21| pt.1

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I'm extremely sorry for the late update. As some of you may know, Wattpad is going under some maintenance or whatever so I couldn't update anything or write on anyone's board so I'm really really sorry about that. But I hope you enjoy.

Rosé came over that night and slept over. The blind date was immediately they day after because there were some complications with each of our schedules. I was really anticipating for the day, but I'm still scared. I don't want to get too over excited and scare them away and I don't want to get to nervous to the point where they get annoyed.

Rosé is wearing a white mini boho crochet lace dress with high boots and a hat. I lent her my long necklace since she had her eye on them for quite some time now.

I was hellbent on wearing my casual clothes but I received a stern message from Rosé saying that I should at least try to make a good first impression. So I got out a white mini blouse with a black leather skirt and white vans. I also tied a red and black plaid shirt around my waist.

My hair has really grown. It's longer and more wavy if that makes sense. I let Rosé curl my hair and then straighten it out to release long waves of my hair.

"Beautiful." I exclaimed, my face that of a pervert as I lay on the bed watching Rosé check herself in the mirror.

"You pervert. Get out of here!" She threw a pillow towards me.

"This is my house." I said quietly and she threw another one at me.

I laughed and gestured for her to hurry up. We took a taxi since the café where we were supposed to meet is quite far away.

"Lisa." She ran her hand through my hair. I looked up at her and she continued to speak. "Whatever happens, I want you to know that it's alright. It's alright to open your heart to another person. I'm sure someday someone will knock down those walls of yours, whether it's today or another time. Just know, I'm always with you." She says.

I bit my lips to prevent myself from laughing but I was sincerely touched.

"Since when did you get all emotional." I payed the tax fee just before she could and she gave me that look.

"I'm serious." She laughed.

"Alright, lets go." She slipped her hand through mine and our arms were linked. "Who do you think the other two girls are?" I ask.

"I don't know. But if I see a handsome fellow, I'm taking dibs I don't care." She waved her hand around and flicked her hair. All I could do was laugh.

I called Namjoon and told him we were here. He said that they were all already there and that they were waiting for us. I told Rosé to hurry up and we sort of jogged into the café.

My hands were trembling and traces of sweat sat on my forehead, I think it's obvious to say I was nervous.

I caught Namjoon's pink hair at the back of the room with his back towards us.

I tightened my grip on Rosé's hand and walked towards the table, each step inhaling and exhaling deeply, releasing all the nerves.

Namjoon turned around just as we approached the table and walked over to us, his hand finding itself across my shoulder and Rosé's. I slapped his hand away and ruffled his hair. He pouted and exaggerated on the pain that I 'apparently' gave him.

"What took you so long?" He asked, leading us to the table.

"Um.. Rosé. That's why." I laughed and she gave me a plain glare.

"Okay, so this is Hoseok." He said pointed to the red-head. "He's CEO of a technology company." He explained. This information is all way too familiar and I tilt my head to get a better angle and it's really him. Jung Hoseok.

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