Chapter 5

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When I left Helena's room I went to Adri's. I touched the door and entered.  

- Dad- she said when I entered- Did you help her? 

 - Sure princess 

 - All right 

 Then we continued talking about trivia of everything and nothing at the same time until they knocked on the door. 

-Forward Mum- Helena came in and asked: -What do I look like? - Helena, happily and when she saw my jaw dropped. 

 -Mum you look ...- but I could not resist and I interrupted her 

- You look ... beautiful, Helena- She smiled at me and whispered a 'Thank you' loud enough for me to hear her. 

 -Well, I'll go to the room to wait for Ed to come .. 

 -I accompany you- we cut Adri and me.

 -Ok- answered but she did not listen very convinced.

 We all three went to the room to wait. At 6 o'clock the bell rang and Helena went to open the door.

 - Father? 


 -You are not jealous, are you? - I turned and saw that he gave me a sly smile 

 -No- I answered nervously. 

 - That is good. It would be unfortunate if you were after she stopped loving you not long ago- She gave a dramatic sigh. 

-What? - I asked confused 

 -Yes. You see I read your diary and I know everything about it 

 - It's not supposed to be the mothers who do that 

 -Oh! Shut up Johnny- she said between laughs 

 -Hey! I'm your father- I said trying to sound serious 

 - I know. But really shut up she's coming - Helena was showing up with a man who was wearing a white shirt and black pants; his hair was brown, he only saw a head taller than her, his green eyes and brought a bouquet of roses? Roses! Helena hates roses. This guy instantly did not please me. 

 -Adri! Hello, princess. That man called her very excited. Adri turned and shrieked excitedly (I must give her credit for feigning surprise, because I had already seen it). She threw herself into his arms and kissed his cheek. -Hi, how are you, Ed?

 -Perfectly fine, darling and you How are you? 

 "Idiot, pretending to ignore me"

 -She is fine- I responded by her irritably 

 - Oh! Hi, Johnny. Nice to meet you - he held out his hand and I did not take it for obvious reasons that definitely did not include Helena. I decided to make fun of him and said -I see you've brought roses to Helena, I think being her boyfriend you should know that her favorites are ... 

 -...are the daisies. I know perfectly. - It cost me - these- pointed roses- are for Adri, being his father you should know it- I did not expect it, he managed to keep me quiet. There was an awkward silence in the place until Adri broke it. 

 -Thanks, Ed. I love the roses- took a vase and then placed the roses. 

 -Well, I think we're late. Ed, let's go. -Helena practically dragged him to the exit and gave that Ed a withering look. 

When the closed door was heard, Adri spoke:- That went perfect. You had better not be jealous that would have been a big problem - then he laughed until he could not 

 - You stopped? - I asked 

 - Yes, I think that already. 

 - Good. Because I'm not jealous

 -Keep telling yourself that Johnny Depp.- He ran to his room.

Falling for my Ex (Jolena)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt