Untitled Part 29

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POV Johnny

It was time to talk to Adri about his "Boyfriend" Max. Since a few days ago I started to detest this Max, my princess talked more with him than with me and that destroyed my heart. I listened to her talk on mobile almost everything in the day, I do not understand why they talked all day if they looked at the school almost every day. It was exasperating, to such an extent that I considered taking away his cell phone, but that would make things worse. Also at first I was like that with her mother, I called her at home every moment, but with time she did not do it that much anymore, do not get me wrong, I just realized that she also had her social life and that her life It just revolved around me. I just hope Max realizes soon.

-Adri- I knocked on her door- Can I come in? - after a few moments of silence she answered- Come in

-We need to talk- I said bluntly


-Your boyfriend- when I said that I saw her blush. I sat next to him on the bed

- What about that?

-I do not know, tell me- I looked at her out of the corner of my eye

- I do not know either



-This does not lead to anything. How long has this happened? How long have you two been together?

-From a week ago, you know we were best friends and then that led us to be something else. He is an extraordinary boy, one of the best guys I've ever met.

-One of the best guys? - I looked at her and raised an inquisitive eyebrow

- You're the best, dad.- We both laughed after his comment and we hugged.

- Are you upset? - she asked timidly on my shoulder.

- No I'm not. You just have to take care of yourself, I do not want anyone to hurt you - we separated a little.

- I know, but do not worry. You learn from mistakes, right?

-Yes, but there are mistakes that are too serious and persecute you all your life. You must know that I will always be with you, no matter what happens.

-Thanks, dada- I just kissed his forehead and I get up of the bed to leave the room


Margaret was supposed to have arrived more than an hour ago to talk once more about Helena, but she did not appear anywhere. Finally I decided to call her to find out what happened. After 2 attempts he finally answered.


-Yes? - It was heard on the other line.

-Where are you?

-What? Something happens?

-I was waiting for you.- I answered indignant

-Oh, right. I forgot, but still could not go, they called me from Brighton because they have important information and I have to see personally to see if it is true.

- Really? - I asked hopefully

-Yes, there are supposed to be important clues, I need to see to know what can be done.

- But did not they say something to you? - She remained silent for a few seconds.

-Johnny, they told me that they found a cabin that supposedly belonged to an elderly couple, about 5 months ago they reported missing and I suspect that Edward could have been there.

-Does that mean there's nobody in that cabin?

-Exactly, but in the same way I must go to observe the place. That is all I have. Goodbye, Johnny

-Goodbye and Thank you Margaret.

-You are welcome, Johnny

Falling for my Ex (Jolena)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora