Chapter 15

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POV Johnny

She hugged me as hard as she used to when she loved me. I know that he does not do it anymore, I am very aware of it, but I know that there is something of those feelings deep inside of him and I am willing to wake him up, because as the saying goes: where there was fire, ashes remain.

-You must talk to Edward- I whispered in his hair. She shook her head - You must do it, Hel

-I do not want to do it- sobbed and began to tremble in my arms- I can not believe anything, maybe I joked and included that boy? - She said in a broken voice - If that should be- said that as trying to convince herself.

-Hel, look at me- She raised her face and joined her eyes with mine- You know that all this is true- I saw her lower lip tremble and she nodded imperceptibly- now, send him a message and date him here. Do not call him because you are still not well and he will notice something in your voice. Are you ready to face it?

-No- she answered hoarsely - But I must do it. The quicker I finish, the better it will be - she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and left me - I'll go to prepare - gave me a sad look. I stayed in it for so long that I did not even remember where it was.

-Daddy- I heard Adri say. I turned around to see her- Where is my mother?

-I do not know, I suppose in her room- I answered.

- Why are not you with her? - I do not know, I think she wants to be alone- I answered softly.

- Dad, I know mom and I know she does not want to be alone- I looked at her confused- I do not want to say that she wants to be with you but do not leave her alone, please. She is like that, she is not afraid to accept the truth. But she has a hard time overcoming things, she always accepts them, but she does not overcome them- she laughed knowing that what she said did not make much sense- I'll go with her, do not worry- I just nodded and saw her go to Helena's room .

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