

"Hm." She snickered. "Took you long enough. But Jimin, you see, Jimin is gone now. He's not important anymore, a one night stand you could say. Now, I want Taehyung. He's exactly my type." She purred. "Mysterious and cute."

I literally gagged. He's not mine for me to be keeping him or whatever she's saying right now. "Who said I want him? Have Taehyung. He's not mine."

"Okay. Don't. Get. In. My. Way." She nudged me in the shoulder for every word she spoke, pushing me back against the wall even further.

Then she walked out of the bathroom, flipping her hair back.

Why do I feel like I'll regret what I just said?

I left the bathroom shortly after and joined Jungkook at the table.

"Did anyone die?" I asked him and he chuckled as I took a seat.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they did, I mean look at the place." He laughed out loud.

2 hours have passed and all I have done is talk to Jungkook. I really need to go home because this migraine is always finding it's way back. It's torture.

I told Jungkook that I was going to go and he walked me to a taxi. It was only about 7 or 8pm but my eyes were fluttering to close. I was exhausted to the bone and I just want to collapse on to my bed.

"I'll text you some time." I told him as I got into the cab.

"Yeah, get home safe. Bye." He waved and I closed the door, waving back at him as the taxi drove away.

I arrived at my house about half an hour later because of the terrible traffic. I couldn't be bothered to call Namjoon and tell him I went home so I convinced myself to just settle with it tomorrow. I quickly took a shower and changed into my pyjamas.

I was just about to get into bed when the door bell rang.

"The timing is always wrong!" I groaned and dragged my feet down the stairs. I sent all my maids home early because I thought I'd get home late.

I opened the front door and there was no one there. Is this some sort of prank?

"All you 12 year old kids, go to bed! It's past your bedtime!" I shouted out the door, looking left and right as I spoke. I closed the door and went back upstairs, not forgetting to turn off all the lights.

I jumped into my bed and under the covers. The plushie that Taehyung bought me is still on my bed. I can't bring myself to get rid of it because it holds a lot of memories. Painful memories. I held it close to my heart and closed my eyes.

The door bell rang again and I swear to god someone is about to die today. Maybe I should just ignore it? But I can't ignore the possibility of it being important. Groaning again, I practically rolled down the stairs.

I tightened my hold on the plushie and opened the door wide. There was no one there. Are you kidding me? Just as I was about to close the door, I see a note on the ground.

Wait, it's not a note, it's a letter. It was written on red card inside a white envelope. I gasped as the heart felt words melted my heart. I didn't know who it was but it was nice. It was almost like a confession in a way but the way the person wrote, sounded like as if they already knew me.

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