Chapter 11

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-Edward? - I asked confused and at the same time hopeful. Confused because in all these years that man had never made her cry and hope because I had the idea that perhaps the 'perfect Edward' had done something that had hurt her and could take this opportunity to recover her.She just nodded 

 -He ... he ... asked me for marriage- everything stopped around me. I could not think, I could not process what was happening around me and even less I could not believe what I was listening to- and I said yes- I felt I could not breathe, she was going to get married, but why was she crying? And at that moment she answered the question she was about to ask- Adri ... she does not want me to do it ... she ... does not accept it and is very upset with me- she sobbed loudly again- she said she hates me and that if I marry Ed I would never forgive myself - I took her face with my hands on her cheeks and made her look me in the eyes. 

 - You have the right to rebuild your life with whoever you want, Hellie- two tears were making their way down his cheeks and wiped them with my thumbs- Nothing, I should stop you from being happy- I said softly -None- I said looking at his lips. And I approached his face a few inches from his lips- Not even me- I whispered and closed the distance between us. I touched his lips softly, it had been the most tender and innocent kiss in my whole life and the best thing of all was that he was not rejecting me. Little by little my lips became more demanding and she abruptly separated from me and looked at me, horror and confusion were written on her beautiful face. He shook his head, slowly moved away from me to go to the stairs and before going up the first step he turned his body and said "Talk to her, please ... try to convince her. It's the only thing I ask of you - I just nodded and with a broken heart I waited for him to go up to his room to go to Adri's room.

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