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Lisa just came back from another date with Jimin. The press were crowding around the two, bombarding them with questions about their love life and somehow marriage popped into the question.

It was Monday 3:00 and it was time to pick up Hayoung from school like she promised. Before getting there, she went to the store to buy a few snacks for Hayoung and some presents that she could maybe take home. She bought lots of sweets and chocolates and a princess doll that could speak with the pull of the string. And also she got Hayoung a colouring book with spare pages at the back so she could bring her imagination to life.

Hoseok texted her the address to the school and it was actually the same primary school she went to. It brought back a lot of memories when she entered the gate.

Hayoung was 5 years old meaning she was in reception class. There were teachers for each year leading their class down to the playground.

"Lisa Unnie!" Hayoung shouted, sprinting over to where Lisa was. Lisa gave her a big hug and offered to carry her bag for her.

"Hey, Hayoung. I missed you." Lisa made a sad face and pouted making Hayoung laugh.

"I missed you too."

"Here, I got you a present." Lisa smiled as she handed over the the bag to Hayoung.

Hayoung ran to the nearest bench and opened the bag. She covered her hand with her mouth since she was so touched. "Unnie! Thank you!" She made a heart shape with her body and gave Lisa another hug. But this time she also gave her a kiss on the cheek.

They decided to walk around the park for a while, admiring the ducks and other animals. Lisa smiled everytime Hayoung jumped up pointing at every little thing.

They were nearing home and just as Lisa was about to press the bell, Hayoung held her back.

"Unnie." She said in a quiet voice. "I don't have a dad so Hoseok is my dad-"

Lisa had an idea as to where this conversation was leading to.

"And I don't have a mum, so can you be my mum please?" She asked in a very cute tone. She was just so adorable it was hard to say no, but with Lisa's situation and all it was a difficult decision.


Lisa was struggling to find something suitable to wear. Her mum signed her up for a photo shoot with a male model and she was running late.

"Lisa! It doesn't matter what you wear. They're gonna put you in clothes anyways." Her mum ushered her out of the house and shoved her in the car.

It wasn't voluntary, she didn't even have a choice. Her mum practically forced her to go. She said to 'brighten your image' but only she knows what that meant. Like always, the ride was silent, a very awkward silence. Nevertheless, the journey was quick.

She got out of the car, eyes widened, jaw dropped open. She was standing in front of a large building, surrounded by glass windows and polished stone. It was truly a work of art.

A name stood out at the front, plastered high up on the building.

Big Hit Entertainment

She had never heard of such name but was intrigued to see what was inside and what good things this label brought. Inside was absolutely beautiful, it took her by surprise. It was much better than anything she's ever seen, people swarming about in tracksuits and large gym bags, music blaring through the speakers.

A man walked towards her, introducing himself. "Hello, I'm Yoo Minsang. I'll be your tour guide for today." He bowed down and Lisa returned. "I believe you're here for a photo shoot."

"Yes." She replied. Gesturing his hands for her to follow, she took the hint and walked behind as he led the way to the lift.

Lisa had a trauma with lifts. She absolutely hated it and was extremely terrified of them. But she had to suck it up because well, who's scared of lifts these days?

Her breathing rapidly increased, short quick breaths as they went up floors. Minsang turned towards her and panicked. He wasn't trained in a situation like this.

"Miss. Calm down. It's almost over." He hummed, patting her back lightly. It didn't work at all. He was in fact making it worse.

Standing in front of her, he put his hands out and did an awful cover of EXO Growl. His arms flailing about, his feet opposing to each other and his facial expressions as if he just fought a bear. But it made her smile and forget that she was in an elevator.

As soon as the elevator clicked open, she ran out and put her hands on her knees, panting. "You really can't dance." She laughed.

"I practically saved your life." He scoffed. "And my dancing is absolutely marvellous."

"Are you suddenly British?" She mimicked his last line, holding her stomach and stumbling in laughter.

He kept a straight face and threw Lisa over his shoulder. Walking with long strides, he didn't say anything. "Yah! Let me go." She punched his back.

"Repeat after me. Yoo Minsang is the best dancer ever."

"No! My mum told me it's not good to lie." She sniffled a giggle but covered her mouth as she was trying to maintain a still posture over his shoulder.

"Fine. Feel comfortable." He carried on walking and just before the entered the room, Lisa spoke.

"Yoo Minsang is the best dancer ever." She said between gritted teeth.

Satisfied, he put her down and straightened his suit. Flashing a smile and ruffling her hair, he entered the room.

Cameras and blinding lights everywhere. Staff crowded the whole room and the atmosphere was pretty stuffy.

"Hey, you must be Lisa." The lady behind the camera spoke, beckoning her over.

"Yeah." Lisa sheepishly smiled and pushed her hair to the side then back down again.

"Great well let's get you in your clothes. He'll be here soon." She clicked her fingers and girls surrounded Lisa, taking her to the room. And by 'he' she probably meant the male model Lisa would be doing the shoot with.

The first outfit consisted of a white and blue baseball jacket and blue skinny jeans. They straightened her hair and let it flow. Makeup was light and natural, emphasising on all her original features.

After getting ready, she walked out the room to the shoot and the guy was already there. Though she couldn't see his face because he had his back turned to her, his back was wide and by his arms he looked muscular.

He had light brown hair and was wearing matching outfit with her.

"Okay, guys. Get in your position." The camera lady shouted and she scurried over in front of the lights. She was soon joined by... hold on.


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