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Chapter 12~

Lisa's POV

That was the most embarrassing dinner I've ever had in my entire 18 years of living. Namjoon's mother kept asking about my love life and my relationship status with Jimin.

At the mention of his name, my cheeks flush a crimson red, adding on to the embarrassment. I don't know what it is but Jimin just brings a certain warmth. It's difficult to explain but he makes me feel comfortable.

I know that it's just a fake relationship and that he doesn't love me but I can't help but fall for him. And one more thing, if he rakes through his hair one last time I'm gonna die.

Today was my off day. No school, no work, nothing productive. But then again, is there ever a day where you're free to do nothing. I actually have to collect a few files from the office and seal the deal with Jimin's company.

Just the thought of seeing him again makes my heart flutter. This whole situation is so cliché but who cares.

Mum gave me this 23748 hour lecture about work attire and what's appropriate to wear to work. Crop tops, hoodies, sweatshirts were all out of the question. Even with my puppy eyes, quivering lip and failed aegyo, she still didn't budge.

But I like suits. So I wore one. Black of course and I loosened my tie because it was a bit stuffy outside and it just tugged on my neck. Never in a million years are my feet gonna meet high heels so I settled with black low cut boots instead.

I haven't see my mum in a while. She said she's going abroad quickly for some 'business' but whenever that happens she always gets back the day after or next. Something's up.

I called her secretary while I was on the way to my office. He picked up after 3 rings.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hello, this is Lisa. I haven't spoken to mum for a long time do you know where she is?" I spoke worriedly because she's my mother and her being her she's extremely clumsy and probably forgot to take her medicine.

She has heart disease and her time could end anytime soon even though she claims she's healthy as a kid. She's been alright the past few months and I'm probably just overreacting.

"Hmm." He took a sharp breath. "I don't know. She hasn't contacted me either."

"Please, Shin Taewoon. Find out for me." I pleaded, my voice trembling a little.

After a pause, he spoke again. "I'll see what I can do."

I ended the phone call there and stuffed my phone in my bag. I got out of the car and walked straight into the building, waving my hands at those who bow down to me.

I'm still not used to it. I'm just a regular teenager still in high school and is supposedly CEO of LM entertainment.

Shoving all these thoughts at the back of my head, I got the files from my desk and headed straight out as I was running a little late. I entered the car and told the driver to hurry up.

I texted Jimin to tell him that I'd be no more than 10 minutes late. I didn't get a reply yet so I stuffed my phone back in my bag and just as I did so my phone started to ring.

Without checking the caller ID I answered and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

After a long pause a distorted voice spoke. "Hmm... I wouldn't get close to Jimin if I was you. Give up your company or else."

I was baffled, I didn't even get a chance to speak but it's probably a small prank. I didn't pay much attention and as soon as the car stopped I ran into the building. I have to say Jimin's company is really impressive but mine's better.

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