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She didn't want to cry but she did. She balled her eyes out, continuous tears streaming down her face. She thought she was strong. She thought she could hold it in. But she was wrong. It hurt. She clutched onto her chest as she felt her mother slowly depart from her soul.

She banged her head against the trunk of the tree multiple times. Everyone was still inside, paying their respects. She was thankful but it's pointless. They can't bring her back can they? They can't turn back time and make everything happy can they? They just say nice things but then forget about it all after the next few weeks.

That's how it always is.

Her eyes lighted up as she saw a glowing figure of her mother walk towards her.

"These damn hallucinations." She shook her head but her eyes remained solidly on her mother.

"Hey Lisa." It called out.

"You're not real." She said bluntly.

"Of course I'm not. I just wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you. I know you think you might believe otherwise but Lisa I am proud of you. Very. And I'll always love you." It concluded with a flying kiss to which Lisa caught in her hand and pressed to her heart.

"Mum." Lisa said. "Don't leave me." She licked her dry lips and stood up from her original position. "At least take me with you." Lisa held out her hand.

Her mother shook her head aggressively. "It's not your time yet, Lisa. You have a long life ahead of you."

With every step Lisa took closer, her mother took double the amount of steps backwards until she disappeared. Lisa fell to her knees and sobbed in her hands.

Her mum was her light. Her world. Her whole damn universe.

She felt an arm wrap around her and without even looking at the person she wept silently into their chest. She cried and cried. She didn't even care at this moment who the person was, all she wanted was to let it all out.

She practically soaked the person's shirt. When she ran out of tears, she held onto the person for support before pushing herself backwards. Her heart melted at the sight of him.

She felt another episode coming on and she bit her lips to try and surpass the coming.

"It's okay." Yoongi soothed. "I'm here." He pulled her in for a hug and wrapped her arms around him, drowning him in her tears once again.

"I know you feel weak right now and that you hate feeling like this but it's your mum. It's okay to let it all out, you don't have to go through this alone. I'm here. I'm here for you, Lisa." He rubbed her back soothingly as he whispered in her ear.

She felt comforted and calm but that pain still clouded her heart.

"I'm scared." She murmured.

"Of what?"

"I don't know. I'm just scared." She said, sniffling. He held her tighter and gently stroked her hair.

It was while that they were in that position, anyone could've mistaken their relationship. After about 3 more episodes, she finally calmed down and stood up, brushing off her clothes.

"I'm sorry." She apologised.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "For what? Like I said, I'm here for you." He smiled his gummy smile and Lisa chuckled.

"Ahhh, what would I do without you?" She chuckled and ruffled his black hair.

Side by side, they both entered the funeral house. She was immediately approached by many mourners but she dismissed them all before they could say anything. She was just not ready for it yet.

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