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Chapter 15~


"Taehyung." Lisa called out. She was sitting on the couch reading a somewhat interesting book and he was lying on the floor playing with action figures.

"Yeah, babe."

"Can we go get ice cream?" She asked, placing her bookmark in between the pages and closing the book.

"You and ice cream." He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Let's go." He grabbed his jacket and pulled hers off the peg and handed it to her.

"Ah~it's cold." Lisa zipped up her jacket and rubbed her hands together to generate heat.

"Here, give me your hand." She opened up her hand and he took it, holding it tightly in his. They intertwined fingers and Taehyung put their hands in his pocket.

They walked in the cold breeze, talking amongst each other. She enjoyed listening to his low, gentle voice as he recalled the times when he was young. She was naturally good at aegyo and sometimes acted cute without knowing it.

Every time they meet, he would see a totally new side to Lisa that he hasn't seen before. That's what he loved about her, she had many aspects that defined her and her personality and it was exciting as each day, he finds something new.

"What would you like?" The young girl behind the till asked.

"Caramel and vanilla ice cream with chocolate drizzling." Lisa beamed happily.

The girl looked over to Taehyung with raised eyebrows, waiting for his order. "I'll just have the same." He said and they moved over to the side to let the next in line order.

They sat down at an empty table and held hands. Taehyung squashed his face against the table.

"I'm tired." He yawned and the shut his eyes tightly.

Lisa stroked his hair lightly and smiled as he scrunched up his nose. Their love for each was so great even the world can't carry it. He was out going and talkative and very funny whilst she was quite the opposite. At first, she's a shy and quiet girl who wouldn't talk much and just answer with the same one worded answer or would just plainly nod. But then when you get to know her, it's like she's a whole new person.

She turns into this fun and cool girl who's everybody's bubbly best friend. They brought out the best in each other and that's all that mattered.

The ice cream arrived and Lisa was busy admiring the traffic to notice. Taehyung held the cone in his hand and put it next to her cheek.

"Lisa." He called and she turned around, the ice cream hitting her face. "Haha, got you." He laughed and set the cone back in the tub.

"Yah!" She pouted. She grabbed her ice cream and walked out the shop. He straddled behind her, calling her sweet names but she never once turned around.

It was just after midday so there were a lot of workers rushing about to get their lunch. Restaurants filled up by the second and the cars completely covered the roads.

He stood in front of her to block her from walking any further. She moved to the left and he copied her. She moved to the right and he did the same.

He held her face in his palms, cupping her cheeks. Caressing it lightly with his thumb, he moved in closer and planted a kiss on her cheek, wiping off the ice cream. He pulled away after getting it all.

7 SuitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora