Chapter 41

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Angel was worried. Even though she knew Quinn and Azreal were alright, it seemed something was still wrong with Julian. She knew nothing about what was wrong since Julian mom completely shut down. But he was in surgery and has been for the past hour or so. Yesterday was the explosion, and her dad was trying to find out who it was. Though she had her suspicion in who it was.

Jewel watch. She knew her ex was in there with his little girlfriend but didn't matter, she just wanted her to suffer. The redhead smirked and turn to leave. She guessed the little alliances she has with a certain laughing villian was worth it. Though now she owed him a stupid favor. She sighed and walked away. Hopefully she's able to get her father before anything else happens.

It took a week before Julian was discharged from the hospital. Turn out he was having a negative reaction to the medicine they were giving him. He was fine afterwards though. She was happy seeing Az run to his boyfriend and kids him. Quinn was already too, though he has to place a cream all over his bad to heal the wounds there. Bruce and her brothers were trying to see who decided to bomb the little dinner. Whoever it was has some sort of resentment against his daughter, and her boyfriend. It made him angry that his baby had to go through all of this.  But he was going to make sure she at least knew how to defend herself. Though who was going go teach his baby was something he wished he didnt have to do. He knew he couldnt to it himself. He was weal to her, he could to no harm to her so he had to ask someone else. First she has to meet them before anything.

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