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I walked slowly down the hotel corridor to where I followed my husband. When I got to door 3B, where I saw that he got in, I turned the knob and surprisingly it was open.

"Wow" I think.

But what surprises me most is the view that receives me: a woman was on top of him.

I did not make any noise, let alone made my presence known, I simply took out my cell phone and took some pictures, because there would be no way that he would blacken him or try to persuade me not to separate from him, then I closed the door carefully and turned to leave of the place. But, as always my clumsiness betrayed me, I bent my ankle and fell flat on my face. I covered my mouth to avoid panting. tu

-What was that? - I hear a voice from the other side, while I try to get up taking care not to make any noise.

-Some drunk walking down the hall- I hear my husband talking.

This time I go out, without making any noise and I go home.


-Mommy! Daddy is home! - I hear my daughter say happily.

- Oh! Thank you love. Tell him to come to the room, "I said putting a fake smile on my face.

"Sure, mother!" I see that he runs out of the room, heading wherever his father is.

"God!" I think "How will Adriana news be taken? Why did not I think this before?" I mentally kick myself for not thinking before. But my decision is already made and it is final.

A few steps interrupt my thoughts and I raise my head to see him.

-Hello, love- approaches and kisses me, deeply. I separate it firmly from myself and observe his expression of confusion

-Hello ... Johnny- I answered coldly 

 -What's up? You are very distant - asks Johnny worried 

 -Oh! Nothing, of course- I said sarcastically- only this- I showed my cell phone with the photos. I could instantly see the change in his face. 

 -Who sent you those photos? That must be a montage, you see, with all the technology and that, "he said, trying to hide his nervousness." Do you really think I would do this to you? "He said in a hurt tone.  

-Johnny,- I answered calmly, "nobody sent them to me, I took them myself, I saw that his face lost all its color. And I never thought that you would do it again. It's been so many times that I've believed and forgiven you, but it's over. This no longer makes sense, I said all that trying to keep the same tone of tranquility from the beginning. There was an awkward silence, but I continued: -I want the divorce- I said looking into his eyes and clearly saw the pain and disappointment in them. But that does not matter.

-Hel, do not do this, please! - I saw the tears threatening to leave those beautiful brown eyes that I loved so much, if it were not for us, at least for Adri, she looked at me pleadingly. He put his hand on my cheek and hugged me, as if imploring me to forget what I said or, at best, what I saw: I love you, Hel- whispered in my hair- really ...

- You do not know what happened to you - I said abruptly away from him - I'm sorry I did - I raised the tone - You still love me and that will not change no matter how many times you fuck with other women! - At this point I was already screaming - Is that it? What did you mean ?!

Author's note: in this story Helena and Johnny are married since 1994, Helena never married Kenneth Branagh. This chapter is supposed to be developed in the year 2000. Adriana is 5 years old.  

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