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Chapter 17~

A few days have past since my encounter with Taehyung. I worked from home because I was still emotionally unstable to go anywhere. I haven't seen Jimin either and I thought it was time to visit him after a while.

I hurt Taehyung, I've accepted that fact. But I haven't accepted that he's gone. Just before he walked out, he said he won't ever see me again and if we do come across each other we should act like strangers.

That hit me hard, but I guess it okay for him to think like that since he's hurting. I put on a large sweater and black jeans before eating breakfast. I took one bite of the toast and headed out. I told the driver to take me to Jimin's house as he already knows the address since I often visit there.

I leaned back in my seat and crossed one leg over the other. The silence was really bugging me.

"Ahjussi, turn on the radio please." I asked politely and he did as I asked with the touch of one button.

"Park Jimin, CEO of PJ ENTERTAINMENT seen outside of S Mall with famous model Choi Moonhee this morning at 10. Rumours arise as more photographs are taken of the two walking hand in hand around the streets of Seoul."

My head shot up and I pressed my hand to my neck as a pain aches throughout my body. "Jimin and who?!" I accidentally spurted out.

My mind is struggling to process this information. They must've got it wrong right? Jimin isn't the type to cheat on me. Jimin is a fluffy, cute little thing that would continuously apologise for the tiniest things even when I've already forgiven him. He has a kind heart and he.. he wouldn't do this.

I raked through my hair and got out of the car as the driver pulled up in the driveway. I pushed this ,what I believed to be, false information to the back of my head and walked up to his house with a fresh mind.

I wanted to surprise him so I got out the spare key he gave me a few weeks ago and inserted it into the lock, turning it ever so slightly so they don't make a sound.

I opened the door and closed it behind me quietly. I creeped up to the living room but he wasn't there. I searched all of the first floor but I couldn't see him. I put my bag and jacket on the kitchen table and then tiptoed upstairs, careful where I'm placing my feet so the stairs don't creak.

I heard quiet moans coming from the bedroom and I already presumed the worse. I shut my eyes tightly and took a deep breath before entering the room.

I can't unsee what I just saw. Tears formed immediately and they free flowed like the condensation on a window pane.

"J-Jimin?" I really hoped it wasn't him though I already knew.

"Huh?" He got up from under the girl who was straddling on top of him. They were having a hot makeout session. "Lisa?" He sat up and stared at me with expressionless eyes.

The girl who I guessed to be that 'famous model' Choi Moonhee, covered herself with the sheets.

"Shall I go?" She asked Jimin innocently, batting her eyelashes a million times. She was pale. I mean like ghost pale. How much powder did she apply this morning?

"No. Why should you? We were having fun." He smirked and she giggled as he put the covers over them both, ignoring my presence.

I bit my lip harshly and threw the nearest object at the huge lump. Storming out of the room in a fit, I grabbed my stuff and went in the car.


I invited Rosé and Minsang over to my house. Only a few days left until he officially becomes my secretary. I ordered them to bring chocolate and ice cream. It won't help but it'll ease the pain at least.

The door bell rang and I was too comfortable in my position on the couch to get up. I groaned as I stretched my legs and dragged my feet over to the door where I was attacked with questions.

"Are you okay? What happened? Omg you're face is so red and you're eyes are so puffy." Rosé touched my forehead and then stretched my cheeks. I slapped her hands away and took the bag from Minsang's hands.

I got a large spoon from the kitchen and went back into my space, wrapping the blanket tight around me. I dug into the tub of ice cream and scooped out a large spoonful and put it in my mouth.

I didn't even feel the brain freeze from ice cream because the pain from earlier's incident was too overwhelming.

"I should've just saw him tomorrow. Why did I have to go today?" The onions began chopping again.

"Aigoo, she's a mess." Minsang sighed as he forcefully took the ice cream tub out of my hand. I was almost half way through it already. Thanks for stating the obvious.

"I got my heart broken twice now. Twice!" I put up 2 fingers and shoved it in their faces to emphasise my point.

"I never thought he'd be like that." I chuckled. "He even ignored me." I broke off a bar of chocolate from the pack and stuffed it in my mouth.

"Am I not good enough? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not smart enough? Am I not enough?" I cried.

No amount of chocolate or ice cream is gonna take away the darkness that feeds on the pain in my heart. I'm tired. Tired of feeling this way.

My depression started to kick in and I had an anxiety attack. I clutched onto my neck as I couldn't breathe. Gasping for air, I fell to the ground.

"I think it's an anxiety attack." Rosé panicked.

"She has those?" Minsang helped me sit up properly on the floor.

"Yeah." She scrambled around the room. "Did she not take her medications?" She ran out of the room.

I threw my head back as a throbbing sensation traveled around my body. I screamed loudly as the pain intensified. I couldn't handle it. The torture exploded in my head making me extremely dizzy.

It's like someone stuck their hands in my guts and are squeezing my organs as hard as they can. I let out a strangled scream as I started losing vision. A blinding whiteness overtook me and I passed out, not knowing when to wake up.

The last thing I saw was Rosé rushing over to me with a needle in her hand.

I'm not gonna say anything. Comment your thoughts.

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