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Lisa's POV

My life is such a mess. Like for actual real.

My best friend, Rosé just came back with her brother England and I missed her so much. She knew what I was going through with my anxiety and depression, she knew about everything and still chose to stay with me.

I was broken without her but instead of calls or texts she sent letters everyday with reasons as to why I shouldn't give up. Me, myself I'm so complicated. At times I have this shy little shell around me where I just block off all contact with people because I'm so introverted.

But then other times, I wouldn't call myself out going but you could see the rips and holes in my so called shell. Those times I would actually make an effort and succeed in speaking to people.

I hate myself!

My dad cheated on my mum three times yet he still denies it though mum saw him. He used to abuse me and rape me and forced me not to tell anyone or my mum would receive a harsh punishment. I was about 14 that time and I loved my mum so much that I went through the pain without her knowing.

It's okay though. At least no one knows.

During those hard times, a few years later I met Taehyung. Taehyung was the love of my life, the light to the darkness I was drowning in. He taught me how to love, how to live, how to survive.

Our whole future was planned out, married then have kids. It was our ultimate goal; to make a family. But then there's always someone that has to ruin the fun.

After my breakup with Taehyung, I was lost. It's like I was drowning again after being saved. Like I was fated to not be happy, to not live.

That's when I met Yoongi. Rosé's brother. I didn't really hold any feelings towards him but he made me feel comfortable and told me good things that would make me hold onto that thin rope of hope.

It seems like people come into my life when I really need them. I should be grateful but instead here I am, wanting to just hide away.

Yoongi is just like this ray of sunshine that outshines the clouds. I don't like him in that way, I'm sure of that but I feel like without him my life would be just messed up. He gives me that little bit of assurance that little bit of hope that maybe life is worth it.

Oh, Hayoung! That little girl is so cute I just wanna make her my own. I haven't met with Hoseok ever since I dropped her off at her house that day I picked her up after school. That question she asked me about being her mother, I was on the verge of crying.

I didn't know what to say so I quickly got her inside the house and hurried away. It was sad that she lost her parents and the only person she has in her life is Hoseok so I really wanna be there for her. I don't know, I guess I'll just think about it. Maybe consult Jimin for his opinion.

Moving onto Jimin, I understand that we're in a fake relationship and he probably doesn't like me but I can't deny that I feel something when I'm with him. He makes me feel warm, loved and just safe. I love being held in his arms even if it's just for the satisfaction of the media. I don't know, do I like him?

I've only had two encounters with Jungkook and let me tell you right now that is enough to make me feel incredibly confused. At the banquet party, where he sang, his voice was angelic. So beautiful, it melted my heart. Then at the photo shoot just a few days ago, when he appeared on front of me with the light behind him, I swear to God that was an angel.

I'm not really sure how I feel towards him. I don't know anything! I know for sure that Yoo Minsang is officially my new best friend. He's actually like my spirit animal, we react the same way to everything.

My mum hired him recently as my secretary or more like an assistant. We get along really well and he succeeds in cheering me up when office work gets a little stressful.

He also happens to be dating Rosé and I only found out this morning, like why am I always the last one to be told? They are a really cute couple though, can't help but get jealous sometimes.

Well that's it for a peek inside my mind, I'll see you soon.

Alright this is a small chapter so you can like see things from Lisa's view. I don't do POV's often but I felt like some of you might be confused of her true feelings so here ya go. Vote and comment :)

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